Sen. Josh Hawley and Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges got into a heated exchange Tuesday during a Senate hearing over whether people other than women can get pregnant.
What's bad is that people buy into the "let's pretend" line of thought as real life and then teach it. I would have asked Bridges if he/she/they/them/it could cite one, just one, example of a biological/genetic male getting pregnant and carrying full term. I would have also asked exactly how that infant was delivered.
Never tell your wife “I now know what it was like” as I ran downstairs to grab the plunger.
That was almost as bad as when we were first married and my wife was making a meal for me that my mom told her was one of my favorites.
I got home from work and asked what was for supper. She told me what she was making, and I said “that’s not how mom makes it.” I didn’t realize what I said at that point, and never thought anything of it.
Then shortly after that one evening in the bedroom at one point she goes “Is this how your mom does it.”
It’s been 18 years and I still get reminded of that comment.
When is enough going to be enough? How is this going to help the country? WHY AREN'T THEY FOCUSED ON WHAT IS REALLY HURTING THE COUNTRY? Biden selling the oil to a Chinese company that has links to Hunter! WTF! ENOUGH!!!
Because that’s not their agenda. They care only about one thing, power.
They don’t give one fuck about the country as you and I know/knew it. They fully and consciously intend to destroy it and remake it into some shithole where they control it and profit from it.
If you let enough 3rd. world country folks in, with no visible means of support, then on
expect to see 3rd. world crimes! It reminds me of the same kind of CRAP we lived through
in Southern Cali. Steal all of the aluminum guard rails faster than Caltrans could put them up!
Dallas police and AT&T are trying to stop copper thieves taking down lines and taking out phone, cable and internet service. In some places like Southwest Oak Cliff, the thefts and outages have happened several times over several days.
Just think a Bezosicle would look like his "rocket";
A Gatesicle would try to change flavors every time you used it. Then do a wothless upgrade and not melt.
A Musksicle you just could not put a finger on it. Does that look like $44 Billion to you?
It appears AOC just gave credible evidence for all the people being charged in the January 6th political fiasco that they were falsely charged. So she goes on Twitter and announces that the capitol police let everyone in......on purpose. I think I hear Nancy Pelosi opening up a fresh roll of duct tape.....
It appears AOC just gave credible evidence for all the people being charged in the January 6th political fiasco that they were falsely charged. So she goes on Twitter and announces that the capitol police let everyone in......on purpose. I think I hear Nancy Pelosi opening up a fresh roll of duct tape.....
Just think a Bezosicle would look like his "rocket";
A Gatesicle would try to change flavors ever time you used it. Then do a wothless upgrade and not melt.
A Musksicle you just could not put a finger on it. Does that look like $44 Billion to you?
I bet that ice cream vendor is making multiple 6 figures this summer(much of it cash), taking full advantage of capitalism As the idiots thinking they are taking a bite out of it, actually paid into it. That vendor will be laughing on some tropical beach this winter, loving their 5 month work year.
It appears AOC just gave credible evidence for all the people being charged in the January 6th political fiasco that they were falsely charged. So she goes on Twitter and announces that the capitol police let everyone in......on purpose. I think I hear Nancy Pelosi opening up a fresh roll of duct tape.....
What she is saying is that there were some Capitol Police that were 'in on it', that they were part of a plot, that they were right wing extremists. That is what MSM will be saying about that.