Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

The fact that 85% of healthcare workers are now refusing COVID-19 genetic booster injections reveals that the vast of majority of doctors and nurses understand the immense dangers of uncontrolled systemic Spike protein production.

um, so they don’t stay in the deltoid muscle as promised huh?

(It seems it take on average 3.5 years for some folks to get it)


Wow, would love to see this happen. But, Fauci is only one of thousands of money loving murders that need accountability...Millions dead, both by the gain of function manmade virus and the cure experimental vaccine shot that will continue to kill millions more in the years to come...or if not dead, make Big Pharma even more money treating heart and cancer issues the shot created.

Pure Evil...
This article may be a little longer than my attention span but I've spent hundreds of hours reading about statins, cholesterol, heart disease, so I want no part of statins (I was on them at one time). I thought it was very inventive for someone to test effectiveness of statins vs Oreos.

"But alas—firmly revealing the absurdity of the scheme to keep Americans unhealthy on statins—a recent study published on January 22, 2024, has demonstrated that Nabisco’s toxic Oreo Cookies are two times more effective at lowering LDL cholesterol (the one they say is “bad”) than high-intensity statin drugs. Holy smokes… what?"