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Multiple Young Athletes And Former Athletes Died Suddenly This Past Month
Multiple Young Athletes And Former Athletes Died Suddenly This Past Month | ZeroHedge
Excess deaths have jumped dramatically in the US (excess deaths being fatalities beyond the yearly average). The majority of excess deaths in the past two years involving people under the age of 65 were not caused by Covid infection. At least 32,000 excess deaths in 2021 have been directly attributed to heart failure and circulation related failures. Circulatory deaths were a major contributor to additional deaths among ages 18 to 44.

The UK has released information indicating a similar spike in excess deaths last year - The highest in 50 years, in fact. UK officials of course deny any connection to vaccine side effects (an often cited concern by the public), and instead claim that heart failure may be the after-effect of covid infection. However, multiple reports and studies show that the covid virus causes no significant damage to the heart and is not a contributor to heart failure, despite rumors spread within the mainstream media.
For example, In March 2021, a group of sports cardiologists reported on nearly 800 professional athletes who had tested positive for Covid-19. Less than 1% of these athletes had abnormal findings on cardiac magnetic resonance scans or stress echocardiography. None of these athletes had cardiovascular trouble when they returned to play.
This means that there is some other cause besides covid which just happens to have started in 2021. Studies do show a direct link between covid vaccination and Myocarditis. This would help to explain the jump in non-covid excess deaths related to heart failure since 2021, but since most studies investigating vaccination side effects do not use unvaccinated people as a control group, there is no hard data on vaccinated versus unvaccinated negative events.

Multiple Young Athletes And Former Athletes Died Suddenly This Past Month | ZeroHedge
Excess deaths have jumped dramatically in the US (excess deaths being fatalities beyond the yearly average). The majority of excess deaths in the past two years involving people under the age of 65 were not caused by Covid infection. At least 32,000 excess deaths in 2021 have been directly attributed to heart failure and circulation related failures. Circulatory deaths were a major contributor to additional deaths among ages 18 to 44.

The UK has released information indicating a similar spike in excess deaths last year - The highest in 50 years, in fact. UK officials of course deny any connection to vaccine side effects (an often cited concern by the public), and instead claim that heart failure may be the after-effect of covid infection. However, multiple reports and studies show that the covid virus causes no significant damage to the heart and is not a contributor to heart failure, despite rumors spread within the mainstream media.
For example, In March 2021, a group of sports cardiologists reported on nearly 800 professional athletes who had tested positive for Covid-19. Less than 1% of these athletes had abnormal findings on cardiac magnetic resonance scans or stress echocardiography. None of these athletes had cardiovascular trouble when they returned to play.
This means that there is some other cause besides covid which just happens to have started in 2021. Studies do show a direct link between covid vaccination and Myocarditis. This would help to explain the jump in non-covid excess deaths related to heart failure since 2021, but since most studies investigating vaccination side effects do not use unvaccinated people as a control group, there is no hard data on vaccinated versus unvaccinated negative events.