New Cam and Blue Iris user - cant figure out how to view cam

First let me try and dissuade you from using wifi. Wifi is unreliable, you will not have 100 percent up time...add Murphy's law to the equation and you have problems when you need a recording...
Consider running cable or hiring a pro to run the cable..these guys can run it perfectly with minimal damage if any...100-200 a run..its a good investment.
Another option is powerline adapters (you need an outlet for power anyway) or using a wifi bridge to make any camera wifi....
Hikvision does make some wireless cameras...the outdoor 2532iws (must order the IWS wifi version, the ir is not strong on that cam because its a mini dome, it does have a built in mic and SD card slot), i believe there is also a wifi version of the 2132 that was released (or at least available on ali express) but that camera is only two axis and cannot be wall mounted and requires a level horizontal surface to mount....
You also may want to consider this
I havent tried it, but the few reviews are good...according to one of the comments the cam outputs an rtsp stream that you can use with blue iris...