Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

Hot damn that hurt....I mean really hurt. But again, I would rather have had that then ANYTHING my father would have given me. 100% And you know what? I survived it, imagine that. :)

You mean you didn't go to your safe space with a woobie, coloring books, crayons and playdough? WOW <SNERK>

I had a civics teacher that loved to cruise the aisles in his classroom with an 18" ruler in his hand. If he saw you goofing off, knuckles were his favorite target. Keep in mind this is NJ in the early 60's and things were already getting "tamed down".
This is a product of grooming. Schools have been raising obedient servants of the state. No longer do they teach critical thinking as the only response to a debate is violence. Remember it's "for" the children.

I'm surprised they haven't asked where their participation trophy is. Queue Uncle George for the cash.
It is to dangerous for Joe to go to Ukraine. So, he sent his wife.

He must have a big insurance policy! ;)

So a country under attack from Russia, to meet the Ukrainian president…. You don’t think Russia knows exactly where he is….. The “leader” of Ukraine….

Putin has been wanting to assassinate him from day 1. Yet it is perfectly fine to send “high profile figures” of our country to meet with him, in his hometown.

And yet they won’t send a single demonRat congressman’s part time staffers second cousin twice removed ex-wife’s sons iligitamit kid to visit the boarder.
I can see the late night calls to the plumbers drastically increasing. Hello, A1 plumbing? Yeah, we need an emergency service call. We appear to have 96 kotex that have been partially flushed down the toilet at the same in the boys bathroom, followed by a 2 pound turd.......:rofl:
I’m a plumber, so I have first hand experience on where people put tampons. If my 40 year old tenant (female) flushed multiple tampon applicators down my toilet, thus clogging it, the school kids are going to have a hay-day. But, glass half full, there is going to be a ton of money made (don’t tell my wife).
Remember the "great toilet paper shortage" that never was? Now, the fucking MSM is stirring a new one with: Baby formula shortage. While I don't have to worry about that, cause last time I bought formula was about 32 years ago, my daughter is expecting and she is already worried about the looming reported "formula shortage". I swear, these MSM opinion piece writers need to be taken behind the building and have their asses rearranged for stirring up so much fear over nothing, just so they can get a headline. They are some sick MFR's

They're already hyping the hurricane season too. This is really, really, getting really, really, really, stupid.
I agree with you 100% The shit my kids tell me that they see other kids do in school blows my mind. When I tell them that we got spanked by the principle in school if we screwed up, they are amazed. But I will also add that I would have MUCH PREFERRED to be spanked by the principle then my father....any day of the week! And the Principles wallops were no walk in the park either!
Yep, my butt saw the vice principal deliver the wooden paddle with holes in it once and that’s all it took for me to get my act together. Fast forward, 20 years he is one of my customer. Don’t let anyone tell you that what you do or don’t do in middle school wont follow you through life.
The woman is obviously mentally deranged and needs to be locked up for her own safety as well as the general publics safety. She posted THIS in anticipation of Mothers day........

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Yeah, too bad Reilly's grandma didn't teach HER daughter (Reilly's mother) about it......