The woke mind virus has destroyed an entire generation of kids, but ultimately I blame the parents. They have turned over their parenting responsibility to the schools and the state.
Why? Because of the 4 tenets of Liberalism
1- No responsibility
2- No accountability for my actions or lack thereof
3- Hypocrisy and lying are acceptable and even praised if they get me what I want
4- More free shit for me
I hope this Eagles DEI fuck gets hammered until the chickens come to roost. They should have known better than to have hired a white privileged male to work in their DEI company (tongue-in-check).
The woke mind virus has destroyed an entire generation of kids, but ultimately I blame the parents. They have turned over their parenting responsibility to the schools and the state.
Why? Because of the 4 tenets of Liberalism
1- No responsibility
2- No accountability for my actions or lack thereof
3- Hypocrisy and lying are acceptable and even praised if they get me what I want
4- More free shit for me
I don't intend this comment at you in particular, and I'm being pedantic, but that isn't what liberalism is, it's just that Leftism has ruined the term like so many other things.
Liberal is derived from the Latin word 'liber', which means freedom. It's why Libertarian has the same Latin root word embedded in it.
I consider myself liberal and lean Libertarian politically, and I'm not giving away those words to woke leftists.
I'll save my comment about 'progressive' for another time (it has the word progress embedded in it). Those idiots ruined that word too.