Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

So only half way into his first year as Commander In Theft, we are over 1 MILLION illegals let freely into the USA.

So I see this guy who I know is illegal, as I have spoken to him many times before. He's been illegally in America for about 6 years now. He's one of those car detailers that drives a brand new $55,000+ truck with probably $15,000 in cleaning gear in the back.

But today I see him with 5 new guys, all young, 20s, all newly crossed our border. I spoke to him, he told me so. But I will say damn they were working hard for him. Before I had only seen him with 1 other worker before so I asked him about his new workers.

All while Democrats keep telling the inner city American citizens, which they these Democrats officials govern, that they are victims.

Let not forget, Trump brought Black American unemployment* (see next post) to the lowest level in American history.

In some ways you can't blame these illegals wanting to come to America and work hard to have a better life than could be had from the corrupt governments they left behind.

But at the expense of the inner city who are kept on the Democrats victim hood leash
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I remember watching this when it first happened. I am not surprised. Animals.

This shows how truly deranged liberals are…

The proper response to this bullshit is:
“No. Because fuck you that’s why”
So only half way into his first year as Commander In Theft, we are over 1 MILLION illegals let freely into the USA.

So I see this guy who I know is illegal, as I have spoken to him many times before. He's been illegally in America for about 6 years now. He's one of those car detailers that drives a brand new $55,000+ truck with probably $15,000 in cleaning gear in the back.

But today I see him with 5 new guys, all young, 20s, all newly crossed our border. I spoke to him, he told me so. But I will say damn they were working hard for him. Before I had only seen him with 1 other worker before so I asked him about his new workers.

All while Democrats keep telling the inner city American citizens, which they these Democrats officials govern, that they are victims.

Let not forget, Trump brought Black American unemployment to the lowest level in American history.

In some ways you can't blame these illegals wanting to come to America and work hard to have a better life than could be had from the corrupt governments they left behind.

But at the expense of the inner city who are kept on the Democrats victim hood leash
My time in California showed me that newly-immigrated Hispanics (legal or otherwise) will work their asses off. Each generation after the 1st gen immigrant is far more likely to become more and more entitled and lazy.

removed because in one article written at a time when the Democrat parties KKK was active on the campus they used a racial slur to describe the rock.

In all my life (over 50 years ;)) I have never heard of this type of racial reference….

“The boulder was referred to as a “n——-head” — a commonly* used expression in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock — at least once in a 1925 Wisconsin State Journal story. University historians have not found any other time that the term was used but said the Ku Klux Klan was active on campus at that time.”

cannot locate said article

* = Total Bullshit
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I remember watching this when it first happened. I am not surprised. Animals.

View attachment 97498
Hopefully a civil suit will ensue and impose on these two women significant monetary long term suffering.
View attachment 97763

removed because in one article written at a time when the Democrat parties KKK was active on the campus they used a racial slur to describe the rock.

In all my life (over 50 years ;)) I have never heard of this type of racial reference….

“The boulder was referred to as a “n——-head” — a commonly* used expression in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock — at least once in a 1925 Wisconsin State Journal story. University historians have not found any other time that the term was used but said the Ku Klux Klan was active on campus at that time.”

cannot locate said article

* = Total Bullshit
Another sign the "higher education institutions" have turned to be a complete and utter waste of space.
Way too many people have way too much free time on their hands.
I'm sure they handed out pink blankets to those who needed a safe space after walking past a ROCK. Good grief!
This is right up their with trumps name being scribbled on a university steps with CHAULK, upsetting snowflakes.
“The boulder was referred to as a “n——-head” — a commonly* used expression in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock — at least once in a 1925 Wisconsin State Journal story. University historians have not found any other time that the term was used but said the Ku Klux Klan was active on campus at that time.”
I worked as a Geoscientist for over 35 years. I got a BS in Math and Geology from Boston State College and I got my MS in Geology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. With over 40 years in Geology, I have NEVER heard that term used.