Welcome to the forum. In your last picture in the the PIR tab select "trigger channel" under normal linkage.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Don't know what to do anymore.
Welcome to the forum. In your last picture in the the PIR tab select "trigger channel" under normal linkage.
First understand that port forwarding has noting to do with pir detection (im assuming your blue iris machine is on the same network as the hikvision camera)
Ok you need to redo your settings. First delete the pic in your post with the NAT tab because it has your external ip address and you dont want to broadcast that.
Second disable port mapping, you dont need that enabled.
Third on your router the local ip address for port forwarding has to be your cameras ip address .38 not your pc's ip address...
if you want to view your BI machine remotely then you need to forward your blue iris server port (set it to something other than 80, like 8085) and forward that port to your pc's ip address
Do you have an updated link for the post you linked to earlier in the thread? I cannot find it.