Ok, continuing to make progress.
Can't take all the credit for this; the folks who did the Amcrest2mqtt addon parsed out a lot of stuff from the
AD110 api and it appears to work the same for the AD410.
Warning: perfectly good, but wonky, workaround ahead!
So to enable the ring button light without having it do a little blinky-dance when it can't detect internet access, issue this:
Which as you can probably guess from reading force sets the
Amcrest Cloud service as online even if it actually isn't. Do this (and make sure you re-enable the light per my instructions above if you disabled it) and it'll work like it should - solid light (that circles for 10 seconds when rung), doorbell chimes work, all appears normal. At this point you might think hell, a video doorbell with dual-band wifi, constant power, Onvif support, h.265 and WDR, with better than average 4mp video, that doesn't need to be connected to the internet and has a feature-rich local API exists. Hooray!
....Except it is never that easy. Present in the config is the url for an update server and neither the Amcrest2mqtt folks or myself can find a way to disable it. What happens is, every 24 hours the doorbell does an update check and if it can't reach the update server....you guessed it, it resets the config you set above back to false and you've got a spinning doorbell light again.
If you are using Home Assistant, you can automate this really easily - poll the API every 30 seconds (or whatever) to see if VSP_PaaS.Online is true or false and if it's the latter set it back to true. This is what I and others have done/are doing and while it is stupid to have to do it it works. If you aren't running automation, or what you're using won't let you do this, this would still be a pretty simple script to create.
Some other interesting commands:
If, for whatever reason, you can't block it from the internet or don't want to do so completely but don't want some of the p2p crap running anyway you can disable services like so:
Per AD110 users who've done this, if you do the first two but leave the last one as true you will not only not have the spinning light problem/workaround to deal with but the Smart App will still work for configuration. It won't receive video or remote notifications but it also appears to block the p2p crap. It will also still check for updates. Myself, I don't want it on the internet at all, but some might find this easier to live with.
Anyway right now I am finishing integrating the button presses, etc. in to my Home Assistant config. I'll post if something interesting comes up again.