Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This is looking to be more and more real as each day passes. I've not yet seen anything "official" denying it and its been 2 weeks... they arrested the whistleblower of course...

Kiwi government database on COVID shot kills leaked
Barry Young, as he explains, what is the unique position of having full access to a technologically advanced country’s COVID-19 vaxx database, owing to the facts that New Zealand has a nationalized healthcare system and is small enough population-wise to require only one database administrator.

The governing authorities bet on him not having a conscience. They bet wrong.
M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations) - Rumble
Via Vigilant News:
Statistician and whistleblower, Barry Young, also known as “Winston Smith,” 56, has been arrested by New Zealand authorities for exposing a damning database on COVID-19 vaccine deaths. However, the official charge was “dishonestly accessing vaccination data.”

Young, a Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower, was responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database. After discovering some disturbing trends, Young felt compelled to come forward. “I saw too much that I couldn’t do nothing anymore,” he said.

In a long-format interview with Liz Gunn, founder of the New Zealand Loyal Party, on November 30th, Mr. Young presented connections between specific COVID-19 vaccine batches and mortality rates. The data he shared was alarming:
Batch ID 1: Total Vaccinated 711, Death Count 152, 21.38% Dead
Batch ID 8: Total Vaccinated 221, Death Count 38, 17.19% Dead
Batch ID 3: Total Vaccinated 310, Death Count 48, 15.48% Dead
Batch ID 4: Total Vaccinated 364, Death Count 37, 10.16% Dead
Batch ID 6: Total Vaccinated 1006, Death Count 101, 10.04% Dead
Batch ID 2: Total Vaccinated 1018, Death Count 98, 9.63% Dead
Batch ID 7: Total Vaccinated 38, Death Count 3, 7.89% Dead
Batch ID 72: Total Vaccinated 5882, Death Count 278, 4.73% Dead
Batch ID 62: Total Vaccinated 18173, Death Count 831, 4.57% Dead
Batch ID 71: Total Vaccinated 11019, Death Count 498, 4.52% Dead

The underlying mortality rate in New Zealand should be only 0.75%, said Young. He added that these batches were across all age groups, so it should all average out to that 0.75% mortality rate.”

No good deed goes unpunished. For publishing what ought to have been public all along — why would government data on publicly-funded vaccination programs not be in the public interest? — Young was arrested and his social media combed through to uncover a thoughtcrime called “transphobia.”
Via Stuff (New Zealand):

“Hours after Barry Young stood in the dock at Wellington District Court facing charges of allegedly leaking computer files, he was centre stage of the conspiracy theory circus.
Speaking to prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for close to an hour, Young was touted as a ‘whistleblower’ and outlined what he had done and why.
He has been accused of leaking data from the country’s National Vaccination Database to spread misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine.
Up until that point, the 56-year-old Te Whatu Ora IT worker’s online presence had been relatively muted…
Scattered among posts about financial markets and computer programming are occasional anti-trans comments, as well as sporadic posts about the handling of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout.
In recent weeks, the frequency of those posts increased. In one comment he calls former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a ‘truly disgusting human being’ and likens the Covid-19 response to that of Nazi Germany.
In another post, he calls Ardern’s successor Chris Hipkins ‘scum of the Earth’ because he ‘forced people to get vaccinated to keep their jobs’.”

Armageddon Prose
Fact Check:
· “Anti-trans” means whatever the government says it does, up to and including holding the position that convicted male rapists shouldn’t be housed in female prisons
· Jacinda Ardern, human-horse-demon hybrid and WEF acolyte, is a “truly disgusting human being”
· Forcing people to get vaccinated as a precondition to be permitted to make a living makes the government bureaucrat in charge of that policy “scum of the Earth.”
No lies detected.

NZ Whistleblower Arrested for Exposing the Truth: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Well elections are coming and profits are down so their masters at big pharma are whipping them into action.



Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
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South Dakota
Well elections are coming and profits are down so their masters at big pharma are whipping them into action.

And the source: Epoch times. a propagandist paid by big pharma.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Epoch Times is hardly in bed with big Pharma. They reported a story. They didnt condone or even attempt to editorialize it. They've broken a ton of stories accusing big pharma of covering up. They tend to report straight "news" like we thought the MSM was doing all those years. You know, like real straight reporting..

Random Examples out of HUNDREDS of articles
Top 10 COVID Events of the Year: Revealing the Facts Unspoken and Unknown
FDA and HHS Sued for Concealing Documents Showing Suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin: America First Legal
DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines May Explain Rise in Cancers, Clots, Autoimmune Diseases: Pathologist

They routinely publish papers by anti-mRNA vax doctors like Malone, Kory, Marick, and Peter McCullough.
In fact there may not be another media outlet that has done more to expose the truth about Covid and the "vaccines"

Their body of content on the subject is extensive and likely greater than the next 3 MSM or any other outlet put together.
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2023
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while this may be an unpopular opinion here, I have a strong dislike for disinformation

Flawed Analysis of New Zealand Data Doesn’t Show COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Millions -

This is looking to be more and more real as each day passes. I've not yet seen anything "official" denying it and its been 2 weeks... they arrested the whistleblower of course...

Kiwi government database on COVID shot kills leaked
Barry Young, as he explains, what is the unique position of having full access to a technologically advanced country’s COVID-19 vaxx database, owing to the facts that New Zealand has a nationalized healthcare system and is small enough population-wise to require only one database administrator.


NZ Whistleblower Arrested for Exposing the Truth: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Me too- thats why you'll have to do better than :rofl:

But you might note I mentioned in another post that it was suspect. I'm still not certain as I havent seen the actual data. I do know lots of "official" sources have denounced it....

Worth mentioning that nobody is disputing the data. Its the "analysis" that they are arguing.
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2023
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Steve Kirsch’s “mother of all revelations” about the “deadliness” of COVID-19 vaccines goes poof | Science-Based Medicine (
Steve Kirsch’s claim that New Zealand data shows COVID-19 vaccines killed millions is based on a flawed analysis - Health Feedback

factcheck is a well regarded trusted peer-reviewed academic non-profit, that you don't like their conclusions is a different issue.

why are you posting, in your own words, "suspect" disinformation?

If by "official" you mean the New Zealand department of health, <sarcasm>that bastion of politics</sarcasm>, then yes, official sources are denouncing it...because it's disinformation.

Me too- thats why you'll have to do better than :rofl:

But you might note I mentioned in another post that it was suspect. I'm still not certain as I havent seen the actual data. I do know lots of "official" sources have denounced it....

Worth mentioning that nobody is disputing the data. Its the "analysis" that they are arguing.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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It may be, if it turns out to be false so be it. The information is almost 3 weeks old now.

1- This is looking to be more and more real as each day passes. I've not yet seen anything "official" denying it and its been 2 weeks... they arrested the whistleblower of course... <which part do you disagree with mr 20/20 backwards vision?
2- Because you're cherry picking a thread that has 761 pages of posts, you missed where I originally called for caution on the story. Post #15,131

And you can get off the "disinformation" bullshit. I post a lot of articles about Covid and the "vaccines", many people do, here, on FB, Twitter, the NYT, MSNBC.. etc. I would posit that 90%+ of what I've posted has turned out to be true. I dont write them, I repost content from other news sources. Its a discussion forum sparky..

I seem to recall posting "suspect" information about the origin of covid back 3 years ago. Seems it turned out to be true. I'll wait a while on this one and see how it ends up.

And if you want to believe is a legit source of unbiased information, thats your prerogative. :rofl:
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2023
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California is well regarded.
The Epoch Times is not.
Factcheck uses citations, Epoch Times, not so much.
This article is poor journalism and an attempt to editorialize the issue.
Where is the other side of this story? There are thousands of scientists that disagree with the incorrect conclusions this article makes.

Has to be a bot or from another planet.