Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

USMC history TNX @mat200. How about some on covers (hats).

very interesting points in this one ..

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cross post ..

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School choice for me but not for thee.

The Teachers Pedophile Union just can't help themselves...

Teachers' Union To Teachers: Destroy Evidence Of Student Gender-Identity Survey
Teachers' Union To Teachers: Destroy Evidence Of Student Gender-Identity Survey | ZeroHedge

A Colorado affiliate of the nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association, told its teachers to destroy any evidence of having given students a gender identity survey, according to a recent report.

CBS Colorado notes that while the JeffCo Public Schools district says it is “unclear” whether surveys about “preferred pronouns” are in violation of state law, it advised teachers against using them as lawsuits are ongoing.

Federal and state law forbid mandatory surveys that ask about kids’ “protected information,” and voluntary surveys must include a parent opt-out.
The Teachers Pedophile Union just can't help themselves...

Teachers' Union To Teachers: Destroy Evidence Of Student Gender-Identity Survey
Teachers' Union To Teachers: Destroy Evidence Of Student Gender-Identity Survey | ZeroHedge

A Colorado affiliate of the nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association, told its teachers to destroy any evidence of having given students a gender identity survey, according to a recent report.

CBS Colorado notes that while the JeffCo Public Schools district says it is “unclear” whether surveys about “preferred pronouns” are in violation of state law, it advised teachers against using them as lawsuits are ongoing.

Federal and state law forbid mandatory surveys that ask about kids’ “protected information,” and voluntary surveys must include a parent opt-out.
The people that in years past we trusted with our child's academic education have taken it upon themselves to covertly indoctrinate and "re-educate" our young and TRUSTING children to suit their own agenda and philosophy.

I say disassembling the existing teacher's unions and getting rid of how the current public education system is structured and rebuilding it from the ground up is long overdue. And no, I'm not saying it's all the educators' collective fault but they ARE a big part of the problem. if parents feel it's totally the schools' responsibility, whether they are public or private, to educate their children, they're sadly mistaken. It's the parents' job to INSURE how and what their children are being taught.

Unfortunately, the public has placed too much trust and faith in teachers, school administrators and people in general "to do what's right". The sad truth is nowadays, people in general no longer have the same idea about "what's right." That happens when people, and our country, have lost their moral compass. What can you expect when you kick God out of our schools, our workplace, our homes...and our country?

We are paying the price now and it's a VERY steep price. :confused:
The people that in years past we trusted with our child's academic education have taken it upon themselves to covertly indoctrinate and "re-educate" our young and TRUSTING children to suit their own agenda and philosophy.

I say disassembling the existing teacher's unions and getting rid of how the current public education system is structured and rebuilding it from the ground up is long overdue. And no, I'm not saying it's all the educators' collective fault but they ARE a big part of the problem. if parents feel it's totally the schools' responsibility, whether they are public or private, to educate their children, they're sadly mistaken. It's the parents' job to INSURE how and what their children are being taught.

Unfortunately, the public has placed too much trust and faith in teachers, school administrators and people in general "to do what's right". The sad truth is nowadays, people in general no longer have the same idea about "what's right." That happens when people, and our country, have lost their moral compass. What can you expect when you kick God out of our schools, our workplace, our homes...and our country?

We are paying the price now and it's a VERY steep price. :confused:

imho the entire education system has moved to the left ...
The liberal mindset tends to place faith in public institutions while the conservative mindset tends to put faith in family/church/community. That means all public institutions are likely to be dominated by liberal-minded people, because they're the ones that place their faith in them. Public schools are just one such institution that will attract the liberal mindset.

Women are more likely to affiliate with the Democrat party, and men are more likely to affiliate with the Republican party. Grade school teachers are 81% women, and only 19% men. It's going to skew left simply by that fact alone, but then factor in the administrators are 90% on the left, and that sets the agenda.

This graphic says it all. Democrats have a positive view of all institutions while Republicans have a negative view of just about all of them.
The more you lie, the easier it becomes. The longer you lie, the more it becomes your reality, your "truth".
-TonyR 2023
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I knew Wiki was not to be trusted and leaned left, but I didn't realize it had no objectivity whatsoever.

Just went to Google Stefan Molyneux to see what he's been up to, and the first result was this Wiki page "about him". They call him a White Supremacist and cite sources that also call him a white supremacist... and none of those cited sources ever explain how he earned that title. This is exactly how news laundering works. An endless cycle of accusation referencing other sources while never showing any proof.

Good thing I'm not famous, or those idiots would be calling me the bearded Nazi just because I'm not a fool that believes we're all born as blank slates who get assigned a sex.
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The more you lie, the easier it becomes. The longer you lie, the more it becomes your reality, your "truth".
-TonyR 2023

They lie about everything else, who seriously thinks they arent lying about jobs?

Warning: Investors Are Buying Stocks Based on FAKE Jobs Numbers
Warning: Investors Are Buying Stocks Based on FAKE Jobs Numbers | ZeroHedge

Case in point, last Friday, the BLS released the non farms payroll numbers for August 2023. And once again, you guessed it, the prior months (June and July) were revised lower. And not by a little: June’s NFP number was revised down by 80,000 jobs, while July’s was revised downward by 30,000 jobs.
Bear in mind, June’s initial NFP number of 209,000 had already been revised downward by 24,000 jobs in July. So with this second downward revision of 80,000 jobs, we now know that HALF of the jobs in the June NFP report were FAKE.

1st revision (24,000) + 2nd revision (80,000)=104,000 FAKE jobs.
104,000 Fake Jobs / 209,000 Jobs Claimed = 49.7% of the jobs were fake.

As I mentioned a moment ago, the August NFP report also revised July’s job numbers down by 30,000. So when we add this to the 104,000 fake jobs “created” in June, we’re now up to 134,000 FAKE jobs being created in the last two months.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, as Bill King noted in his King Report, seasonal adjustments were boosted to make August’s NFP numbers look better. In 2022, the BLS adjusted August’s NFP numbers upward by 47,000. But for some reason, this very same seasonal adjustment accounted for 117,000 jobs.
Put another way, we already know that 70,000 of the 187,000 jobs the BLS claims the economy generated in August were due to a seasonal adjustment, as opposed to being real jobs created in the economy.

Oh, and bear in mind, July’s numbers have only been revised down once thus far. They will likely be revised down again next month. And we can expect a similar thing to happen for August’s NFP numbers as well.

Indeed, as ZeroHedge recently pointed out, these downward revisions have occurred for every single month in 2023 thus far.