When I saw those guys on the capital steps in Michigan with their guns I thought more power too them. But I knew that was going to be the picture that represented (by the left media anyway) every single one of all 1000's of the people that showed up protesting the bogus restrictions that the Governor put in place,... can't buy seeds or work in your garden, give me a brake. Joy Reid did her little white male rant the very next day of course, and painted the picture if your white and bare arms your a white nationalist racist. What that governor did was stupid and deserved protest on many levels.
Let's assess the Occupy movement. That was a leftist movement. That of course was okay by the leftist media but not the guys on the capitol steps with guns? Well the guys with guns went home peacefully and did not rape and commit other crimes like some in the occupy camp did. But no assessment in that regard from the left.
Two cats in New York have been infected with the novel coronavirus, federal officials announced Wednesday. Both had mild respiratory symptoms and are expected to make a full recovery.
Two cats in New York have been infected with the novel coronavirus, federal officials announced Wednesday. Both had mild respiratory symptoms and are expected to make a full recovery.
Two cats in New York have been infected with the novel coronavirus, federal officials announced Wednesday. Both had mild respiratory symptoms and are expected to make a full recovery.
Contact Tracing app shows Qtm was at at the same location as the cats and he was also at the Bronx Zoo recently so I think indirectly Qtm got his test.
We recorded this video in response to your comments asking what Dr. Seheult's daily regimen is - to optimize his immune system and minimize COVID-19 risk. In the absence of good clinical data that is specific to SARS-CoV-2, Dr. Seheult discusses supplements, sleep, and his daily disinfection routine when removing PPE, getting in his car, and returning home from the hospital. We look forward to more randomized, blinded, placebo-control studies in the future that will build upon the current body of evidence as it relates to immunity and specifically coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2.
Regular flu didn't overload the hospitals. And I should add that the doctors and nurses do not wear full gear PPE when treating regular flu but they do (or they should) for COVID-19 but still many got infected and even died.
Regular flu didn't overload the hospitals. And I should add that the doctors and nurses do not wear full gear PPE when treating regular flu but they do (or they should) for COVID-19 but still many got infected and even died.
Sweden was reportedly on track to reach herd immunity from coronavirus after it bucked the trend and refused to lock down or close its borders unlike most of its European neighbors.
DHL crashed again, they stop accepting goods for 5 days, and the masks also can't be shipped by any private person or none medical companies from China now.
The virus hurt the world too much.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has been discussing this for the past several weeks I guess many would rather prefer to hear an MD speak about this, The future is personalized medicine. Add Vitamin's A and E on the list as well.
We recorded this video in response to your comments asking what Dr. Seheult's daily regimen is - to optimize his immune system and minimize COVID-19 risk. In the absence of good clinical data that is specific to SARS-CoV-2, Dr. Seheult discusses supplements, sleep, and his daily disinfection routine when removing PPE, getting in his car, and returning home from the hospital. We look forward to more randomized, blinded, placebo-control studies in the future that will build upon the current body of evidence as it relates to immunity and specifically coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2.
I find it odd that Dr Fauci stated that Covid-19 likely cannot be transmitted from pets to humans. Curious to know how dogs, cats and tigers contracted Covid-19...I assume from humans therefore I assume the path is not one way.
Judge unilaterally "making law" does not sound American. We already have enough liberal activist judges bypassing the laws of this country. No clue which way this judge swings.
A judge in Harris County, Texas, on Wednesday ordered residents to start wearing face masks in public for 30 days beginning next week. But the action drew immediate pushback – including from the state’s lieutenant governor.
Judge unilaterally "making law" does not sound American. We already have enough liberal activist judges bypassing the laws of this country. No clue which way this judge swings.
A judge in Harris County, Texas, on Wednesday ordered residents to start wearing face masks in public for 30 days beginning next week. But the action drew immediate pushback – including from the state’s lieutenant governor.
First you want to charge people $119 to buy DIY COVID-19 Testing Kits with their stimulus money. Then you want them to mail back the samples, sit back with their fingers crossed and wait. Finally, you want them to get vaccinated all for a fee. I smell profit $$$ Freedom of the Press shouldn't equate to Freedom of Bullshit. You potentially hurt the lives of many. Whatever happened to protecting the American public?
Tell you what, this is the best trade deal ever, you buy the kits, we make enough money to support continued scientific research for remedying COVID-19! President Trump has entered the world of dirty politics. I'm sure he's aware of that by now. In reality, no blame, no gain. To elect a non-politician as president is the best thing that's happened after so many years. Exposing politicians helps the general public grasp the very fabric of reality. This shouldn't be an internal matter. No need for shenanigans. Monica would be pleased
I find it odd that Dr Fauci stated that Covid-19 likely cannot be transmitted from pets to humans. Curious to know how dogs, cats and tigers contracted Covid-19...I assume from humans therefore I assume the path is not one way.