Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

The left will sue a bakery (Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood CO) because the business wouldn’t make a wedding cake for a gay couple, but will turn away Moms For Liberty who stand for parental rights, hold leaders accountable, oppose Government overreach and promote liberty. Hypocrite!

This is an example from Raleigh, NC, I believe.
I could take the time to point out the numerous contradictions and hypocrisies in this message.
I believe everyone here is smart enough to figure them out for yourselves.

These people simply do not realize how foolish they appear to everyone else.
No introspection, whatsoever.
Extremely shallow virtue signalling.

View attachment 130269
"Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy" - well, this certainly talks about Hypocrisy ...

worth the watch ..

worth the watch ..

Airtight on all points.

I've got no "phobia" against gender dysphoric people, I just won't be made to believe it's common, or good, or useful, or preferrable, or worthy of encouragement... just as I wouldn't say that a person born with 1 arm is common, or good to be 1-armed, or more useful, or preferable, or encourage others to lop off an arm. It's a disorder among an infinite number of disorders, and we've all got them to varying degrees.

I'll affirm that gender dysphoria is a disorder, hows that for affirmation?

What's the next trick in the leftist bag to diminish, dismiss, and dishonor the absolutely miraculous nature of womanhood? This is the very definition of sexism.
It appears the original poster hit both sides of the target with one bullet........


I don't even know where to put this, so it is going here. I really do not understand how this could even see the light of day, much less be taken seriously. Circling the drain I tell you....

Scott Adams is always mentioning that the main flaw with progressives is they don't understand basic human motivation. In other words, they don't understand that we respond to incentives and disincentives. They think that just because they wouldn't personally abuse a program handing out free money, that others would also respect the program. Or they are surprised that when they remove barriers to hard drug use, that it increases, or spreads to public areas that were previously protected from such abuse.

... I'm on an EV forum, and it seems clear many don't have even the slightest understanding of economics. Economics isn't just a way to explain markets and financial transactions, but a way of understanding absolutely every decision we make; because fundamentally every single decision we make is about optimizing trade-offs. There's no such thing as a decision with no opportunity cost.

Is progressivism associated with the inability to understand that there's no such thing as a free lunch? Whenever a decision is made, it shuts the door on an infinite number of alternatives. The trick is being informed to arrive at optimal decisions.

Progressives view people like Elon as a greedy god; capable of solving absolutely every problem there is, except too greedy and self-interested to be bothered. These people are very generous with other people's money (OPM), but don't expect them to take any personal responsibility.

As an aside, what is it about economics where very ignorant people have very strong opinions on the subject? It's not like other subjects like particle physics where we clearly have little interest and spend no time studying the subject, but have strong opinions on how subatomic particles interact.
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Progressives view people like Elon as a greedy god; capable of solving absolutely every problem there is, except too greedy and self-interested to be bothered. These people are very generous with other people's money (OPM), but don't expect them to take any personal responsibility.
Yes, this right here. Case in point. On my local NextDoor feed, someone mentioned that they were out walking on a trail along the woods and noticed a tent pitched in the woods. This is on some common subdivision/HOA land and they were concerned that this would attract more 'homeless' people and asked on the app if they should report it to the police. So most of the people that responded stated to report it. Many were concerned if it was not stopped quickly then it could become like any of the homeless encampments in Harris county and those in SF and other liberal areas.

But others were quick to defend the squatter saying things like rents are too high so leave them alone. Others stated that 'instead of calling the cops, why don't you go talk to the person and see if they need help?' The libs were all jumping on the OP at that point until someone stated "If you are so concerned about that person, why don't YOU go and ask them if they need help?". That shut the liberals up right quick. Not a single one of those people were willing to go and do it but they sure berated the OP for not doing it.
Yes, this right here. Case in point. On my local NextDoor feed, someone mentioned that they were out walking on a trail along the woods and noticed a tent pitched in the woods. This is on some common subdivision/HOA land and they were concerned that this would attract more 'homeless' people and asked on the app if they should report it to the police. So most of the people that responded stated to report it. Many were concerned if it was not stopped quickly then it could become like any of the homeless encampments in Harris county and those in SF and other liberal areas.

But others were quick to defend the squatter saying things like rents are too high so leave them alone. Others stated that 'instead of calling the cops, why don't you go talk to the person and see if they need help?' The libs were all jumping on the OP at that point until someone stated "If you are so concerned about that person, why don't YOU go and ask them if they need help?". That shut the liberals up right quick. Not a single one of those people were willing to go and do it but they sure berated the OP for not doing it.

HOA’s are just a excuse for someone to have more government in their lives and more Karen’s
I don't even know where to put this, so it is going here. I really do not understand how this could even see the light of day, much less be taken seriously. Circling the drain I tell you....

View attachment 130366

Yeh, I posted that in the funny/satire thread with the same "Not sure where to put this" LOL.

Next a car insurance company will be on the hook for child support for a child conceived in a car...
Next a car insurance company will be on the hook for child support for a child conceived in a car...
Seriously though. If she was injured in a traffic accident while he was driving and he was in the wrong, she would be paid by the auto insurance.

If she had been hit by a falling paint can that he dropped on her head from a ladder in his home, she would be paid by his homeowner's insurance.

She was in the insured's car. She was injured in the car (STD). He caused her injury (STD). He was in the wrong (he knew about the STD and did not inform her). What is the difference?

But all of that is moot. The reason Geico is on the hook is because they refused arbitration stating they did not want to defend the insured. Only after it went to arbitration and she was awarded the cash and she then went to court to get the money from Geico, did Geico call foul. And by law, they are now too late to contest.

Five million is high, right? How can Geico be on the hook for more than his policy limits? That is some good insurance if it is 5 mil.
Seriously though. If she was injured in a traffic accident while he was driving and he was in the wrong, she would be paid by the auto insurance.

If she had been hit by a falling paint can that he dropped on her head from a ladder in his home, she would be paid by his homeowner's insurance.

She was in the insured's car. She was injured in the car (STD). He caused her injury (STD). He was in the wrong (he knew about the STD and did not inform her). What is the difference?

But all of that is moot. The reason Geico is on the hook is because they refused arbitration stating they did not want to defend the insured. Only after it went to arbitration and she was awarded the cash and she then went to court to get the money from Geico, did Geico call foul. And by law, they are now too late to contest.

Five million is high, right? How can Geico be on the hook for more than his policy limits? That is some good insurance if it is 5 mil.

The difference is, she had a choice to say 'no' to sex in the car/at home/on the lawn, where ever. Law suits are frivolous these days. Everyone wants to sue for everything to get the almighty dollar, for right or wrong.