Here's video that shows the tail # in the wreckage:Just saw your post
Here's video that shows the tail # in the wreckage:Just saw your post
Not saying it's true but it feels like a typical gubermint operation to get ahead of everything by looking for and "scrubbing" social media accounts or other places that may indicate DEI related activities...get their ducks in a row, etc. The "highly unusual" aspect of the release of the name of ALL occupants of the helo are awfully suspicious.And no ill towards her but reports are she had a Biden White House connection.
Apparently a "social" advisor and heavily participated in "Pride" events
It's called "continuous vetting." They already know.Not saying it's true but it feels like a typical gubermint operation to get ahead of everything by looking for and "scrubbing" social media accounts or other places that may indicate DEI related activities
The ATC radar altitude display is corrected for local barometric pressure so should match what the cockpit altimeter says. With a little more research I've learned that TCAS does not issue RAs in an aircraft under 1000' radar altitude, so it would have been out-of-play in the DCA accident. It makes sense to not tell an aircraft close to the ground to dive. In the video you linked 2 posts above, plus others I've seen, there are so many CAs on the radar screen that the controllers might be conditioned to ignore them as background noise.I know ADSB transmits pressure altitude, but what does ATC see on their displays?
I think I read TCAS uses both pressure and radar altitude.
24 hours prior TCAS avoided a mid air collision between a commercial flight and military helo.
I don't recall seeing the RA alerts on the fateful collision.
Isn't that info from the CRJ's CVR? The one thing I noticed most is that the crash was exactly 30 seconds after they passed through 500' AGL, according to the automated voice alert.From VH60 CVR/FDR:
Could be. I think they have them from both aircraft.Isn't that info from the CRJ's CVR? The one thing I noticed most is that the crash was exactly 30 seconds after they passed through 500' AGL, according to the automated voice alert.