Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

Really at the core of this is the Marxist Racism. They are really teaching that putting effort into learning is "White" :confused:

It is one of the main reasons they are having trouble lumping Asians in the POC Group.
Yeah, I know. Like what's wrong with that picture? :rofl:
What's wrong? The watermelon to the right of the door and behind the 3 liter jug of Mogen David wine should be in the @#$% 'fridge! :headbang:
Next year when the leftists produce another Broadway showing of "January 6th", conservatives should not battle with them or debate them on the subject, but rather spend the whole day pointing out how The BLM Riots Were A Million Times Worse Than January 6th, without comparing the two. Just showing all the facts that make it so. All the lives lost, all the businesses burnt down, all the people beat to a pulp, etc. etc.
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Next year when the leftists produce another Broadway showing of "January 6th", conservatives should not battle with them or debate them on the subject, but rather spend the whole day pointing out how The BLM Riots Were A Million Times Worse Than January 6th, without comparing the two. Just showing all the facts that make it so. All the lives lost, all the businesses burnt down, all the people beat to a pulp, etc. etc.
Have you seen a site that has all that carnage tallied up? I just have not been able to find anything that looks accurate and reputable.....

Daaaaaaammn!!! That whole segment is GOLD. I spent some time commuting, and I would listen to NPR just to hear the news.... LOL.... What I heard every damn day for an hour each direction was the continuous stream of leftist liberal bullshit just like the clips he picked out for this segment. I have not listened to that crapola for a while now-- but this vid was Awesome!
Next year when the leftists produce another Broadway showing of "January 6th", conservatives should not battle with them or debate them on the subject, but rather spend the whole day pointing out how The BLM Riots Were A Million Times Worse Than January 6th, without comparing the two. Just showing all the facts that make it so. All the lives lost, all the businesses burnt down, all the people beat to a pulp, etc. etc.

Better yet, when they take control of the House and Senate next year, declare it a national holiday
This just blows my mind. WTF have we become to allow this type of BS to occur? Trans vs Trans. Holy shit.
I wish South Dakota didn't get so darn cold. I'd be in a U-Haul on the way there right now!
And their numb-nut gov is wondering why people (at least the smart ones) are leaving Commiefornia in rats leaving a sinking ship! :idk::headbang:

The only problem is that those idiots will vote for the same liberal BS in their new home state. You can't fix stupid (quoting Ron White)..
Jordan Peterson points out a major hypocrisy among the liberals... They simultaneously claim to want to "save the earth" from climate change AND to care for the poorest among us, yet their efforts to solve the climate change problem hit the poor the most because every solution they have involves MASSIVE increases in the cost of energy. On top of that--- there is no way (with scientific validity) to attribute any action taken today to any global temperature change that occurs 50 years out.

The rich liberal elitists will take a big shit on people who are heavily impacted by the economics of high energy costs because they really don't care-- energy expenses as a percentage of their incomes are minimal. F the little guy.