At Saturday’s twerking contest, for instance, one contestant managed to keep a surgical mask affixed to her face as she thrust her lower half back and forth.
So why don't they just inject/stab everyone who has gotten the Jab/Shot (Vaxxed) with the CCP Virus?Yet another right-wing wacko attempt to discredit the jab! Turn to the MSM for the real truth:
Singapore is seeing daily record Covid cases. Here’s why it may not be a bad thing
"medical experts told CNBC that the latest virus wave may not be a bad thing since Singapore’s population is highly-vaccinated."
"Many of the patients with Covid-19 have avoided severe illness and will gain further protection against future infection as antibodies fight the virus, according to Teo Yik-Ying, dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore."
“For these people, infection will not have any short-term or long-term consequence to their health, but may additionally trigger a natural immune response which reduces the chance of subsequent infection,”
"“If we get a natural infection, our immune system will be able to recognize a larger part of the virus” as opposed to just the spike protein, Ooi said, adding that it could make a person more resilient against future variants."
What I can't figure out is how this relates to wanting to give the jab to kids, where infection is widely reported to result in mild cases. All of the arguments saying it's good for Singapore people to get covid would seem to apply to kids, so what is the purpose to give them the shot? I expect the answer will be coming soon out of the other end of the experts' mouths, and gleefully parroted by the MSM.
Two points. Corona Virus is a Common Cold, we all are going to eventually get it.Not anti vax, interesting data out of Idaho which is one of the hot spots in the USA (data is out of date by a couple weeks);
Most infections, 60,000+ in the 18-29 age bracket;
Deaths to date in that age bracket 13.
Not making light of Covid, just observing the facts that are the facts.
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I agree, we're all going to get it eventually. Given that simple fact exactly what does the vaccine do again other than maybe reduce the severity of the infection? Sure doesn't sound like much of a vaccine to me, especially since it was advertised, promoted and ballyhooed as a vaccine. More like a semi-effective therapeutic is more like it.
There is so, so much data they never got that may show the vax really does nothing. How many 100's of millions of people got Cov last year, but never got "tested"? Most people I know that got it never got tested, they just stayed at home for a few days and then got back on with their lives, including me. How many recuperated, just as they would have from a cold and went on with life? When you sit down and think about it for a while, what good did getting "tested" do? They couldn't prescribe you something for it based on the "test". There was nothing to give you. Remember how the MSM pushed 24/7 for months to get tested? I wonder why that was??
How many decades did your doctor tell you: "Take aspirin, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest and call me in a week if the symptoms don't get better." The reason they said that was because they knew you had some type of virus, but unless you were elderly, in bad health or had some other type of underlying health condition, your body would fight the unknown virus, you would develop antibodies and would feel better in a week.
All the test centers were for is to collect numbers to push the narrative and get your data on the government databases. Then, after the big hoax numbers and the massive push to get vaxed in 2021, they let it slip a couple of months ago that the PCR test had major problems differentiating between COV- SARS 19, the seasonal flu and a common cold. Oooops.Then to top it off, CDC said that: at the end of 2021, test centers can't use the original PCR test anymore, but it's ok to use up your supplies until then. So, the numbers will continue to be massively skewed with absolutely no way to go back and fix the obvious error. The MSM will still be like vultures and push the false numbers, because well, that's what the MSM does.
We have no proof, based on sound scientific evidence, that the vax has done or prevented anything........except for maybe being a trojan horse........time will give us more on that topic in a few years.
And.....what happened to all the "Flu Shot" TV ads the pharmaceuticals pushed on TV for years?.................
The United States may have experienced more than 6.4 million cases of COVID-19 by April 18, 2020, according to a probability analysis conducted by UC Berkeley School of Public Health researchers and published in Nature Communications. That is nine times more than the number of confirmed cases in the same period, which was 721,245.
“The majority of this discrepancy was due to undertesting,” says Jade Benjamin-Chung, study co-author and professor of epidemiology & biostatistics at Berkeley Public Health. “Our findings highlight the urgent need for more SARS-CoV-2 [the virus that causes COVID-19] testing—including testing of asymptomatic individuals exposed to COVID-19—to help stop the spread of the virus.”
Berkeley, CA PH
Add a year and a half to that date and you can imagine the number.
Don't recall seeing this posted here ..
Exclusive: Family talks to 14 News about claims of vaccine mistake at Walgreens
They say it happened October 4, at the Walgreens on St. Joseph
First picture was slightly interesting, the second one was ok, the third picture just smashed any perception of a lipstick lesbian and hard reality has set in......A justifiable reason to read the NY Times, interesting news eh?
Back in Lesbian Paradise, at Long Last (Published 2021)
The Dinah Shore Weekend, an annual festival for queer women, returned to Palm Springs last weekend after a two-year hiatus, this time with even more energy than
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The United States may have experienced more than 6.4 million cases of COVID-19 by April 18, 2020, according to a probability analysis conducted by UC Berkeley School of Public Health researchers and published in Nature Communications. That is nine times more than the number of confirmed cases in the same period, which was 721,245.
“The majority of this discrepancy was due to undertesting,” says Jade Benjamin-Chung, study co-author and professor of epidemiology & biostatistics at Berkeley Public Health. “Our findings highlight the urgent need for more SARS-CoV-2 [the virus that causes COVID-19] testing—including testing of asymptomatic individuals exposed to COVID-19—to help stop the spread of the virus.”
Berkeley, CA PH
Add a year and a half to that date and you can imagine the number.
Remember this is BERKELEY
This fits nicely into the narrative and why the Biden puppet masters are ordering and fast tracking millions of “at home” tests.
The case numbers are going down, falling like a rock, mostly because fewer are getting tested. They can’t have that and sell the booster jabs #3,4,6 etc..
So with more people testing, they hope to see the numbers go back up, create a new false panic and tell the feeble minded that they MUST hurry and get another jab.