Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

No one has spread more misinformation than the MSM.

Masks/No Masks/Masks/No Masks

2 more weeks

Lockdowns are necessary to prevent spread

Six feet

Sanitize everything

20 second thorough hand wash

Vaccine prevents you from catching rona

Vaccine prevents you from spreading rona
Head Of East Germany’s Largest Hospital ‘Throws Himself Off Building’ After Admitting Covid Is A Scam [Transcript of 2 min video: R.I.P. Dr. Thomas Jendge]

ransomnote: Transcript of subtitles on a 2 minute German video. He speaks audibly in German but, as with other censored videos I've come across lately, there's electronic popping and muting of his words. Fortunately, the video includes English subtitles.
The speaker is Dr. Thomas Jendge (†55). He overcame his reticence to declare what is happening with Covid has nothing to do with a virus, and is instead, the installation of dictatorship. He called for protests. I don't believe he committed suicide; instead I believe they 'helped' him off the building for alerting the public to the dictatorship forming around them.

Transcript Begins:
"About what is happening at the moment. Germany…..I can honestly summarize it, as a doctor, as a vaccinator, as someone who has treated people with ear, nose and throat infections his whole life, I can only repeat that what is happening here has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus.
It is, worldwide, the introduction of a worldwide dictatorship – unfortunately it has to be said.
In the last month, I have spent 1500 hours looking at the situation because I knew it had nothing to do with anything medical.
I couldn’t understand what was going on, there are such interconnected aims….and last week in Spever, I was asked. I spoke before 1000 people –although I’ve never spoken in front of people before – never dared to, never had the courage to….but it’s got to the point where we…
It’s just so incomprehensible what’s happening….and they’re all dancing to the same tune with each other.
And if….and whoever still can’t believe it…that we have a dictatorship…there’s no other way to say it.
…of course it is being disguised….of course it’s happening gradually,….but that people have to….because of completely disproportionate measures….literally - go into the streets to protest for the reinstatement of their basic rights…our forefathers wrote these exact rights into our basic laws and what they are now doing there.
Many people won’t notice it, and they’ll ask, “What’s all the fuss about?”
Well I can only say Courage, anger and a great heart…that’s what unifies us, and all this has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus."
ransomnote: related article here -Big fuss about alleged farewell letter from Chemnitz clinic boss | DAY24 (

Head Of East Germany’s Largest Hospital ‘Throws Himself Off Building’ After Admitting Covid Is A Scam - Gemma O'Doherty Investigative Journalist Ireland (
The virus did not come from a lab in Wuhan.
You need to wear a mask.
We do not send money to the lab in Wuhan the virus originated from.
You shouldn't wear a mask.
The money we send to the lab in Wuhan the virus originated from was not used for gain of function research.
You should wear two masks.
Gain of function research isn't adding functions to a virus to study how stronger variations could be handled.
You need a vaccine.
Nevermind, yes it is.
You still need to wear a mask after vaccination.
Lockdown, even if mask and vaccination.
You need a booster to strengthen the first dose.
The first dose is effective.
Leftys: "Yeah, makes perfect sense."
Head Of East Germany’s Largest Hospital ‘Throws Himself Off Building’ After Admitting Covid Is A Scam [Transcript of 2 min video: R.I.P. Dr. Thomas Jendge]

ransomnote: Transcript of subtitles on a 2 minute German video. He speaks audibly in German but, as with other censored videos I've come across lately, there's electronic popping and muting of his words. Fortunately, the video includes English subtitles.
The speaker is Dr. Thomas Jendge (†55). He overcame his reticence to declare what is happening with Covid has nothing to do with a virus, and is instead, the installation of dictatorship. He called for protests. I don't believe he committed suicide; instead I believe they 'helped' him off the building for alerting the public to the dictatorship forming around them.

Transcript Begins:
"About what is happening at the moment. Germany…..I can honestly summarize it, as a doctor, as a vaccinator, as someone who has treated people with ear, nose and throat infections his whole life, I can only repeat that what is happening here has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus.
It is, worldwide, the introduction of a worldwide dictatorship – unfortunately it has to be said.
In the last month, I have spent 1500 hours looking at the situation because I knew it had nothing to do with anything medical.
I couldn’t understand what was going on, there are such interconnected aims….and last week in Spever, I was asked. I spoke before 1000 people –although I’ve never spoken in front of people before – never dared to, never had the courage to….but it’s got to the point where we…
It’s just so incomprehensible what’s happening….and they’re all dancing to the same tune with each other.
And if….and whoever still can’t believe it…that we have a dictatorship…there’s no other way to say it.
…of course it is being disguised….of course it’s happening gradually,….but that people have to….because of completely disproportionate measures….literally - go into the streets to protest for the reinstatement of their basic rights…our forefathers wrote these exact rights into our basic laws and what they are now doing there.
Many people won’t notice it, and they’ll ask, “What’s all the fuss about?”
Well I can only say Courage, anger and a great heart…that’s what unifies us, and all this has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus."
ransomnote: related article here -Big fuss about alleged farewell letter from Chemnitz clinic boss | DAY24 (

Head Of East Germany’s Largest Hospital ‘Throws Himself Off Building’ After Admitting Covid Is A Scam - Gemma O'Doherty Investigative Journalist Ireland (

If true, (the story) that’s holy shit material there…

The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.


The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.

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Are US citizens FINALLY waking up to the HUGE LIE?