Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

No shit, ya think?.....

Headline follies......

If the majority of people now dying from covid are the vaccinated, not the un-vaccinated, why would CNN think getting a booster of the vaccine is gonna save your life if you are vaccinated?? Sounds to me like the booster is the final blow that finally kills you off quicker......and now they want you to take it every two months......every two months. What ever they are giving you isn't a vaccine, what you have there is a drug addiction. They are giving it to hypochondriacs with mental issues.
They are Thinning their own Herd (Followers) though...They are not very smart...The Pure Bloods will be the only ones left...
I know I quote this a lot but every time I read these things happening it comes to mind. Here we go again, in their hand???...


Revelation 13:16-17 KJV
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
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Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid

The study:
If you really want to follow the science, then follow your Immune System
Yea, their "Immune System" was "following them" (and keeping well back...) in Plague Europe, with somewhere between a 30-60% Mortality Rate...
You guys (for the most part..), wouldn't admit to any disease killing anybody, even if the "Bring Out Your Dead" Wagon carted off half the people in your house.
  • Haha
Reactions: Smilingreen
The COVID1984 Man-made (Well 'Bat Lady'-made), NIH funded Wuhan CCP Virus Plague, o_O
Wow, thank you, this was the first thing I watched this morning...he is Spot On...quick story; my son has been asking me why I have not been reading The Word as much lately, of course my excuse was I have been to busy. So just this last week, my wife and I carved out a time everyday where we both read together. It feels real good, I look forward to that time of the day. Thank You for sharing this...I pray for those who are blind to what is going on in the world today.
The evidence is mounting. The big pharma conflict of interest is astounding. Willful blindness of the populous amazing.

Can’t get link to work. Video is by Dr Aseem Malhotra.

The truth is finally bubbling to the top

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Yea, their "Immune System" was "following them" (and keeping well back...) in Plague Europe, with somewhere between a 30-60% Mortality Rate...
You guys (for the most part..), wouldn't admit to any disease killing anybody, even if the "Bring Out Your Dead" Wagon carted off half the people in your house.

When the Plague in Europe occurred, they did not have Ivermectin.
I never thought about this but it is something to think about if you need it. Receiving blood from someone that is fully vaxed and you are not, could lead to unintentional medical issues for you.

Antivax Covid Blood Bank
I never thought about this but it is something to think about if you need it. Receiving blood from someone that is fully vaxed and you are not, could lead to unintentional medical issues for you.

Antivax Covid Blood Bank
As with many COVID1984 Vaxxers, they want to label anyone who did not participate in the Worldwide Experiment an Anti-Vaxxer. I am not Anti-Vax, I am an Anti-Experimental-mRNAer. I have had many vaccines in my years, our children have all taken their vaccines from school on.

"While traditional vaccines use inactivated virus proteins called antigens to stimulate the body's immune system, mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines, rely on a new technology that uses the genetic sequence of the antigen to trigger the body into producing antibodies." "WHILE ALTERING ONE'S DNA" needs to be added to their statement. At least they refer to real vaccines as traditional...

So I am a Traditional Vaxxer...