Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

I haven’t tested.

She had to to be able to return to her bank job Monday.
I work from home (for 3.5 more months then retire) so we were cooped up together.
Her bank job pays for 5 days off for Covid (mandatory) and she has to show a negative test to return Monday, which she did.
I haven’t tested.

She had to to be able to return to her bank job Monday.

Ah, gotcha. The large multi-national bank I used to work for let me go a couple years ago due to me not providing jab status. Still waiting for some attorney's eyes to blow wide open when they see the name and take up a case pro-bono for all the people who had the same issue.
Hers is a small 200 branch community bank out of NC. No mention of proof of jab, but she’ll walk before she does that.
We’re hoping she can early retire at 62 next July anyway.
Ah, gotcha. The large multi-national bank I used to work for let me go a couple years ago due to me not providing jab status. Still waiting for some attorney's eyes to blow wide open when they see the name and take up a case pro-bono for all the people who had the same issue.

I hope you did find legal recourse .. this imho is so wrong they did this to people ..

I am 68 and over the years did get a flu shot on occasion. Not every year. Maybe about once every 3-4 years. Rarely got the flu on the years I did not get the shot. Maybe in the last 20 years got it twice?

I doubt that I will get one this year. Had not had one since BEFORE the Covid scare.
What all happened these last Covid years has me not trust any shots.
Hopefully not premature but Mrs Bigredfish came home from a trip last Friday 9/8, so a full week ago, with Covid. (Swab test (Binax) confirmed and later pcr confirmed by her Primary doc with no meds prescribed)

She came down with symptoms while away on Wed the 6th. I’d call it moderate. Low temp off and on, moderate congestion, loss of smell and taste, no energy, lots of sleep.

We obviously share a very modest 1200 sq ft and she tested today negative. Her Symptoms all but gone.
I’ve not had any symptoms and have not tested.

We both started the FLCCC PROTOCOL daily the day she got home (day #3)
30mg Ivermectin (I had always been on 12Mg p/wk as preventative),
200MG Hydroxychloroquine,
500 mg Quercetin,
5000 iu D,
40mg Zinc,
1000mg C

I can’t be sure if it worked but I didn’t get it and her case remained moderate/mild and improved substantially by the 4th day.

Arguably the daily regiment of D,Zinc,C didn’t prevent her from getting it. Was the initial difference my taking 12Mg weekly of IVM? Or just luck of the draw ?

* Footnote
We have been using this daily for over a year which contains not only the D and zinc and C but a few other goodies in the FLCCC protocol in one convenient pill.
The wife and I take 50k of Vit D3 a week. We use to have it prescribed but have been ordering it online cheaper...

We are sun bathers too, fully tanned during summer months...
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Yeah at 5000 iu per day that works out to 35K p/wk for us. Maybe we should have blood tests to see what our levels are...
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Yeah at 5000 iu per day that works out to 35K p/wk for us. Maybe we should have blood tests to see what our levels are...
The wife and I get a physical/blood work yearly with 6 month follow-ups (actually to mainly refill our meds) and for some reason we both were prescribed 50k D3

Think we get something like this, we take one pill on Sundays...

Our latest add has been K2
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Not braggin but... well yeah I am ;)

"Not A Good Decision For Young People" - Florida Surgeon-General Snubs FDA 'COVID Boosters-For-All' Guidance
"Not A Good Decision For Young People" - Florida Surgeon-General Snubs FDA 'COVID Boosters-For-All' Guidance | ZeroHedge

Uttering words that would have seen you excommunicated from 'good' society, ostracized to an island of racists, bigots, and vaccine-deniers; Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo said in a statement that the vaccines "are not backed by clinical evidence, but blind faith alone with ZERO regard for widespread immunity."

In guidance (pdf) to patients and doctors, the Florida Department of Health added:

"Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the state surgeon general recommends against the COVID-19 booster for individuals under 65. Individuals 65 and older should discuss this information with their health care provider, including potential concerns outlined in this guidance."
This directly contradicts guidance from The White House (everyone get up to date) and the CDC and FDA (endorsing the new jabs for anyone over 6 months old):

"We continue to live in a world where the CDC and the [Food and Drug Administration], when it comes to COVID at least, are just beating their own path in a direction that’s inexplicable in terms of thinking about data and in thinking about common sense,” Ladapo said.
And three years into this flu season, Ladalpo highlights 'herd immunity' among most of America:

With the amount of immunity that’s in the community - with virtually every walking human being having some degree of immunity, and with the questions we have about safety and about effectiveness, especially about safety, my judgment is that it’s not a good decision for young people and for people who are not at high risk at this point in the pandemic,” he said.

Florida Governor DeSantis agreed:
“I will not stand by and let the FDA and CDC use healthy Floridians as guinea pigs for new booster shots that have not been proven to be safe or effective,”
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I can’t be sure if it worked but I didn’t get it
That is the problem with negative outcomes. No way to prove the treatment worked. No way to prove that it did not work. Would you have caught it from Mrs BRF if you did not take your regimen? No way to know for sure.

Obviously, it did not work for her, right? But maybe it did. Maybe if she did not take that regimen, it would have been worse for her?

ARGGH! But that is what the Covidians state when they get Covid even though they are ultra-vaxed.
Yep frustrating.
The only real difference between us is that I've been doing the 12MG of IVM weekly for over a year, close to two.
That is the problem with negative outcomes. No way to prove the treatment worked. No way to prove that it did not work. Would you have caught it from Mrs BRF if you did not take your regimen? No way to know for sure.

Obviously, it did not work for her, right? But maybe it did. Maybe if she did not take that regimen, it would have been worse for her?

ARGGH! But that is what the Covidians state when they get Covid even though they are ultra-vaxed.
For us (the wife and I), we don't claim we won't get Covid, what we do claim is that what we are taking helps our immune system and is better than doing nothing or even the Clot Shot IMO.

One thing I do know, I have heard of No deaths taking Ivermectin, but as for the Clot Shot, well this Thread has a ton of post (evidence) saying otherwise...