Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Hope your wife recovers quickly and with as little discomfort as possible. That can't be fun with the CCP Virus around.
Thanks. The hospital had serious protocols going on to keep COVID-19 cases separate from other routine things, including different wards on different air handling systems. The surgery was very invasive by nature and she spent 4 nights there before being released; the hospital had just opened up to allow visitors the week before. I visited each day of course but was pretty nervous about both of us being exposed to lots of other people. Indiana was just starting to come down from a very high covid peak.

I've got some of my own health issues going on (nothing serious, but requires weekly physical therapy), so trying to juggle everything and not let the kid's appointments and school stuff slip either while still being productive at work is a juggling act.
Remember When Fauci Called Ebola Quarantines "Draconian", Warned Of "Unintended Consequences"

At the peak of the epidemic, governors in several U.S. states initiated a very targeted quarantine that only applied to healthcare workers who were arriving back into the country from impacted areas.

Dr. Fauci wasn’t happy about the fact that his colleagues were being subject to quarantines.

He went on a media blitz and hammered the quarantine policies that had been issued in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and Florida, declaring them “unscientific” and “draconian.”

Fauci is a Fraud
I read where Fauxci said "It's 'very likely' safe for vaccinated family members to hug". What a dickhead! I say it's safe for unvaccinated family members to hug but I'm no doctor and I think he is a doctor in name or title only.
He's a liberal.

They are only interested in thinking of themselves as "important". They thrive on attention much like children.

Fauci is a fraud.

He is a typical Government Worker. Full of shit, and doesn't do shit. F him. Just another thief of hard earned tax payer money.
CJ Hopkins: The Vaccine (Dis)Information War | ZeroHedge

So, good news, folks! It appears that GloboCap’s Genetic Modification Division has come up with a miracle vaccine for Covid! It’s an absolutely safe, non-experimental, messenger-RNA vaccine that teaches your cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response, just like your body’s immune-system response, only better, because it’s made by corporations!

OK, technically, it hasn’t been approved for use - that process normally takes several years - so I guess it’s slightly “experimental,” but the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have issued “Emergency Use Authorizations,” and it has been “tested extensively for safety and effectiveness,” according to Facebook’s anonymous “fact checkers,” so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

This non-experimental experimental vaccine is truly a historic development, because apart from saving the world from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms whatsoever) in roughly 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of those infected survive, the possibilities for future applications of messenger-RNA technology, and the genetic modification of humans, generally, is virtually unlimited at this point.
Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.)

COVID and the lung damage
Updates from the Ivermectin world
COVID long-haulers and the management approach

Dr. Kory gained international fame when he went to the US senate and asked for the approval for the Ivermectin for COVID. Since then, INH has changed their position from against Ivermectin to neither against and nor pro Ivermectin - a neutral position is still a better position to allow physicians to use it without fear. Similarly WHO has started reviewing Ivermectin’s efficacy for COVID as well.

Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.)

update: This is a good place to watch a little of this topic, 2635 seconds into the video

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CJ Hopkins: The Vaccine (Dis)Information War | ZeroHedge

So, good news, folks! It appears that GloboCap’s Genetic Modification Division has come up with a miracle vaccine for Covid! It’s an absolutely safe, non-experimental, messenger-RNA vaccine that teaches your cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response, just like your body’s immune-system response, only better, because it’s made by corporations!

OK, technically, it hasn’t been approved for use - that process normally takes several years - so I guess it’s slightly “experimental,” but the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have issued “Emergency Use Authorizations,” and it has been “tested extensively for safety and effectiveness,” according to Facebook’s anonymous “fact checkers,” so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

This non-experimental experimental vaccine is truly a historic development, because apart from saving the world from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms whatsoever) in roughly 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of those infected survive, the possibilities for future applications of messenger-RNA technology, and the genetic modification of humans, generally, is virtually unlimited at this point.
Have you considered applying for CNN?
I have had both Pfizer Vaccinations...other then a sore ass arm, nothing. No reaction. Lucky? IDK....but that is the way it should be. I was able to FINALLY get my wife scheduled for a vaccination in a couple of weeks. I am thankful for both of them. You don't want the vaccination, fine, don't get it. Have a great day.
Have you considered applying for CNN?

So they can have a token redneck conservative realist on the show? :rofl:

fwiw I do plan on getting the jab, (what choice do we really have?) and took my mother yesterday to get her first shot. But I do question many things about the way the “scientific community” has handled the narrative.
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^ I get it. I don't trust easily either. But of all the things I have been exposed to, exposed my body to, PUT INTO MY BODY, I figure this is the least I have to worry about. :)
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So they can have a token redneck conservative realist on the show? :rofl:

fwiw I do plan on getting the jab, (what choice do we really have?) and took my mother yesterday to get her first shot. But I do question many things about the way the “scientific community” has handled the narrative.
Oops. I had only looked at your post real quick and thought you wrote that satire and was satirically replying back to you :facepalm:
My summary after talking with my doctor about the covid shot is he's not getting it for himself any time soon because of the adverse reactions he's seen within his patient base. The people that ended up in the hospital from the shot all had underlying conditions. So it's a big catch-22 of the ones that need the shot the most are the ones at greatest risk from taking the shot.
Yeah, I was concerned about Mom, she's 82, with an ablation and pacemaker dependent and very susceptible to ANY medication. So far so good, she had heart palpitations and a severe headache within 15 minutes of the jab, but seems ok now. She's hearing from many of her friends that they had a much worse reaction to jab#2 which worries me.
Yeah, I was concerned about Mom, she's 82, with an ablation and pacemaker dependent and very susceptible to ANY medication. So far so good, she had heart palpitations and a severe headache within 15 minutes of the jab, but seems ok now. She's hearing from many of her friends that they had a much worse reaction to jab#2 which worries me.

First pfizer and Moderna shots no issues for older folks in the family ( and these folks are the sort, if they get COVID-19 I think they'd not make it.. )
I was talking with my daughter, who is currently under quarantine due to having the CCP Virus, and she mentioned that her doctor said that the Moderna vaccine seems more prone to reaction especially with the second shot. She's also heard anecdotal stories saying the same thing from various friends that have had one or the other. I had the Pfizer, first shot, and had absolutely no reaction at all. I'll be getting the second shot on Thursday and let you all know how it goes. 72, cancer, immuno therapy and was diabetic until I got my weight under control.
Yeah mom had the Pfizer
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