POS Arrested and another one going down

If everybody came out swinging a bat there`d be very few car prowlers. It`s not a bad solution. :)

The almost free money with slaps on the wrist for punishment most of the time makes it common. Well, that and the drug problem that drives most of it.
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Got me thinking, in the situation where you see live (on camera) someone trying to either break inside the car and or worse inside the house what is best case of action. Would remotely activated sound alarm that would wake up entire neighborhood be a good addition?
Biggest problem is you have to check your laws. Most cases you can not use force to defend property only life. No use spending time in Jail over that 8track in your trans am. Hence why we are into camears. Let the police do their job.

As far as the Alarm thing i would love to have a contraption where when someone is breaking into your car you can set off a firecracker nearby to scare the living daylights out of them.
who said all I had was a baseball bat?

not like I am going to make some poor teenager shit them selves down the barrel of my 357 over the fact that they didnt get into my locked car.. all I want them to do is run off, which they do in a fucking hurry, mission accomplished.. I am looking at putting some strobes up outside, no sirens that'll just make more enemies than friends.

only time the cops ever showed up quickly is when I caught one of em in my mailbox, but like every neighborhood had stolen mail problems for weeks so they really wanted that bastard...

the biggest danger Ive caught so far was getting outwitted by a pack of Coyotes that got sick of me fucking up there hunts... most night time prowlers are not as smart as a bunch of mutts.
It seems like your solution is to confront the criminal and escalate situation which potentially could be dangerous where I am looking for prevention tactics. Good luck with taking chance on this if you think that a even teenager may not pull out his gun on you someday even for an attempt to open the car.
to each there own, I will not sit by and watch some fuckers up to no good just go victimize all my neighbors.. my cars are locked.. if I could depend on LEO to catch one of em then perhaps I would act differently.. but Ive tried that, didnt work.. at least when I tell them I know what there up to and threaten them with police they get the fuck out of my neighborhood and dont come back.

I could die at any moment for any number of reasons, and I am fully prepared for that.. im not going to live my life in fear of what-ifs and die a fucking pussy.. Ive had guns pointed at me plenty of times and I am still here to tell you about it.

I see some asshat twice my size punch a woman do I think, oah this guy could kill me.. I should call the cops and let that poor bitch take her beating.. oh hell no, I grab whatever I can and jump in ready to get my ass handed to me.. big f'n deal, wont be the first or last time.. if I meet my maker in the process well everyone will just tell it how it is at my funeral.

Ive gone out and chatted with prowlers and drunks at night, and they are human beings too.. they dont want to hurt nobody or get caught.. but they are really fucking stupid so dont try to out-stupid them or you'll loose.. ive got the scars to prove it.

but go ahead @klasipca, sit behind your glass monitor and flash your lights.. I dont really care what you do, your opinion has almost no value to me anymore
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to each there own, I will not sit by and watch some fuckers up to no good just go victimize all my neighbors.. my cars are locked.. if I could depend on LEO to catch one of em then perhaps I would act differently.. but Ive tried that, didnt work.. at least when I tell them I know what there up to and threaten them with police they get the fuck out of my neighborhood and dont come back.

I could die at any moment for any number of reasons, and I am fully prepared for that.. im not going to live my life in fear of what-ifs and die a fucking pussy.. Ive had guns pointed at me plenty of times and I am still here to tell you about it.

I see some asshat twice my size punch a woman do I think, oah this guy could kill me.. I should call the cops and let that poor bitch take her beating.. oh hell no, I grab whatever I can and jump in ready to get my ass handed to me.. big f'n deal, wont be the first or last time.. if I meet my maker in the process well everyone will just tell it how it is at my funeral.

Ive gone out and chatted with prowlers and drunks at night, and they are human beings too.. they dont want to hurt nobody or get caught.. but they are really fucking stupid so dont try to out-stupid them or you'll loose.. ive got the scars to prove it.

but go ahead @klasipca, sit behind your glass monitor and flash your lights.. I dont really care what you do, your opinion has almost no value to me anymore
Thanks for entertainment
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Thread getting fun :peaceful:. I like the lights bc they tell me something is out there without having to check cameras.

Here in Texas, you always bring the gun if you can. Overwhelming force is my approach. I don't want someone to get shot but from this last break in, I have learned that you never assume the other guy isn't armed.

On a lighter note, I caught another theft of a lawn care guy's blower this week down the street. My Huisun PTZ captured the plate as the POS drive by. That camera is just awesome. Will post a link once I'm not on the iPad.

Re the 2GIG, I've put another speaker in the fron of the house which screams at my neighbors. I'm curious what cool things I could do with the 2GIG...seems to have a lot of potential, I just don't know how to best use it for other items...
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My Huisun PTZ captured the plate as the POS drive by. That camera is just awesome.
But really, it's just a junk PTZ not capable of serious security :)
For me in my neighborhood, there are a bunch of us that open carry everyday. So if you have those that drive around checking things out and see a bunch of guys washing vehicles and mowing grass with guns, it usually makes them think twice. I consider it a show of force!
It`s a cheap PTZ with some flaws that don`t usually overshadow its other capabilities?
Nah, I'm happy with the Hik gear. Just need a good mini ptz ( dome style) with good night vision.
Nah, I'm happy with the Hik gear. Just need a good mini ptz ( dome style) with good night vision.
Huisun is working on a mini dome PTZ ;)
Read the few dozen posts on Huisun not working including as I recall all of yours have glitches. I enjoy Hiks you plug them in they work but, when the Huisun posts say all perfect on the V2 10x I might bite.
Hey, Texas can't you guys just shoot anyone on your property if you feel in danger ? I recall a kid that ensured the bully that was beating him every day followed him home to his porch then he blew his head off it was on a video I saw no charges laid..
Read the few dozen posts on Huisun not working including as I recall all of yours have glitches. I enjoy Hiks you plug them in they work but, when the Huisun posts say all perfect on the V2 10x I might bite.

Hikvision turret:
Reliability 10
Firmware 8
Night vision 4
Fun factor 0

Huisun PTZ:
Reliability 8
Firmware 7
Night vision 8
Fun factor 1000000000000000