Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

teaching lgbt+++++ in public schools

something tells me that not one of these females has children, but they want to influence others children

Coming out as lesbian to your 4th grade class and teaching preschoolers this stuff, I'm sure without the parents consent, wow

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Today’s teachers, teachers unions, and school boards are made up of pedophiles and inept, warped misfits who couldn’t deal with their own adolescence or adulthood. They’re predators. Scum.

And I’ll wager they’re ALL liberal “progressive” Democrats.

They should thank God I’m not a parent of school age children.
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Hell yes there is. It’s called pedophile sexual grooming. And deserves prison time, 20 years minimum, and teaching credential stripped for life. And a lifetime restraining order around all minors. For all involved or complacent.

is there any real background source ?

for me it sounds like the 12 year choose to be trans and they helped him.
i dont see any problems.

grooming? eh ok.
Coerced. not helped. big difference.
Age 12 isn't emotionally capable of making that decision.

Yeah.. coerced. So the parents would not accept the fact and say coerced. Okay.

12 not emotionally capable ? What year is it? 1960?

So your country is sending children for murder into jail but a 12 year toddler can not say if he is trans gay or whatever?

If there is any real evidence , you can share.
I recall at about that age maybe a bit younger, I wanted to live naked in the jungle like Tarzan. Fortunately, my parents understood I wasnt emotionally mature enough to make that decision.

So you believe parents should "accept" whatever a child decides regardless of how it may effect them later on in life?
What if the child decided he wanted to become a drug addict, or a burglar, or say go into a career of porn at age 12? Are there ANY lines not to be crossed?

Thats not parenting, that;s liberal babysitting, shunning responsibility. The problem with most liberals and why we face the social decay we find ourselves in today
Yeah.. coerced. So the parents would not accept the fact and say coerced. Okay.

12 not emotionally capable ? What year is it? 1960?

So your country is sending children for murder into jail but a 12 year toddler can not say if he is trans gay or whatever?

If there is any real evidence , you can share.
Dude, murder equates to pedophile grooming?

Seek help.
For anybody like Mr user****.

Let's just look at the Yanomami in the Brazilian rain forest as one example. How many transvestites are among them?

Some anthropologists believe they have existed there for 70,000 years or more.

Show me one single instance of transvestitism among their ranks. Or even homosexuality.

Why none of this behavior among them? Especially since "they" say you are born this way.

They are humans also, are they not?

Could it possibly be a learned behavior?