Part of the temp installation finished

Hello all,
New to these forums and relatively new to BI. I'm cruising the threads that mention SUNBA because we have a new 805-DG20X Pro that we are trying to get up and running in BI. It is an auto-tracking camera. I was able to get video and config access to the cam in BI using a different model, but I have no PTZ functionality. I realize it's a newer camera and wondering if there is a process or status of brands/models to be added to BI? I don't know the status of any API for that camera.

It's frustrating, as we've found that these cameras that we've installed for customers get PTZ action for about 2 hours when first installed, but with MD and auto-tracking, they rarely get touched after the first day. But customer wants to play with it that first day. We can get to it via CMS, but don't want to put customers through that.

I appreciate any direction...and apologies for thread-hijacking.

@KaarBaak ,
sorry i have no idea what ptz setting to use for this new model.
I recently have been busy with finding the settings for a new ptz model i bought and i had the same problem.
After looking into the code with wireshark and testing allot of ptz brands i could not get it working.

I ended up sending Ken a mail from blueiris and he could help me out after a little while when i gave acces to the camera which setting i needed.

@ everyone else, i am sort of back.
Been a very busy year i can say and allot of work has been done.
Not yet my home automation system that is running but im getting there.

About the Sunba camera:

After replacing the pcb they have send me, the camera was not working like it should.
The camera unit was broken, shipped it to China and after a couple of weeks i received a package with a repaired module.
Everything is working fine, have replaced the unit and tested it.
Now its somewhere at the pile of camera's i have since i replaced the ptz camera for a ptz model running a sony imx178 sensor and hi3516.

Will show some more later in my posts about the cam, i actually haven't tested it much since i have been very busy trying to finish my house.