Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Aug 3, 2015
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The pandemic is to force you to get the vaccine.

The vaccine is to force you to get the vaccine passport.

The vaccine passport is to force you into the social credit system.

The social credit system is to force you into obeying the government.




Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
"How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative", asks Ontario ER doctor

Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an ER doctor in Owen Sound, Ontario, resigned in protest of mandatory vaccines and the corruption of our health services.

Dr. Kilian came to public attention when the recording of the Grey Bruce hospital board was released (link on our site). In that recording, board president Gary Simms cannot provide any evidence whatsoever of his dire predictions of a 'tidal wave of pediatric Covid cases' which he says are coming this fall, while threatening Dr. Kilian when she spoke up for the truth.

Dr. Kilian has spoken out before regarding the growing corruption of our health care services and has shown leadership and integrity by resigning from her position.

"At least 80% of the ER patients in the past three months were double-vaxxed", says Dr. Kilian of her informal survey of patients entering the ER with serious medical issues. "How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative?"

"How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative", asks Ontario ER doctor (

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I thought this was a teleprompter, but the fact that he is able to speak clearly is what matters the most

View attachment 102548
Interesting, the short time you see them in the video I cannot see words on them but maybe they are pointed/angled up to a teleprompter in the back. He is turning left/right and he does not look up or straight. Oh well, still a good speech. So easily I am fooled these days.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Interesting, the short time you see them in the video I cannot see words on them but maybe they are pointed/angled up to a teleprompter in the back. He is turning left/right and he does not look up or straight. Oh well, still a good speech. So easily I am fooled these days.
It’s a fancy teleprompter, good thing I pointed that out to you, they can’t fool us


Getting comfortable
Feb 14, 2016
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North Texas
While I tell you about my uncle I still feel the same about everything I've said in this thread.. I'm really not on here trying to scare anyone or change your mind but share a loss that hurts.

My uncle was in the hospital for over a month from Covid. His family say he got the Delta (nothing was said about how exactly that was verified) and I heard he wasn't vaccinated. He was 75 and he only went to the doctor when something was wrong with him. While in there he was on oxygen and developed a blood clot in a leg they couldn't get rid. They ended up amputating that leg off. Two days after that surgery one lung collapsed. (I told my wife at this point he's gone past the point of no return now) 24 hours after that he passed.

The house he lived in had five other people. His wife, one of his kids and her new family. Apparently two in the house had covid earlier this year and I'm not sure if he had it that time.

It sucks to see a person that had gone through Vietnam get taken out by something like this..
Aug 3, 2015
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Pay attention to what is happening in Australia / New South Wales:

Welcome to Friday’s live coverage of Australia’s Covid-19 situation.
Victoria recorded 733 new cases and one death on Friday, following on from the record day of 766 infections and four deaths confirmed by the state on Thursday.
NSW recorded a spike in Covid deaths on Friday, with 11 new fatalities. Case numbers remained relatively stable with 1043 new infections.

‘Horrible decision’: Gladys on unvaxxed freedoms

Premier Gladys Berejiklian has reiterated that unvaccinated residents won’t be freed from lockdown when the state hits its 80 per cent vaccination goal.
She said officials were working on determining when unvaccinated residents can participate in the extra freedoms vaccinated people will enjoy at that 80 per cent mark.
“We were really keen to give people a very good idea of what to expect at 70 per cent double dose. 80 per cent of dose will also bring with it additional things people can do,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“The challenge? That is when unvaccinated people can participate. It’ll be based on health advice and consistent with the national plan.
“I’ve often said that it’s always a horrible and difficult decision to take when you ask people to stay home, locking down communities.”
Ms Berejiklian said these decisions have to be made in a way that won’t result in the hospital system being overwhelmed.
“We want to protect lives and ensure that those who are vulnerable have every chance to be protected as well,” she said.

Aug 3, 2015
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Dr. Mercola, Stew Peters, and Dr. Bryan Ardis expose the American Medical Association in the video and article below. The AMA isn’t just telling doctors to claim the injections are “safe and effective.” They are going so far as to educate doctors on psychological manipulation tactics they can use to get vaccine skeptics to take the jabs. They are teaching doctors how to lie better, giving them tips and tricks on coercion, gaslighting, and intellectual subterfuge for the sake of defending their grand agenda.

Some of the material below is actually quite stunning. We know the vaxx-pushers have taken their roles in this world very seriously, but the leaps they seem willing to take to bring about universal vaccinations are far worse than most could have imagined. Some of it is expected. We have been hammered on a daily basis with pressure tactics and half-truths, and I believe in my heart that most who echo it are just useful idiots. This move by the AMA takes them into the realm of full-blown pawns of the architects of The Great Reset.

Please read the article, watch the video, and share the information. Study it closely. The best chance we have of reversing the dangerous course the nation and the world are on (other than constant prayer, of course) is by being ready to debunk the debunkers, to educate the nannies, and the defeat the lies with facts. Knowing the gaslighting tricks of our adversaries can help us provide a stronger argument against those who think we’re the crazy ones.

It can be stressful for many of our readers to engage in such discussions. Not everyone itches for a good fight over vaccines. Some dread it. But our numbers are dwindling with every American who is manipulated into getting on the ceaseless vaccine/booster regimen. This is an existential threat to our way of life. We need as many people spreading the truth as possible. The easiest way to do that is not understand the adversary and those who may fall victim to them.

Here’s Dr. Mercola, Peters, and Dr. Ardis…

View attachment The AMA Is Teaching Doctors Psychological Manipulation Tacti(1).mp4
