Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
And yet they demand you believe their ever-changing “science” and treatment plans.
The medical community has been studying viruses for decades. They have been studying SARS for decades. If these things change so fast that these 'scientists' can't make better recommendations than the ones made over the last year and a half, then WHY BOTHER?


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Is the US FINALLY on the verge of herd immunity? CDC study estimates over 80% of Americans are now protected from COVID-19 through vaccination or recovery from the virus

About 83 percent of the U.S. population ages 16 and up has some degree of immunity to the coronavirus from vaccination or prior infection, a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study estimates.

Based on antibody levels in about 1.4 million patients' blood samples, CDC researchers estimated that 20 percent of Americans have immunity from prior infection - though the number varies by age and other demographics. The other 60 per cent have received a shot which confers similar immunity.

Experts previously cited 70 to 80 percent protection as a goal for herd immunity, but now many say we need more vaccinations and boosters to protect against the super-contagious Indian 'Delta' variant.

CDC study estimates over 80% of Americans are now protected from COVID-19 | Daily Mail Online

My comment: The case of the moving goal posts.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
CDC Website Reveal That Refugees From Afghanistan Took IVERMECTIN Before They Arrived In The U.S. (Photos)

Rand Paul insists that ivermectin, a drug used on humans to treat maladies including intestinal parasites and head lice, isn’t being studied as a possible treatment for coronavirus patients because of politics.

“The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, that they’re unwilling to objectively study it,” Paul told a group in northern Kentucky late last week. “So someone like me that’s in the middle on it, I can’t tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.”

Joe Rogan also went on social media Wednesday to inform fans he contracted COVID-19 and list the medications he took, including monoclonal antibodies, prednisone and an antiparasitic drug that has recently prompted federal health warnings.

“We immediately threw the kitchen sink at it. All kinds of meds,” Rogan explained. “Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-pak, prednisone, everything. And I also got an anti-D drip and a vitamin drip.”

“Here we are on Wednesday and I feel great,” he explained. “I really only had one bad day. Sunday sucked, but Monday was better, Tuesday felt better than Monday and today, I feel good.”
He added: “I actually feel pretty f— good.” Rogan said he underwent such treatments for three days. Video below:

Twitter Link
Television and film actress Kirstie Alley, 70, also revealed on Twitter that she used Ivermectin and a cocktail of other drugs that helped her with her Covid-19 battle!
The Food and Drug Administration DA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have urged consumers against the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment after poison control centers nationwide reported a sharp uptick in people facing serious health effects after taking animal formulations of the drug.

The FDA had previously issued concerns over self-medication with ivermectin intended for animals, noting some people might mistakenly believe the drug can substitute for ivermectin intended for humans.
But, while the mainstream media described the use of ivermectin as dangerous, CDC guidelines from their own website show that refugees from Afghanistan had to take ivermectin to get into the United States!
Images below:
CDC Link
And for those interested because there is no date on the page…
This showed up on April 3, 2021.
Images below:
Ivermectin is regularly taken, by humans, for both prophylaxis and treatment of parasitic infections. None of this is related to covid-19 but the claims that the drug is dangerous for people are not real and CDC can confirm!

CDC Website Reveal That Refugees From Afghanistan Took IVERMECTIN Before They Arrived In The U.S. (Photos) | Red State Nation


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
CDC reports the number toward the bottom of the page, after they have repeatedly said that the vaccines are perfectly safe. They hope you won't read far enough to see how full of shit they are. Every one of the 7,218 dead persons will remain deceased forever.



Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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The medical community has been studying viruses for decades. They have been studying SARS for decades. If these things change so fast that these 'scientists' can't make better recommendations than the ones made over the last year and a half, then WHY BOTHER?
Heck, the common cold is a corona virus!! And we know they don't have a handle on that, all they have are over the counter meds to increase the immune system, and medical "science" can't agree if those really work or not.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Heck, the common cold is a corona virus!! And we know they don't have a handle on that, all they have are over the counter meds to increase the immune system, and medical "science" can't agree if those really work or not.
All I have seen over the counter is meds to help with the symptoms, that is what most Meds are, very little cures...
Aug 3, 2015
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Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19: a systematic review


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has shown efficacy against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in some but not all studies. We hypothesized that a systematic review would show HCQ to be effective against COVID-19, more effective when provided earlier, not associated with worsening disease and safe. We searched PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, Google Scholar and Google for all reports on HCQ as a treatment for COVID-19 patients. This included preprints and preliminary reports on larger COVID-19 studies. We examined the studies for efficacy, time of administration and safety. HCQ was found to be consistently effective against COVID-19 when provided early in the outpatient setting. It was also found to be overall effective in inpatient studies. No unbiased study found worse outcomes with HCQ use. No mortality or serious safety adverse events were found. HCQ is consistently effective against COVID-19 when provided early in the outpatient setting, it is overall effective against COVID-19, it has not produced worsening of disease and it is safe.

Keywords: Azithromycin; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; hydroxychloroquine; outpatient.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Pfizer To ‘Require’ Twice-Per-Day COVID Pill Alongside Vaccines

Pfizer is so confident the pill will be approved and likely mandated that it has started production before the end of clinical trials
Pharmaceutical megacorporation Pfizer is now developing a COVID pill that is meant to be taken alongside the COVID vaccines that have already made the company a staggering amount of money. The new pill is expected to be released by the end of the year and will be required to be taken twice per day.
“Success against #COVID19 will likely require both vaccines & treatments,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Wednesday. “We’re pleased to share we’ve started a Phase 2/3 study of our oral antiviral candidate-specifically designed to combat SARS-CoV-2-in non-hospitalized, low-risk adults.”

Pfizer also put out a press release the same week that proclaimed, “If successful, [the drug] has the potential to address a significant unmet medical need, providing patients with a novel oral therapy that could be prescribed at the first sign of infection, without requiring hospitalization.” The company described the drug as an “investigational orally administered protease inhibitor antiviral therapy designed specifically to combat COVID–19 – in non–hospitalized, symptomatic adult participants who have a confirmed diagnosis of SARS–CoV–2 infection and are not at increased risk of progressing to severe illness, which may lead to hospitalization or death.”

Media corporations have already expressed excitement about the new pill, and Pfizer is so confident that the pill will be swiftly approved and mandated by governments that it has already started a production line before the end of clinical trials.

Other companies are also hard at work on COVID pills to be taken indefinitely while governments and media corporations focus on COVID.

In Singapore, a 16-year-old boy was ruled to be eligible for a $225,000 settlement this week after suffering a myocarditis cardiac arrest event that doctors ruled was likely in response to receiving his first dose of the Pfizer BionTech vaccine, with the Ministry of Health stating, “The myocarditis was likely a serious adverse event arising from the COVID-19 vaccine he received, which might have been aggravated by his strenuous lifting of weights and his high consumption of caffeine through energy drinks and supplements.”

Pfizer To 'Require' Twice-Per-Day COVID Pill Alongside Vaccines - National File


Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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All I have seen over the counter is meds to help with the symptoms, that is what most Meds are, very little cures...
I was thinking of vitamin C, D and zinc. Many MDs strongly recommend them to strengthen immune systems. But, many say they don't. I think, like many things, they are a part of an overall healthy body.

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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I was thinking of vitamin C, D and zinc. Many MDs strongly recommend them to strengthen immune systems. But, many say they don't. I think, like many things, they are a part of an overall healthy body.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
I agree.
I take those supplements too when I have deficiencies, D I normally need during the Winter, my levels get low, during the Summer I am outside enough, we have a pool, I actually am not a white person during this time LOL. But i have been taking D even during the Summer since this Pandemic. Vitamin C I take daily, I was told if you take more than needed it should not hurt you. Zinc is where my wife and I are lacking. We are going to start taking it...Thanks...


Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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I agree.
I take those supplements too when I have deficiencies, D I normally need during the Winter, my levels get low, during the Summer I am outside enough, we have a pool, I actually am not a white person during this time LOL. But i have been taking D even during the Summer since this Pandemic. Vitamin C I take daily, I was told if you take more than needed it should not hurt you. Zinc is where my wife and I are lacking. We are going to start taking it...Thanks...
From what I have read, 1,000 - 5,000 iu of D, 2,000-4,000 C, and 30 zinc. I run 5,00 D, 3,000 C, and 30 zinc. D and C are self regulating if you aren't taking stupid amounts.

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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England

A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers.

For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated.

In the first group of vaccinated people there were a total of 402 deaths, and in the second much larger group of unvaccinated people there were 253 deaths. To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases.

That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated. That is an amazing difference. The death rate among vaccinated was just over five times greater than that for the unvaccinated.

In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were enormously safer from death. How can we explain this huge difference in terms of medical science? It should also be noted that it was determined that the measured viral load in both groups was the same.

So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated. Here are some plausible explanations.

First, there is something very dangerous and unsafe in the COVID vaccines associated with spike proteins that are causing people to die at a higher rate. For example, as discussed elsewhere, all current vaccines have been associated with serious blood problems, notably both large and microscopic blood clots. Many people have died from brain bleeds and strokes, for example.

There are also many, many other types of adverse side effects causing a host of medical problems. Two famous virologists warned against using the current vaccines because they are fundamentally unsafe and could be killing people. They loudly proclaimed that the mass vaccination program should be halted. Instead, they advocated use of treatments using generic medicines like ivermectin, as detailed in Pandemic Blunder.

Second, it is reasonable to believe that most unvaccinated people have acquired natural immunity from some prior COVID infection. And that natural immunity is far more protective than the artificial or vaccine immunity obtained from jabs. Yet the US, like many other countries, does not give credit for natural immunity on a par with vaccine immunity when it comes to COVID passports and mandates. Very few nations do the right thing by honestly following the science.

Third, vaccinated people are susceptible to breakthrough infections, which means that they are not protected against infection after they have been originally infected. Phony and dangerous COVID vaccines do not destroy the virus, nor prevent transmitting it to others.

Conclusion The new data from England involving very large numbers of people should be headline news. But the biased and dishonest big media suppress this kind of critical data. Why? Clearly, if vaccinated people die at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people, then why should people be enthusiastic about being vaccinated? They should not. This is especially true for the millions of people who have natural immunity.

Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England (


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Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
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