Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

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Note: The first time we recorded an H1N1 outbreak, it was called the "Spanish Flu of 1918".... deaths were more than WWI and some say more than WWI and WWII combined... of course, now our science and global communications are better, and with planes global transmission is faster..

Article from the Washington Post:

Virologists eye three possible coronavirus scenarios

No one knows for sure how the novel coronavirus epidemic will end, but virologists say there are clues from similar outbreaks in the recent past.
These are the three most relevant scenarios:
1. Health officials get control of the coronavirus through strict public health measures.
When severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) first hit Asia in 2002, it was pretty scary — with a fatality rate of about 10 percent and no drugs shown to be effective against it. (The current coronavirus by comparison has an estimated fatality rate of 2.3 percent.) But within months, SARS was brought under control, and for the most part stamped out, by international cooperation and strict, old-school public health measures such as isolation, quarantine and contact tracing.
2. The coronavirus hits less-developed countries, and things get much worse before they get better.
One of the grim lessons from the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa is how an epidemic can grow when it hits countries with weaker health infrastructures. This is why the World Health Organization and others have been putting so much attention on preparing countries in sub-Saharan Africa for the coronavirus, even though few cases so far have been reported there.
3. The new coronavirus spreads so widely, it simply becomes a fact of life.
This is in essence what happened with the 2009 H1N1 outbreak. It spread quickly, eventually to an estimated 11 to 21 percent of the global population. The WHO declared it a pandemic, and there was widespread fear.
H1N1 turned out to be much milder than initially feared, causing little more than runny noses and coughs in most people. And H1N1 is now so commonplace, it’s simply seen as a part of the seasonal flus that come and go every year among the global population.
Read more here: How is the coronavirus outbreak going to end? Here’s how similar epidemics played out.

Stay safe @guykuo. Pulling for you to remain corona free
I'll second that. I've just decided to hold off getting the ER-X router until I'm sure Guykuo is going to make it through this pandemic. I'm relying on his expertise.
If he suddenly tanks I'll be stuck with only his tutorial and no one to consult with. Too risky, I'll wait. Godspeed my friend!
Just got my flu shot today and lots of folks sneezing and coughing today in the workplace. Not sure why they didn't stay home. Now my throat has a little post-nasal drip yet again.
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AI is BS and its intended marking strategy is just plain wrong, this is across all segments of the market including cameras. I don't buy it, I mean it, its got a long way to go. Much of it is a gimmick just like auto-tracking, face and vehicle recognition (I can just program the firmware to crop a picture for me and boom I have a face of a person). Or how about being able to enable all Smart features of a camera and not just one at a time? :lmao: Or how about I take a 3.6mm focal length and digitally zoom in and call it a 6mm focal length, LDC anyone? :p LOL Feature was quickly removed in the latest 5442 turret firmware. Its based on simple algorithms and never precise measurement. What you're viewing below is a cross-section of the thoracic cavity and a Chest x-ray. Doesn't say much, but I can probably go ahead and diagnose pneumonia in one of those CXR pictures. Still need humans present. Not ready for AI to take over just yet, We're not even close. Don't take the hype. Target vulnerable consumers and there goes the masks. Can't find a single mask at Home Depot now :facepalm: I'm sure everyone is well aware of AI's limitations. I would not fuel the hype :) So forget what Alibaba claims it can do. My thermal camera idea was quickly dismissed, lol

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Just got my flu shot today and lots of folks sneezing and coughing today in the workplace. Not sure why they didn't stay home. Now my throat has a little post-nasal drip yet again.

That would be from your flu shot:p
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Yes, you are absolutely correct, head is feeling a little warm right now. No need for me to panic :D Don't think I can afford another full day in bed.

That would be from your flu shot:p
Yes, you are absolutely correct, head is feeling a little warm right now. No need for me to panic :D Don't think I can afford another full day in bed.
80% of the corona virus infection have very light sympton, if you are a healthy guy and not a fat boy then no worry at all. Seems this virus not friendly to fat.
The latest news is 115 infection(new adding), 8 of them are from Italy, South Korea and Iran. 34 people dead in China. It looks like hope is on the way now.
Uh-oh, I'm currently slightly overweight, but not too much though. :p

80% of the corona virus infection have very light sympton, if you are a healthy guy and not a fat boy then no worry at all. Seems this virus not friendly to fat.
The latest news is 115 infection(new adding), 8 of them are from Italy, South Korea and Iran. 34 people dead in China. It looks like hope is on the way now.
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Went to Sam's Club this evening.

They are out of almost everything relating to cleaning supplies. No hand sanitizer, no bleach, no vinegar and no toilet paper.. Anything that can be used as a disinfectant is gone.

Good thing our list didn't include any of that stuff, we were just there for the sales on meat and canned soups.. Need to feed the freeze dryer.

This will be the first event I have experienced where my prepping activities have paid off somewhat. We have enough toilet paper and cleaning supplies to last five to ten years.

Here's a tip for you all:
The coronavirus can survive for up to 9 days on a surface. If you use ATM's, or when you pump gasoline, use the one facing south towards the sun. The UV rays from the sun tend to disinfect these items naturally.

The number of cases in the USA is about to explode... and if this virus doesn't like fat people, its going to be disasterous.. most of the USA is fat.. including me.
Walmart, Amazon, Costco all out of stock (Online), No Lysol Spray, No Disinfecting Wipes, No Hand Sanitizer and No Basic Toiletries

Time to buy stock RECKITT BENCKISER GROUP PLC (RBGLY) Stock Price, Quote, History & News - Yahoo Finance
Business as usual here in Upstate NY, The only thing you cannot get here is N95 Masks. This is kind of strange but in 2009 we had a declared pandemic of the new influenza A (H1N1)pdm09, for some reason it was never on my radar, perhaps I was not paying attention, If you had asked me when the last pandemic was I would have told you 1918. I did in fact get the flu in 2010, never knew what strain it was but it put me down for a week. I'm by nature a optimist and this is going to end, I think its a good thing to be prepared but I think a LOT of fear is being generated and that is unnecessary at this point, Nobody knows how this is going to play out. The United States has a LOT better defense plans in place than 3rd world countries hands down. As a people, FEAR is not going to be our friend here. Common sense and logic will win the game every time.