Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

My guess is that the vast majority of women in NYC are liberals. Cause and effect libbies, cause and effect.

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My guess is that the vast majority of women in NYC are liberals. Cause and effect libbies, cause and effect.

The Democrat party is associated with women, so that's a universally true statement. Women naturally have to be concerned with taking care of the vulnerable, and it doesn't matter to them what the reason is. There are some beta-males, also the known as the cuttlefish of males (look up sneaky F-ers), who pretend to also be concerned with the vulnerable, because they get a mating opportunity if no better option happens to be around at the moment.

You're not going to agree with me on the next point, but God and God's nature did not make a mistake when half of the people were given concern for the vulnerable. There is such a thing as going too far though, and too much chaos (women and the liberal mindset) is dysfunctional.

As a huge tangent, I consider myself VERY liberal (liber in Latin means freedom). Generally, people should be free to make their own decisions and to bear the consequences, good or bad.
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Most people are libertarians but don't know it. The problems seems to be personal responsibility and a basic lack of understanding of cause and effect.
Most people are libertarians but don't know it. The problems seems to be personal responsibility and a basic lack of understanding of cause and effect.

... and people are conservative by default. Nobody sits on a table while eating from a chair, or uses a fork with cereal. Humanity has figured out optimal ways to do many things, and we just go along with it. Most new ideas are inferior to the established way, which is why most new ideas are a failure. Occasionally, a new idea is better, but that's the exception, not the rule. That explains why people are conservative, but a little bit of 'progressive' is necessary. Progressivism is good only when progress is made, but usually it's just garbage like confusing people about what a woman is.
To be "progressive" is to highjack a word to make it appear you are for progress. Liberal are famous for their wordsmithing to fool the ignorant.
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I have a cure for this POS Oxygen Thief, but it would never pass. I will tell you what isn't racist. Her mouth isn't racist because I don't think there is a damn thing on this planet that she wouldn't put in there.
BTW...this happened because she was caught shop-lifting.

We really do need to put these two in revealing clothing, hang signs on them talking trash about Islam, and drop them in Taliban territory. Just f******g gross.

I have a cure for this POS Oxygen Thief, but it would never pass. I will tell you what isn't racist. Her mouth isn't racist because I don't think there is a damn thing on this planet that she wouldn't put in there.
BTW...this happened because she was caught shop-lifting.

Why the @#$% is she using a scooter? She looks like she can get around pretty good to me and should not be using the scooter so it would be available for someone that is truly handicapped.
We really do need to put these two in revealing clothing, hang signs on them talking trash about Islam, and drop them in Taliban territory. Just f******g gross.

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Cease Fire .. lol .. Hamas .. better get a ceasefire, Iran has Nukes ..
This explains a lot about Pennsylvania voters. They believe the Geico commercial that being a Senator is so easy that even a caveman can do it. But of course I should give some Pennsylvanians a break, these people were cherry picked by NBC for their hit piece propaganda show.

This explains a lot about Pennsylvania voters. They believe the Geico commercial that being a Senator is so easy that even a caveman can do it. But of course I should give some Pennsylvanians a break, these people were cherry picked by NBC for their hit piece propaganda show.

Matter of fact, a LOT of dead people voted for Biden....some more than once! :headbang: :mad:
Remember PA also elected a dead guy that same election…. I grew up there and there’s a reason we referred to it as Pennsyltucky
Of course Brandon is going to deny that Iran was involved given he enabled Iran. And if US "intelligence" didn't know about the Hamas threat it just means they were too busy investigating Trump.