I truly wish someone would keep this 'trans' POS from ever breeding. Watching this video...just makes my soul wilt a little.
There is more money to be made being a democrat. That is why Henry Cuellar is still a
"talking out the side of his mouth democrat".
Well, I won't be having their cheese on my Philly cheese steak sandwich any more....I'll try provolone.Well, this is one country you can cross off the 'freedom of speech' list.....not saying that just because you can, doesn't me you should. But I grew up to the old saying, 'Stick and stones....' verbiage. Words never made my nose bleed, my nuts curl, or my stomach hurt.
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When I lived in Nigeria, we always had armed guards escorting us if we traveled out of the A-zone. Here is one group back in 2009.Here is a puzzle for you...what city and country is this in? Johannesburg, SA? Ethiopia? Cape Town? The continent of Africa? Asia?
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The good old USA! Its at a West Philadelphia restaurant that hired armed security to protect the customers and staff amid rampant crime across the city!
Yes, yes, WE HAVE HIT THIRD WORLD STATUS!!! HOOORAH! The liberals got what they wanted!!!
Philippines Malaysia South Africa
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Yep.Oh course...because they don't want to compete against other men. They want to compete against women. I'm all for a category for transgenders but you can see what happens.
'Open category' for transgender swimmers scrapped due to lack of interest at World Cup in Germany
World Aquatics announced on Tuesday that it would cancel its “open category" swimming competition event in Berlin after zero swimmers signed up to compete.www.foxnews.com