Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Heh, According to them, I'm obviously a dead man walking...
Well if healthy young athletic people are now getting Heart Attacks then I need to cancel my Gym Membership :) Got to protect my Heart...:)
Yesterday the DOE, today the FBLie.
These lying pieces of shit knew same as most of us (and anyone with more than 3 brain cells) did, 2 1/2 years ago, hell they likely even knew before we did.

So what is driving them to admit it now? Throw Fraudci under the bus as the sheep begin to catch on? Picking a bigger fight with the CCP now that they’re all but backing Russia?

FBI Director: COVID-19 "Most Likely" Escaped From Wuhan Lab
Yesterday the DOE, today the FBLie.
These lying pieces of shit knew same as most of us (and anyone with more than 3 brain cells) did, 2 1/2 years ago, hell they likely even knew before we did.

So what is driving them to admit it now? Throw Fraudci under the bus as the sheep begin to catch on? Picking a bigger fight with the CCP now that they’re all but backing Russia?

FBI Director: COVID-19 "Most Likely" Escaped From Wuhan Lab

These assholes always have an ulterior motive.
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Reactions: David L and Ssayer
This is just more classic "Look Squirrel!" from the traitors running this country

I would suspect as more details leak out and as the American Sheeple begin to catch on theyve been lied to, they'd rather have everyone focused on "Bad China" than the fact that the virus originated in Chapel Hill NC and was outsourced by NIH/Fauci to Wuhan...

Look deeper into Moderna/NIH patents, military involvement (they openly called the whole Covid response "countermeasuers") Chapel Hill, the whole fake vaccine farce, this thing was Born in the USA.
A series:

The Lab Leak Theory: Who Suppressed It? Who Uncovered It? And What Should We Do About It? – The Daily Sceptic

How Did U.S. Intelligence Spot the Virus in Wuhan Weeks Before China? – The Daily Sceptic

Why the Lab Leak Theory is Almost Certainly False – The Daily Sceptic
So where did this engineered virus come from, and why did it first appear in Wuhan?

As I have written previously, a major clue may be the fact that multiple U.S. intelligence sources have stated they were following the outbreak in China from November 2019. This is despite China not being aware of the outbreak at that point (U.S. intelligence has even said as much), and there being no detectable signal of such an outbreak.

The evidence above against a WIV lab leak further adds to the case that the Chinese may have had nothing to do with this engineered virus. It’s becoming increasingly hard to escape the conclusion that the people responsible for the virus may be the same ones who already knew it was there.
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Jeffrey Sachs Presents Evidence of Possible Lab Origin of Covid-19

The intriguing theory of viral engineering hinges on two observations: that the amino acid sequences match and that experts in both the ENaC-alpha furin cleavage site and the insertion of genetic sequences into bat coronaviruses happen to work at the same academic institution: the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Baric, whose work aims to prevent and create treatments for viral outbreaks, has previously inserted segments of DNA and RNA into viruses and created an infectious clone of SARS using his own patentedNo See’m” method of inserting genetic materials without a trace. He has also collaborated on coronavirus research with scientists from a center for lung studies at UNC-Chapel Hill who are knowledgeable about ENaC-alpha. In one 2016 study, the scientists created a new virus using the spike of a bat coronavirus that had been isolated and characterized by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The experiment found that the new virus “replicated efficiently” in human airway cells that were cultured in a lab.

In another paper, published a year earlier, Baric, along with the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Shi Zhengli and a lung expert at UNC-Chapel Hill’s lung institute,
described creating a hybrid virus using a SARS-like virus from a bat and a “mouse-adapted” coronavirus. The new virus caused mice to get sicker than those exposed to the original virus. The goal of these experiments was to prepare for the possibility that a virus might jump naturally from animals to humans, as SARS had in 2003. But even before the pandemic, the experiment drew criticism from other scientists, who were concerned because the researchers had created a virus that was able to spread in humans.

Sachs and Harrison note that the scientists who co-authored the DARPA grant proposal would have been aware of research on coronavirus furin cleavage sites, including one 2006 experiment in which a furin cleavage site was inserted into a coronavirus. “The research team would also have some familiarity with the FCS sequence and the FCS-dependent activation mechanism of human ENaC, which was extensively characterized at UNC,” they write.
“The list of coincidences is getting verrrrrrrrrrry long.”
Still, both the overlap in the amino acid sequence and the fact that experts in the furin cleavage site of the ENaC-alpha and insertion of genetic material into bat coronaviruses work at the same university could be coincidental, as Harrison and Sachs acknowledge. Some virologists, though, say that the coincidence strains credulity.
“Could be,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, wrote in an email to The Intercept when asked about the possibility that these things are both chance occurrences. “But the list of coincidences is getting verrrrrrrrrrry long.”
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And from 2015....

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.
Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

Update (March 11, 2020): On social media and news outlets, a theory has circulated that the coronavirus at the root of the COVID-19 outbreak originated in a research lab. Scientists say there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped from a lab. :lmao:

Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.
The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that...
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Woody Harrelson Doubles Down, Slams COVID Mandates: US Is "Not A Free Country"

Letter To A Mainstream Straddler: Live Not By Half-Lies
Letter To A Mainstream Straddler: Live Not By Half-Lies | ZeroHedge

I get it. You don’t want to be called a “conspiracy theorist.”

You don’t want to be tarred an “anti-vaxxer.” A “science-denier.” A “far right-wing extremist.”

You’ve got your reputation to protect.
Your credibility. Your grant funding.

So you water down the truth. You tiptoe around it. You don’t go there.

And the philanthropaths, the tyrants, the Big Liars, the demociders, and their enablers continue to profit. Continue to conspire. Continue to torture. Continue to slaughter.

They tell you right to your face what they’re doing.

But if you turn around and quote them, you’re the crazy one.

If you ask why a child, teen, athlete, or other healthy adult suddenly had a heart attack, got turbo cancer, or died, you’re the “truly disgusting” one.

If you provide scientific evidence that a warp-sped experimental injection being peddled by a trillion-dollar industry in collusion with governments, federal agencies, the media, and Big Tech is dangerous, you—not the corporations raking in billions—are the grifter.

If you ask what’s causing the sudden deaths and injuries that began surging in 2021 in hopes of preventing future such tragedies, you’re “morally reprehensible(and yet “mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths … may be necessary”).

If you point out that we should maybe think twice about pushing a product estimated to have killed thirteen million human beings and counting, you are the “major killing force globally” and guilty of “undermin[ing] public confidence” in said product.

If you call genocide genocide, you are the enemy, the misinformation spreader, the antisemite.

If you dare point out Never Again is already happening, you get inquisitioned—even though Holocaust survivors and their relatives agree.

If you call out governments for practicing totalitarianism and enacting policies that cause lethal collateral damage, you’re the granny-killer.

If you challenge people to face the livid, electrifying grief of those who have lost loved ones to financially incentivized hospicide, you are making them uncomfortable.

You know you’re living in a world of lies when the mob is more enraged at the whistleblowers revealing the deceptions, corruption, and murder than they are at the lying liars, corrupt corrupters, and murdering murderers themselves—indeed, they trip over themselves racing to defend their narcissistic abusers.

As Edward Snowden says:

When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”
But guess what?

Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.

You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.

You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.

That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.

You become untouchable.

You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.

The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.

That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.

If enough of us stand up and do that, we can hold the perpetrators accountable. We can present the unadulterated evidence of their crimes. And we can find justice … or die trying—like the members of the White Rose, whose piercing words still ring out nearly a century later:

“We will not keep silent. We are your guilty conscience.”
I’m going to tell you a secret.

Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold.

Because when you are slandered by the propagandists, that means you are the good guy, even though the menticided public believes the opposite.

In Upside-Down World, persisting in seeing things right-side up—despite the incessant, relentless, never-ending gaslighting—means you have valiantly guarded your most precious possessions: your integrity and your sanity.

As e.e. cummings writes:

To be nobody but
yourself in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
Most gratifying of all, you will find fellow members of your karass, and together you will set about fulfilling your wampeter.

Once you are living in alignment with your values, you will feel the deepest joy fathomable.

And when the COVID criminals have been found guilty, when the spells dissolve, the people will gradually awaken from their coma and recognize you for the hero you are.

Or not. Most will be too ashamed to admit they’ve been conned. To realize they shielded fascist tyrants and attacked those trying to rescue them.

Few find that courageous humility within themselves to acknowledge their complicity in totalitarianism.

And so they will swathe themselves in soothing denial and lash out at anyone who tries to puncture it.

But you will keep trying, anyway. Because that’s what truth-tellers do. That’s what people who care about saving lives do. That’s what people of integrity do, whether or not anyone ever recognizes it.

You know in your heart what is true, and you speak it. And no one one can ever shut you up again.

Even if they kill you.

Your bravery will outlive you.

Your words will remain like candles, lighting the path for future truth-droppers. And you will be at peace, in life and beyond.
State-Dept-Funded Censorship-Group Punished Conservative Websites For Circulating Lab-Leak Theory
Senate Votes Unanimously To Declassify COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Leak Intelligence