Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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UK Study Finds "No Evidence" Face Masks Protect Vulnerable Against COVID

The UK government later acknowledged that masks were more of a symbolic tool to remind everyone they were in a pandemic to keep fear levels high and guarantee greater obedience to lockdown rules.

A massive international research collaboration earlier this year that analyzed several dozen rigorous studies focusing on “physical interventions” against COVID-19 and influenza found that face masks provide little to no protection against infection or illness rates.

In a revealing study published by Frontiers in Psychology, it was found that people who consider themselves less attractive were more likely to continue wearing face masks.

That explains a hell of a lot.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Funny thing about the Truth.... it is always the truth no matter what anyone else says.

This is great testimony.


I thought it was made in the 1000 Ukrainian Biolabs and sent through Russia to China ???


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Sorry but Republican or not, once a swamp creature... I dont think he really knows more than we do. Yes it was likely dispersed either by accident or intention from the Wuhan lab, but its true origins are clearly in the West. The real Deep State that runs the show isnt going to give some temporary political appointee of either party ALL of the dirty secrets. And if they did, he's likely of the same mindset as the rest of the swamp, "We can't let the truth come out that America was ultimately responsible"

Its fricking documented and the guy that pioneered working on corona viruses (Ralph S. Baric) boasts about doing GOF work on Corona viruses at UNC Chapel Hill over 20 years ago! Its fucking public information and not denied for god sakes.

Read up on the real origins of corona virus manipulation and unless you're terminally gullible, you'll see the whole fucking mess started here in the good 'ol USA. Its release is merely a question of accident or on purpose.

Inside the risky bat-virus engineering that links America to Wuhan
University Asks Judge To Block Release Of Documents Related To Dangerous Coronavirus Research
The Lab-Leak Debate Just Got Even Messier

It pays to be in bed with the Feds
UNC-Chapel Hill receives $65M from NIH for antiviral drug development center - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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More evidence of the "vaccine" push from this sent to doctors in late 2021, notice the bonuses. Good advice I've always heard is "follow the money"

Quick math shows an average Dr at an average practice stood to make a quick easy extra $35K-$50K using the middle numbers, in just 3 months for simply poking patients and telling them it would keep them from getting the flu that's INCENTIVE!
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Sorry but Republican or not, once a swamp creature... I dont think he really knows more than we do. Yes it was likely dispersed either by accident or intention from the Wuhan lab, but its true origins are clearly in the West. The real Deep State that runs the show isnt going to give some temporary political appointee of either party ALL of the dirty secrets. And if they did, he's likely of the same mindset as the rest of the swamp, "We can't let the truth come out that America was ultimately responsible"

Its fricking documented and the guy that pioneered working on corona viruses (Ralph S. Baric) boasts about doing GOF work on Corona viruses at UNC Chapel Hill over 20 years ago! Its fucking public information and not denied for god sakes.

Read up on the real origins of corona virus manipulation and unless you're terminally gullible, you'll see the whole fucking mess started here in the good 'ol USA. Its release is merely a question of accident or on purpose.

Inside the risky bat-virus engineering that links America to Wuhan
University Asks Judge To Block Release Of Documents Related To Dangerous Coronavirus Research
The Lab-Leak Debate Just Got Even Messier

It pays to be in bed with the Feds
UNC-Chapel Hill receives $65M from NIH for antiviral drug development center - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
that substack was EXCELLENT. Perhaps Baric and Fauci should be cell-mates in some federal prison somewhere.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I didnt know until I read that, that he was also instrumental in developing Remdesivir- which was jammed down the public's throat as the ONLY treatment for Covid once you hit the hospital.

Remdesvir killed more than it saved, and those it saved no longer have working kidneys.
(there's a reason nurses called it Run-death-is-near)

It was a 2X previouslly failed drug that had NO benefit to helping Covid patients. Its killed more than it helped.

The ‘very, very bad look' of remdesivir, the first FDA-approved COVID-19 drug
Science | AAAS

Remdesivir shouldn't be used on hospitalized Covid-19 patients, WHO advises
Remdesivir has no meaningful effect on mortality or reducing the need for mechanical ventilation, an expert panel said.
Nov. 19, 2020, 9:24 PM EST

Remdesivir shouldn't be used on hospitalized Covid-19 patients, WHO advises
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I didnt know until I read that, that he was also instrumental in developing Remdesivir- which was jammed down the public's throat as the ONLY treatment for Covid once you hit the hospital.

Remdesvir killed more than it saved, and those it saved no longer have working kidneys.
(there's a reason nurses called it Run-death-is-near)

It was a 2X previouslly failed drug that had NO benefit to helping Covid patients. Its killed more than it helped.

The ‘very, very bad look' of remdesivir, the first FDA-approved COVID-19 drug
Science | AAAS

Remdesivir shouldn't be used on hospitalized Covid-19 patients, WHO advises
Remdesivir has no meaningful effect on mortality or reducing the need for mechanical ventilation, an expert panel said.
Nov. 19, 2020, 9:24 PM EST

Remdesivir shouldn't be used on hospitalized Covid-19 patients, WHO advises

At a unit price of $520 per vial and assuming no survival benefit with remdesivir, and the protocol was treatment for 5 days .. or $3120 per patient for a typical treatment course ..