Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

It is interesting finding studies about mRNA that were published prior to the pandemic being a thing...

Here is gem from one in 2018 - "When mRNA is injected into the body, it triggers virus-detecting immune sensors. That event causes cells to shut down protein production, thus foiling the therapy. And even if the molecule makes it into the cell—another challenge that has long vexed drug delivery experts—the mRNA might not make enough protein to actually be useful."

Translation - we in the US are guinea pigs on something that hasn't been tried and using this pandemic as a cover to try something they couldn't get approved in over 3 decades - maybe it ends up working or maybe it has unintended consequences years later like causing cancer... Since they haven't figured out the challenge, they just overdosed it and made it two shots hoping it takes...

Absolutely correct.
If anyone didn't catch Tucker last night he found the origins of the "six feet for social distancing" rule. It dates back about 100 years to a German physician who as trying to slow/stop the tuberculosis epidemic that was happening at the time. He said, in his notes, it was just a guess and had no solid proof of it being effective. While studies today have shown that a sneeze can project particles out well past six feet masks are supposed to stop that as well. So why is six feet still the rule? Simply because some German doctor said so 100 years ago especially since even the "vaunted" CDC is now saying that three feet may be enough. Want to bet even that is overly conservative (pardon me from using the word conservative when talking about the CDC Marxocrats)
I'd like to see a bunch of what-if hindsight charts that are impossible to make:

1. What if there were no lockdowns?
2. What if there was no mask wearing?
3. How many of the excess deaths are from the disease vs. the cure? (i.e. excess suicides, oxygen deprivation, etc.)
4. How many of the deaths happened because of cases forced into nursing homes?
5. What would the chart be had we followed the Sweden model?

No second chance to try it a different way unfortunately.

I'd like to see those charts too. But you're right, we can only make educated guesses as to what they may contain.

However, if we combine questions 1, 2, and 5, we can probably get in the ball park. Here in this thread, we've talked about Sweden a lot. Early on, they had a very light response to the pandemic, both by the government and the people there as a whole. Few precautions, pretty much people going about their business as normal. People were a little more careful, but that's about it. Call it a "2" on the ten point lockdown scale. Finland and Norway, as you may recall, locked down hard and fast. Basically, during the spring there you didn't go out of your house unless it was for food or medical purposes, or if you were serving a vital industry like keeping the power on, and when you went out you masked up and distanced like crazy. Call this an 8 on the 10 point scale, in part due to what the governments ordered and in part because the populace embraced the restrictions effectively.

Keep in mind Sweden, Norway, and Finland all have similar population densities, similar ways of life, similar diets, similar health statistics and age demographics. You really can compare one to the other.

Over the course of the spring, Sweden racked up 10x more cases and deaths than Finland and Norway, per capita. So, the difference between a 2 and an 8 on the COVID-19 impact scale is 10x. Sweden was essentially the nightmare scenario for a while until the government imposed restrictions and people started following them (actually, people there got scared before the government started acting, when the people saw their death rate was horrific compared to their neighbors).

We can't directly compare the US with those Nordic countries because our demographics are quite different, we are fatter and overall less healthy in terms of lifestyle, and overall we tend to have a higher population density.

But, if we rate our response to the pandemic during the spring, our lockdown scale factor probably is a 6, maybe a 5 factoring in the fact that huge numbers of people ignored restrictions. Lots of stores were open, and many industries stayed open that were considered essential here, but not in most European countries (for example, home building and construction in general continued unabated).

So the question is, what multiple of spread (and cases and deaths) would we have seen if we had been a 2 instead of a 5? It will be less than 10 for sure. Probably between 3 and 5 somewhere... but our health system wouldn't have been up to it. Here in Indiana if we had twice as many hospitalizations, they would have been turning people away at the doors. The spring surge varied by locations, some places weren't hit too bad until later in the year. But, in the big cities and other places that were stressed during the March-May surge, the death and suffering toll would have exceeded a simple multiple of the COVID-19 cases. Like you say, we'll never know for sure. Your guess is as good as mine.

In the summer I looked at comparing the % deaths in nursing homes versus overall... expecting to see in NY for example a much worse story than elsewhere, but actually NY was only a bit worse, at the time. Here in Indiana, something like 60% of the spring deaths were in nursing homes / care facilities and there were no "Cuomo-like" orders forcing people in. I would be interested to read an analysis by folks with better time and tools to dig into it than me.

Your question about suicide is a good one; certainly it went up last year. Usually it's around 48k/year. I heard once in the fall that it looked like it was trending about 10% up, but I never looked up the figures for myself. It's probably in the CDC data. I've used up my free time for the night (gotta make dinner now!) but if you dig it up please post it. I would be interested to see the actual number. I bet it went up farther in the winter. Still, the difference between baseline and covid-situation-induced suicides is likely under 10k. Every one a tragedy. Still, small compared to directly caused deaths.

Have a good night.
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Just a friendly reminder:

Dr Fauci is a piece of shit Fraud and you're being lied to.

Now back to our regularly scheduled propaganda.
One should read up on the fake Dr Fauci. He's been a government employee all his life, and its highest paid.

Huffpost is as liberal as you can get, surprised they havent hid this now that he's one of "their guys"
Whitewashing AIDS History

Dr. Anthony Fauci: A New Kind Of War Criminal - OpEd - Eurasia Review
...on January 21, 220 Fauci said the CCP virus “is not a major threat for the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about. In fact, towards the end of December 2019 and early in January 2020 there was evidence that a very dangerous contagious virus had been unleashed from China, though WHO ignored the evidence.

....Fauci helped steer U.S. funding for creating the Wuhan lab that let loose the CCP virus and has been proud of working with Chinese scientists while ignoring that they are beholding to the CCP.

....Fauci’s group ran the key study on remdesivir and publicly proclaimed positive results before the results were peer reviewed and published in a medical journal. Fauci’s group also developed one of the currently tested vaccines in cooperation with the drug company Moderna, which has received nearly $500 million in federal funding for its work.

....It is hard to understand Fauci’s recent public praising of New York State’s handling of the pandemic on a National Public Radio interview, long after widespread condemnation of its incredibly high death rate, other than to appreciate his leftist leaning. This also illustrates the sheer ego and belief of being immune to public criticism that defines Fauci.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and His Long History of Criminal Conspiracy

The Greatest Criminal Fraud in Medical History: Where's the Virus?

Doctor Do-Little

With all of this going on around the world, February 17 was an incredibly late date to be making fun of people who were concerned about travel. But that’s precisely what Fauci did in the pages of USA Today.
“I was getting calls from people in Sacramento saying, ‘Can I get on an airplane to go to Seattle?’” Fauci told USA Today on February 17. “Like, what? What does that got to do with anything?”
We now know that the first identified American death from covid-19 was on February 6 in San Jose, California. And because the CDC wasted the entire month of February with faulty tests, no one knows just how widespread the disease already was in the U.S. during the first weeks of February. And it wasn’t just in February that Fauci dismissed the threat. As late as March, Fauci was still insisting that masks were bad for public health.
“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” Fauci told 60 Minutes on CBS during an interview that aired March 8. “When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences—people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”

Inventor of PCR Test Said Fauci ‘Doesn’t Know Anything’ And Is Willing To Lie On Television
Kary Mullis, who won a 1993 Nobel Prize for inventing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing process later used to diagnose Coronavirus cases, said that Dr. Anthony Fauci lacks knowledge of medicine and is willing to lie on television
Fishie, I'm staying out of your Q conspiracy anti Fauci stuff, but that article about where is the virus made me laugh out loud. It is so full of errors and misunderstandings it could win some sort of award for getting the most things wrong in a single article.

Thanks for the laugh.

PS my first vaccine dose is tomorrow.

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To all the democrats who act so concerned about the spread of Coronavirus, here's some proof that it's all talk and what's more important to your precious party is winning at power and politics:

Democrats Block GOP Bill to Test Illegal Immigrants for Coronavirus

Citizens can't get back into the US without a test. The illegal future democrat voters can walk right in and freely spread the virus.

They’re not benign public servants, they’re drug pushers -in this case vaccines- with armies and bodyguards.They protect corporations and institutions, not the rights of their people. They’re not democrats, they’re authoritarians. We are ruled by ideologies, not principles. The only rights we have are those that they “allow” us to have. There are no basic or inalienable rights left. Our politicians represent, and serve, long established parties and systems that have ruled for at least decades, in a symbiosis with corporations.

If there’s one lesson to learn from the sordid never-ending Covid episode it must be that: your human rights are just a thin veneer that serves to make your reality look nice and shiny, but may be scraped off at any moment.

The CPS teachers union still wants to remain closed.

(Most) CPS teachers are NOT heros. They are lazy cowards. Get back to work or you will be replaced with someone who does want to work.

Follow the science.
So let me get this straight.... Fauci tells Rand Paul that it's important to wear a mask even after fully vaccinated because of the risk of them catching a variant of the virus.

Am I the only one who remembers everyone preaching about how masks protect others from the wearer, and do not protect the wearer from infection? So how would a mask help here?

Good God, Fauci. Make up your damn mind. Science is obviously not his thing. The CO2 is affecting his logic.
When you're a fraud and a lying liberal political hack, its hard to remember what lie you told yesterday.
Actually, I do not think they care what lie they told yesterday. The MSM will not point that out and the outher media that does...well they are just racists, climate designers, conspiracy theorists, or whatever so don't listen to them.