There is so, so much data they never got that may show the vax really does nothing. How many 100's of millions of people got Cov last year, but never got "
tested"? Most people I know that got it never got
tested, they just stayed at home for a few days and then got back on with their lives, including me. How many recuperated, just as they would have from a cold and went on with life? When you sit down and think about it for a while, what good did getting "
tested" do? They couldn't prescribe you something for it based on the "
test". There was nothing to give you. Remember how the MSM pushed 24/7 for months to get
tested? I wonder why that was??
How many decades did your doctor tell you: "
Take aspirin, drink plenty of fluids, get some rest and call me in a week if the symptoms don't get better." The reason they said that was because they knew you had some type of virus, but unless you were elderly, in bad health or had some other type of underlying health condition, your body would fight the unknown virus, you would develop antibodies and would feel better in a week.
All the test centers were for is to collect numbers to push the narrative and get your data on the government databases. Then, after the big hoax numbers and the massive push to get vaxed in 2021, they let it slip a couple of months ago that the PCR test had major problems differentiating between COV- SARS 19, the seasonal flu and a common cold.
Then to top it off, CDC said that:
at the end of 2021, test centers can't use the original PCR test anymore, but it's ok to use up your supplies until then. So, the numbers will continue to be massively skewed with absolutely no way to go back and fix the obvious error. The MSM will still be like vultures and push the false numbers, because well, that's what the MSM does.
We have no proof, based on sound scientific evidence, that the vax has done or prevented anything........except for maybe being a
trojan horse........time will give us more on that topic in a few years.
And.....what happened to all the "Flu Shot" TV ads the pharmaceuticals pushed on TV for years?.................