Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

"I'm going to be a teacher so I should know this"

The dumbing down of America. Thanks libs! The hypocrisy is that so many of the rich and libs send their kids to private school but are against school vouchers or the money following the student. It's kind of amusing to me that Bill Maher is slowly coming around but he probably throws-up a little bit in his mouth every time he realizes what he has defended time and time again is typically destructive garbage.

Still a positive outcome to get that trash out of schools. It's worth millions to prevent brain damage to hundreds of our youth.

Now we just need the IRS to audit the teacher after he receives the payout. He loves paying taxes after all.
Moron...typical leftist/commie teacher, doesn't even realize what a fascist is. Listen up's the agenda YOU and BLM are pushing!

From Merriam-Webster ==>> fascism

"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."
How about that libtard take the next step and just flat out state "pick the best person for the job". It'll be interesting to see what the SCOTUS has to say about Harvard discriminating against better students depending on their race. Apparently, Asians can't play the role of a student very well according to Harvard. Maher is slowly coming around and it's hilarious to watch him transform to become the "angry white man".
Well of course we have to protect the libs that dominate Hollywood regardless of where they want to shoot (pun intended) a film. Let me guess, the film will probably glorify guns and violence.
