Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Canada admits 74% of triple-vaccinated now at risk of Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome VAIDS

(THE PEOPLE'S VOICE) – Official data released by the Canadian government reveals that at least 74% of the vaccinated population across Canada now have full-blown Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

The data reveal that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of their unvaccinated counterparts reports: So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

Western nation admits 74% of triple-vaccinated now at risk of VAIDS (

My Comment: I am glad that all the Liberals on this forum ran right out and got all their booster shots. :D


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Sep 5, 2016
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The Dangers Of Investigating Big Pharma
The Dangers Of Investigating Big Pharma | ZeroHedge

.......................... We need to be clear on what might be going on here. A state attorney general merely decided to apply existing law to the vaccine makers who provide most of the revenue to the drug approval side of the Food and Drug Administration. They fund 75 percent of television advertising and have moles embedded at all the commanding heights.

They are so powerful that they manage to get Congress and the president to grant them full freedom from liability for any of the effects of a vaccine. That only incentivized the firms to call gene therapy a vaccine even though it didn’t work like any vaccine in history.

How can it be possible that such tax-funded corporate agents, which own the patents to their drugs, and can even force their product on unwilling customers, can unseat a duly elected official in a state? It’s amazing ... and terrifying.

But that might be only the start of it. Mr. Carlson’s show on Fox was canceled just after he started asking hard questions about the vaccine, while Russell Brand was smeared the world over as he started to raise questions. It’s happened to many public figures.

Look at the unseating of the founder of Project Veritas’s James O’Keefe, which occurred after he exposed a Pfizer employee bragging about how much money the company would make by creating new strains of viruses against which they can vaccinate. It was easily the most spectacular exposé of the institution’s history—and then, boom, he was fired.

Now, Mr. O’Keefe runs his own outfit that continues to chase down pharma executives.

As for Project Veritas, it just pulled the plug and fired all but a few employees. It has ceased operations, which isn't surprising. When you get rid of the highest-performing person, the fumes you are left with don’t last long.

Think about it: This awesome operation was wrecked because some powerful people got squeamish about exposing the vaccine makers.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the biggest and most learned critic of Big Pharma on the planet, faced what might have been an assassination attempt last week. It didn’t even make the newspapers (The Epoch Times excepted). Meanwhile, he's still being denied Secret Service protection even though he's a serious candidate and faces non-stop threats on his life.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Add Aaron Rogers, Elon Musk, and that Senator from N Dakota who died along with his family in a private plane crash to the list.

North Dakota state senator, his wife and 2 kids killed in Utah plane crash
A state senator from North Dakota, his wife and their two young children died when the small plane they were traveling in crashed soon after a refueling stop in Utah, a Senate leader said Monday.

But surely it was just an ACCIDENT, and jes' think how much worse it would have been if they hadnt a bin vaxxed! " They stopped to refuel in Utah." Aye, there's the rub.

"The agency will have a preliminary report on the crash within a couple weeks, followed by a final report in a year to year and a half, Salazar said. "

Senator Doug Larsen supported a bill to study the long-term health effects of mRNA "vaccines", sharing this story on the Senate floor. Now he's unavailable to support that study. What a coincidence .


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Sep 5, 2016
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Some Embalmers Say White, Fibrous Clots Showing Up; Others Say It's A Conspiracy Theory

Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho pathologist who said he's conducted "a lot" of autopsies in his career, said normal post-mortem blood clots are red and jelly-like.

"They're not white and rubbery," he said in a 2022 interview on "American Thought Leaders."
Dr. Cole attributes the absence of public dialogue within the medical community regarding the clots to "institutional fear."

.......... Of the 179 active embalmers who responded to the survey, 119 confirmed having seen the clots.

.......... "For obvious reasons, I am most reluctant for my colleagues to know I am responding," the embalmer said, on condition of anonymity, in an email to The Epoch Times.

"My workplace feels this is a conspiracy theory and is unwilling to engage in conversation. To say I was shut down when I tried to bring it up is an understatement."

............. "I am not privy to the vaccination status of the deceased or their recent health issues beyond [the] cause of death, so I cannot say if there is a link between a recent COVID infection or vaccination," the embalmer said.

He said he tried to discuss his findings with other colleagues—not to "stir up trouble," but to learn what they were looking at.

However, "just like with any other unusual presentation on my table ... there is a definable 'don't ask, don't tell' feeling around the topic," he said.

Probably Just a Coincidence

Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) After ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Immunization: An Investigative Case Report
Mar 18, 2023

Histopathologically TMA-like distribution of multiple organ thromboses following the initial dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech): an autopsy case report
Oct 06, 2022
Histopathologically TMA-like distribution of multiple organ thromboses following the initial dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech): an autopsy case report - Thrombosis Journal

KILLER SIGNS Urgent warning to women under 40 after sharp rise in sudden killer
May 31 2022
Urgent warning to women under 40 after sharp rise in sudden killer
Blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT), have risen in women under 40 in Scotland, stats show.

Histological and immunohistochemical findings in a fatal case of thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination
Mar 2022
Histological and immunohistochemical findings in a fatal case of thrombotic thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination

Risk of venous thrombotic events and thrombocytopenia in sequential time periods after ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines: A national cohort study in England
Feb 2022
Risk of venous thrombotic events and thrombocytopenia in sequential time periods after ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines: A national cohort study in England

Late-Onset Vaccine-Induced Immune Thombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) with Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Jan 27, 2022

Four cases of acquired hemophilia A following immunization with mRNA BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
Jan 19, 2022

Association of cerebral venous thrombosis with recent COVID-19 vaccination: case-crossover study using ascertainment through neuroimaging in Scotland
Dec 20, 2021
Association of cerebral venous thrombosis with recent COVID-19 vaccination: case-crossover study using ascertainment through neuroimaging in Scotland - BMC Infectious Diseases

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis After BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
Oct 14, 2021
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis After BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis After Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 (BNT162b2) Vaccination
Sep 17, 2021
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis After Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 (BNT162b2) Vaccination

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures –

A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications

Blood Clots, Spike Protein & Inflammation: Dr. Thompson Details J&J Vax Reaction & Bloodwork Findings

FDA Study Links Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine with Blood Clotting? Panic on Social Media After New Report
Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older
FDA Study Links Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine with Blood Clotting? Panic on Social Media After New Report

Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid "Vaccines" Are Causing 'The Largest Blood Clots We've Ever Seen'

Embalmer Meets Pathologist - Cause of Mystery Clots?

Why have Health Regulators not looked more closely at Embalmers Clots?

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole Analyzes mRNA & Alarming Blood Clots w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

Medical Bombshell: Pfizer Vax Attacks Human Blood Creating Clots Under Microscope - Forbidden Knowledge TV
Last edited:


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Sep 5, 2016
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Science Journals Publish Pro-Lockdown Reports, Censor Anti-Lockdown Studies: Authors
Science Journals Publish Pro-Lockdown Reports, Censor Anti-Lockdown Studies: Authors | ZeroHedge

COVID censorship appears to be making a comeback—if it ever left.

A man crosses an empty street in downtown Montreal during nationwide lockdowns at the beginning of the pandemic, on April 5, 2020. (The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes)

Numerous physicians and academicians say they have been attempting to publish studies that show that lockdowns had enormous costs and marginal benefits, but they have found many doors were closed.

“The whole scientific review process on anything related to COVID-19 has become highly politicized and contaminated,” Steve Hanke, professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University and former member of the Council of Economic Advisors under President Reagan, told The Epoch Times. Mr. Hanke says he has been among those who have experienced censorship for criticizing lockdowns.

While many people may look back on the pandemic shuttering of schools, businesses and churches as costly, intrusive and, in some cases, devastating failures of government, lockdowns are garnering increasingly favorable reviews within the medical community, as reports critical of lockdowns are being silenced.

This is occurring at a time of revelations that the Biden administration leaned on tech and media companies to silence voices that dissented from the official COVID narratives.


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Sep 5, 2016
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How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculations?
How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculations?

The online survey, conducted in December 2021, included about 3,000 respondents representative of the general U.S. population, who described their own adverse-event-related experiences—and, equally importantly, the experiences of people in their social circles. Almost half of the respondents had received Covid shots themselves—with more than one in six experiencing health issues afterwards—and about one-fourth reported knowing others who had experienced significant post-injection health issues.

Dr. Skidmore notes that if one were to abide by the CDC’s count of “rare” injection-related fatalities (CDC acknowledges only nine Covid-vaccine-related deaths), then statistically, “in a survey of 3,000 people we should see ZERO (or close to zero) fatalities.” The survey provided a different picture, however. One in twelve respondents reported knowing someone who had died post-injection—a total of 55 fatalities—and the people described as likely vaccine-related deaths were, on average, 48 years old. Respondents also described numerous non-fatal but severe adverse events like heart-related issues, blood clotting, strokes, and paralysis.

Dr. Skidmore presented his survey results at the February 2022 Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium III, and they are also available in his working paper titled “How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculations? An Estimate Based on a Survey of the United States Population” posted at Dr. Skidmore’s Lighthouse Economics website. The working paper’s Appendix 3 includes respondents’ verbatim descriptions of the adverse events witnessed in their social circles.

The central question raised by Dr. Skidmore’s survey is this: What if the survey results, rather than CDC numbers, reflect the true ratio for fatalities and serious injuries following Covid injections? This would yield an estimated 260,000 to 300,000 fatalities and 1.1 million potentially life-threatening or life-shortening serious injuries—estimates that must be taken seriously by anyone still debating the injections’ safety.


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Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Hydroxychloroquine Reduces COVID-19 Mortality, Study Finds

People who took hydroxychloroquine in combination with another drug while hospitalized with COVID-19 were less likely to die than those who didn't, according to a new study.

Hydroxychloroquine, which is widely used against malaria and arthritis, was given to hundreds of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Belgium. Thousands of others didn't receive the drug.

Researchers examined records from 352 adults hospitalized in AZ Groeninge Hospital in Kortrijk, Belgium. All patients tested positive for COVID-19 or had results from CT scans that suggested COVID-19 was present. Patients received hydroxychloroquine alone or with azithromycin, an antibiotic. They were scanned before and after treatment.

Researchers compared the results of the record analysis with a control group of 3,533 people hospitalized across Belgium with COVID-19 from March 14, 2020, to May 24, 2020. The people didn't receive hydroxychloroquine but did receive standard of care.

Twenty-eight days following the diagnosis of COVID-19, 59 people treated with hydroxychloroquine had died. The mortality percentage, or 16.7 percent, was lower than the 25.9 percentage in the control group.

Researchers found patients who received hydroxychloroquine were more likely to survive even after adjusting for age and other factors.

"Our study suggests that, despite the controversy surrounding its use, treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin remains a viable option," Dr. Gert Meeus, a nephrologist with AZ Groeninge Hospital, and other researchers wrote.

The study was published by the journal New Microbes and New Infections. Limitations include the retrospective nature of the study and differences between the treatment and control groups, including the former being younger on average. Authors declared no conflicts of interest or funding. The research adds to a mixed dataset on hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19.

Some other studies have found that hydroxychloroquine recipients were less likely to die, including a study that analyzed records from a health system in Michigan. Many of the positive findings concerned hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin.

Hydroxychloroquine Reduces COVID-19 Mortality, Study Finds | The Epoch Times

My comment: Fauci lied, people died.


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Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


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Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Only 2% of Americans Have Gotten Updated Coronavirus Booster Shot

About 7 million Americans have received the updated versions of the coronavirus vaccines, compared to the 56.5 million people who received last year’s version.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data shows that the major vaccine manufacturers, Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, have gotten their updated shots out to about 2 percent of the population as of Wednesday, Reuters reported.

These updated vaccinations are “single-target shots aimed at coronavirus’s XBB.1.5 omicron subvariant of the coronavirus, which was the dominant variant in the U.S. for much of this year but has since been overtaken as the virus continues to evolve,” the outlet noted.

Another COVID vaccine manufacturer, Novavax, also has millions of doses on the way after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the shot last week for emergency use in ages 12 years or older.
According to the FDA, the updated vaccine “addresses currently circulating variants to provide better protection against serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death.”
While millions of Americans who received coronavirus vaccines last year have not yet opted to get the current ones formulated for “better protection,” debates about the shots’ efficacy have made rounds in pop culture.
On Tuesday, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers challenged Travis Kelce of the Kansas City Chiefs to a debate on the vaccine a week after joking that the tight end is “Mr. Pfizer” for doing an advertisement for the pharmaceutical company.

During his appearance on the Pat McAfee show, Rodgers proposed that a debate be held between him and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. against Kelce and Anthony Fauci.

Only 2% of Americans Have Gotten Updated Coronavirus Booster Shot (

Comment: The new Bud Light of medicine.