Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a private business to have the ability and right to refuse anyone. But I believe if they want to refuse me because I'm white, they should be able to. If they want to refuse based on gender, race, sexual orientation, whatever, they should have that right. If they still have a market left in which to make money after their discriminatory policies, good for them.

Welcome to 1935. You are OK with a store saying: "Get out, I don't serve blacks/jews/gays" etc. and not being held accountable for discrimination. Fine. Thanks for spelling out what making America great would mean to you. I rarely see people actually admit they support this. Clinton got a lot of flack for using the term "deplorable," but she was talking about people holding just such beliefs. You try to take the edge off of it by using the example of someone refusing you service because you are white, but it is very different to be in the majority versus the minority in the context of discrimination.

As long as businesses aren't actually private, and they aren't allowed to discriminate, and for as long as a baker can be sued because he doesn't want to contribute to a gay wedding because it's against his beliefs and values, can you really blame people for getting upset when suddenly they are suddenly being refused service?

Actually the baker won the case. See Masterpiece Cake Shop vs. Colorado Civil Rights commission. As I understand it, a store can't refuse to serve (blacks, gays, whatever) but can't be compelled to submit to forced speech, and artistic expression in custom cakes apparently qualifies. In other words, if a gay couple wanted to buy a generic cake off the shelf that the baker had, the baker couldn't refuse based on the customer's sexual preference (or race, religion, etc.). But creating a custom wedding cake counts as a form of art, protected free speech, which can't be compelled. Liberal as I am, and while I find the baker to be an abhorrent bigot, I think I agree with the ruling. I didn't understand the implications until the decision came down, but I understand it.

Anti-discrimination laws exist because they protect minority groups that could be left out in the cold in a free market. A store can survive just fine financially even if they discriminate against a group that represents 5%, 10%, or even 15% of the population.
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Holy crap, that's not even photo-shopped --- Hypocrisy indeed

Let me get this straight, he made the virus in collaboration with China, and got a front row seat to the world's most horrific reality show :facepalm: (Again,'till this date there has not been conclusive evidence regarding the origins of this "virus")

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If you're in doubt about the CCP and the WHO responsibility on spreading the Wuhan-Flu / Corona virus / COVID-19 / CCP Virus.. then do look at this video where Dr John Campbell illustrates the public facts and statements from the WHO.

US and WHO
Jul 24, 2020

Mike Pompeo
"Dr Tedros had struck a deal with China that helped him secure election
WHO was a “political” rather than “science-based organisation” that had failed to deal with the pandemic
Dr Tedros, who was ... bought by the Chinese government,
I can’t say more, but I can tell, I’m saying this on a firm intelligence foundation, a deal was made...
there was a deal making election and when push came to shove, you get dead Britons, because of the deal that was made.”

Dr David Nabarro
Comments are unacceptable, untrue and without any foundation
The entire focus of the organisation is on saving lives

10th January

Dr John Campbell clearly outlines the statements by the WHO which allowed the Pandemic to spread.
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Re: YouTube video of "Karen, please just wear a mask" from @tangent :
Is anyone else wondering...why is it just women losing their minds in the video? No men going nuts?

I think I know why: when shopping, men go straight to the target item, grab it, go to the checkout, pay for it and leave.
Women, on the other hand....DON'T! :lmao:

Re: YouTube video of "Karen, please just wear a mask" from @tangent :
Is anyone else wondering...why is it just women losing their minds in the video? No men going nuts?

I think I know why: when shopping, men go straight to the target item, grab it, go to the checkout, pay for it and leave.
Women, on the other hand....DON'T! :lmao:

View attachment 67143
There are plenty videos of men losing their minds and going nuts. Most just aren't inside retail stores, a few are.
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Just watched a player from the NY Mets hit a home run and boom, made a dent on one of the cardboard "dog" fans :rofl: The picture on the cardboard was literally a picture of a dog.

Coming to a sporting event near you: "Be part of the game and pay us a few dollars to get your picture on one of those cardboard cut outs; best of all your face will be on TV" :rofl:
Mike Rowe (from Dirty Jobs) published what sounds to me like a very reasoned and rational take on the covid epidemic. It's here:

Mike Rowe Answers a Fan Letter About COVID-19 -- It Probably Wasn't the Answer They Expected

He answered a question, with his response starting about 1/3 down the page. The response also links to a video with yet another expert. It's an hour and a half long, and I didn't watch the whole thing. I want to just point out that at about 7:55 into the video the expert states that masks and gloves are nonsense. I'm not trying to tell anybody here what they should or should not believe or do. I'm just trying to navigate the swamp of contradictory information. Here's an excerpt from Mike Rowe's statement:

"Dr. Osterholm is the Director of Infectious Disease Research and Policy. This is the same epidemiologist who ten years ago, predicted a coronavirus would come from China and turn our country upside down. In his book “Deadliest Enemies,” he anticipated the utterly irresponsible way in which the media would report on the situation, the completely opportunistic and shamelessly political way our leaders would likely react, and the unprecedented chaos and confusion that would arise from all the mixed messages from the medical community. His resume is unexampled,, and his analysis of the situation is the most logical and persuasive of any I’d heard so far. He’s also the only expert I know of who hasn’t walked back his numbers, reconsidered his position, or moved the goalposts with regard to what we must do, what we can do, and what he expects to happen next. I say all of this because Dr. Osterholm publicly predicted – in early MArch – that we could conservatively see over 100 million COVID cases in this country, with a very strong possibility of 480,000 fatalities – even if we successfully “flattened the curve.” "
LOL! :rofl:
  • Haha
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Democrat lawyer, and former MSNBC/CNN presidential hopeful, wants us tax payers to pay his lawyer. What do you think? Should we pay for his lawyers?