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"Meat head"
Who is Rob Reiner?
Who is mentally unstable? LOL
Rob Reiner Calls President Trump ‘Mentally Unstable’ - Claims His Lies Are Killing People
Rob Reiner just had yet another meltdown against Donald Trump, this time accusing the president of being "mentally unstable" and of killing
TBH as a non US citizen I have no axe to grind with your politics. However, there's little doubt in the beginning Trumps policies were killing people. Like the UK he ignored it and refused to lock down. Even now when locked down the last I heard, and this may have changed, was that he was saying saving people's lives was a cure worse than the disease if it destroyed business. What I see as an outsider is a man obsessed with money, like many super rich, and who's prepared to let tens of thousands die if it keeps his dollars coming in. America always was going to be a difficult country to contain it in though. You have porous borders with Mexico and Canada. The UK on the other hand had little excuse.
My girlfriend was running errands for others to obtain essential items and didn't have time to eat. At one point she was so hungry she gave in to it and pulled into an Arby's drive through. Placed an order and paid via CC through a touchless system. She pulls up to the window and observes half a dozen employees running around inside and is horrified no one is wearing a mask. She rightfully assumes someone may be asymptomatic and tells them to cancel the order and provide a refund. They want to refund her with Covid-cash but has to talk to the manager to get refund on CC. Manager says "I don't know what the big deal is, we wash our hands every 15 minutes." She didn't bother to ask if they wash their hands for 20 seconds in warm water or if the manager knew that Covid-19 can be transmitted via aerialized particles from talking or exhaling.
That's just nasty. I almost puked my breakfast thinking about it. I admit I sometimes eat Arby's food, a few times per year. Harkens back to childhood or something. But my fast food days are on hold except for Jimmy Johns (the store I go to is doing things very well with respect to food safety). Good on your girlfriend for making good decisions even while hungry.
TBH as a non US citizen I have no axe to grind with your politics. However, there's little doubt in the beginning Trumps policies were killing people. Like the UK he ignored it and refused to lock down. Even now when locked down the last I heard, and this may have changed, was that he was saying saving people's lives was a cure worse than the disease if it destroyed business. What I see as an outsider is a man obsessed with money, like many super rich, and who's prepared to let tens of thousands die if it keeps his dollars coming in. America always was going to be a difficult country to contain it in though. You have porous borders with Mexico and Canada. The UK on the other hand had little excuse.
Initially he did not include the UK and Ireland yes. They are islands, and they showed only very small amount of infections at the time compared to Italy. But less than 24hrs after imposing the travel ban on the places in Europe where the virus has a large foothold starting up he included both UK and Ireland. Less than 24hrs. Did the fake news where you like to tune in mention this? I doubt it.TBH as a non US citizen I have no axe to grind with your politics. However, there's little doubt in the beginning Trumps policies were killing people. Like the UK he ignored it and refused to lock down. Even now when locked down the last I heard, and this may have changed, was that he was saying saving people's lives was a cure worse than the disease if it destroyed business. What I see as an outsider is a man obsessed with money, like many super rich, and who's prepared to let tens of thousands die if it keeps his dollars coming in. America always was going to be a difficult country to contain it in though. You have porous borders with Mexico and Canada. The UK on the other hand had little excuse.
Lol, I'm in Nebraska; we're not locked down by any executive order, but we're pretty close to it. Expected to peak here in a couple of weeks.