Nothing works

Router is BI computer and cameras are all 192.168.0.NN. I cannot connect to the same switch, as the PTZ is high wattage. I go from the "main switch" where all the other cameras are connected, to the "high wattage switch," and from there to a POE splitter, as the other camera requires power to its 12V connector. It works fine on its own, but once you add the other cameras, it slows, then stops, and then loses connection. CPU usage is through the roof at that time.
Since your PTZ slows everything down over time, it is probably either a network issue or a memory leak issue in BI. Regarding the network issue, it is difficult to fully understand how everything on your network is connected. It would really help if you posted a diagram much like the one I posted in #13.

In regards to a possible memory leak in BI, don't try and select the cam, just feed BI the IP address and let BI search and connect. Also if you are using the latest version, revert back to the last stable version. Finally, it could be a driver issue. While I have not had the CPU maxing out over time issue, I have seen threads here where that has happened and it was due to a driver problem. Anyone else remember or have a link?
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Thanks again to everyone who helped, including those who made fun of me. Because of your assistance, I now have two cameras running at 2% CPU usage. It was my BI settings, or at least when I changed those, the CPU usage plummeted. I will continue to operate for a few days until I get around to running the new cables for the other two cameras. I am going to try the PTZ with the new settings, too, so I'll update on that once it is done.

Is there somewhere to do settings for triggering/alerts like the BI setup wiki? I have three of ETA's cameras, so they all motion detect. The PTZ is also supposed to do this, but that remains to be seen when I go to play with it again. The recording right now is spotty. It always notices motion, but I'll get jumpy video. I'm fairly sure it is something I have set up incorrectly concerning my triggering and/or alerts.

It would really help if you posted a diagram much like the one I posted in #13.

I am still working on my set up. What I used before was temporary for testing purposes. I'll do the drawing once I have it more finalized.
Thanks again to everyone who helped, including those who made fun of me. Because of your assistance, I now have two cameras running at 2% CPU usage. It was my BI settings, or at least when I changed those, the CPU usage plummeted. I will continue to operate for a few days until I get around to running the new cables for the other two cameras. I am going to try the PTZ with the new settings, too, so I'll update on that once it is done.

Is there somewhere to do settings for triggering/alerts like the BI setup wiki? I have three of ETA's cameras, so they all motion detect. The PTZ is also supposed to do this, but that remains to be seen when I go to play with it again. The recording right now is spotty. It always notices motion, but I'll get jumpy video. I'm fairly sure it is something I have set up incorrectly concerning my triggering and/or alerts.

I am still working on my set up. What I used before was temporary for testing purposes. I'll do the drawing once I have it more finalized.
See the Blue Iris support channel on Youtube.