NVR region change?


Jan 7, 2015
I'm thinking of buying a DS-7104N-SN/P, but since it's chinese it won't work with my region-changed 3332's.

So question is, how do I change the region code of the NVR?
So question is, how do I change the region code of the NVR?
It may be best to work on the basis that you can't.

How do you know it is Chinese if you haven't bought it yet? Did the seller say so?
Both my 7816N NVRs are Chinese region, but English menus, from the firmware that's installed, and work just fine with region-changed-to-English cameras.
Which they didn't if the NVR firmware was Chinese only.
It may be best to work on the basis that you can't.

How do you know it is Chinese if you haven't bought it yet? Did the seller say so?
Both my 7816N NVRs are Chinese region, but English menus, from the firmware that's installed, and work just fine with region-changed-to-English cameras.
Which they didn't if the NVR firmware was Chinese only.

Because it will be bought locally in China.

So your chinese region NVR works with your english region cameras? But that shouldn't work, should it?
So your chinese region NVR works with your english region cameras? But that shouldn't work, should it?
You are correct, it shouldn't.
But the supplier had installed firmware that gave language=1 via getHardInfo (though not via /proc/hkvs/bootpara) so had English menus etc both via the web and the VGA/HDMI output.
The hardware descriptor, which is flashed during manufacture, shows language=2
So as delivered, it worked fine with cameras that were supplied with hacked English firmware, and also the same cameras subsequently converted to English region.
Before making any changes, I made a backup copy of mtdblock0,1 and 2 (which is where the firmware resides) and also created an installable firmware from mtdblock2 (with @wzhick Hiktools, I posted this somewhere here) so I could go back to as-delivered if I wished to. Which I have quite a few times during experiments. And - important - a copy of the system configuration after the settings and cameras were finalised, for each firmware version in use.

Going forward - a firmware upgrade via the web GUI maintains / maybe converts the system configuration, including the language, so the 3.2.1 firmware is still working as English despite the region still being Chinese.
That doesn't happen if I do a TFTP update as the config gets wiped - but if I reload the saved config specific to the version of firmware, all is OK again.

I hope that makes sense!


dvrdvs login: root

BusyBox v1.16.1 (2015-02-10 11:41:13 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
psh: applet not found
can not change to guest!
[root@dvrdvs /] # getHardInfo
Start at 2015-06-21 13:48:04
Serial NO :1620150203AARR503146794WCVU
V3.2.1, build 150304
KernelVersion: V1.0.0 build 000000
dspSoftVersion: V5.0 build 150213
codecVersion: V5.0 build 150213
hardwareVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 0
decodeChans = 16
alarmInNums = 0
alarmOutNums = 0
flashsize = 0x0
ramSize = 0x40000000
networksNums = 1
language = 2
bootPartition = 1
randomCode =


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I would recommend buying the ds-7108n/sn/p not 7104 it's a good little NVR and cheap on Ali $110 delivered

And you could use this firmware which will change it to English / multi-language (from Chinese) if the firmware 3.10 or less you can install it from a USB, if it's the newer made model you will have to tftp on but that simple enough.


The firmware will work on both 7104 and the 7108, hope this make it a bit easier for you.
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Thanks both of you.

I would recommend buying the ds-7108n/sn/p not 7104 it's a good little NVR and cheap on Ali $110 delivered

And you could use this firmware which will change it to English / multi-language (from Chinses) if the firmware 3.10 or less you can install it from a USB, if it's the newer made model you will have to tftp on but that simple enough.


The firmware will work on both 7104 and the 7108, hope this make it a bit easier for you.

Before I saw your post I actually ordered the 7108, because the seller could deliver it as a multi-language and because it can handle 50 MBit/s incomming instead of only 25 MBit/s for the 7104.

Hopefully it will work with my cameras, but if it doesn't I can just change them back to chinese - the NVR will still be english, so all is good :)
Hope you enjoy you NVR

I cant connect chinese
DS-7108N-SN/P (POE version, FW 3.0.10 build 141128) to ezviz7.com.
Device tries to connect to chinese cloud

How to fix it?
If you upgrade to 3.13 you can change it, as 3.13 allows you to custom the setting,
personal I don't use it at all.
I stick will with IVMS.
Thank you
Can i get FW 3.13 for DS-7108N-SN/P from this location - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ok8nyh7g3hqcfq6/AAAvI8rCmQChFcLnmFU7UrBia?dl=0
Just download it from Hikvision Europe portal and use Hiktools to change the region flag, the you upgrade it via usb.
I have a DS-7604N-E/4P (Firmware Version V3.0.8 build 140825) purchased through aliexpress, so I assume it is Chinese region, even though the menus are in English. Does this mean that it has vendor-modified FW and I shouldn't update with official Hik FW releases, such as the ones from the Eurpean portal? I've been following the thread on bricked cameras, and was wondering if it also applies to nvr's.

This is my thread on my dilemma:

I'm hoping I can just follow the advice above from @whoslooking...
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If you upgrade to 3.13 you can change it, as 3.13 allows you to custom the setting...
I have upgraded FW to 3.13.
At first look, all is Ok. Custom cloud server set is available.
One minor problem - now NVR cant connect to Hik cameras via original Hikvision protocol- abnormal network error. Cameras working only via ONVIF.
What firmware is on the camera's??
Chinese region camera's??
Did you mtd hack the camera's or use my custom firmware??
Use the mtd hack on your cameras to set the region to 1,
you can't upgrade the 5.2.5 cameras to a higher firmware anyway and doing the mtd will allow them to work as they should.
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Cameras from China

# prtHardInfo
Start at 2015-07-18 11:39:36
Serial NO :DS-2CD2032-I20150505CCCH517432653
V5.2.5 build 141201
hardwareVersion = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 1
decodeChans = 1
alarmInNums = 0
alarmOutNums = 0
ataCtrlNums = 0
flashChipNums = 0
ramSize = 0x4000000
networksNums = 1
language = 1
devType = 38917
net reboot count = 0
SD status = 0 (1:noraml;0:none)
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /data1/data_liwenwei/work/frontend_software_platform_5.2
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: df2d70c3-7593-7941-af1e-571b313c0946
Revision: 103727
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: liwenwei
Last Changed Rev: 103727
Last Changed Date: 2014-12-01 20:51:32 +0800 (Mon, 01 Dec 2014)

If possible, please point me step by step mtd hack manual )
Hello, NVR 7108 work with hik events ? Like line or face detection ?Must I turn on VCA ?
Hello, NVR 7108 work with hik events ? Like line or face detection ?Must I turn on VCA ?
I did not make full check yet

Now I try to get mtd5 & mtd6 files from camera, yet I fail. I have no skills in Linux ((