Pros v Cons for updating USA spec N98A6N with NVR608H-64-XI latest firmware. (if even possible?)

You really need to be asking yourself why are you updating? If it is just for grins and giggles or OCD behavior to be running the latest firmware, think twice.

A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need or bricks the camera. In most instances, updates are simply security vulnerability patches (usually years after the breach was found), but since we do not give our cameras internet access, the update is useless to us.

Another thing to consider is that the same model could have different firmware for different chipsets used during the life of that model. So you run the risk of bricking if you do not know what chipset you have.

Here is an example - the HFW3549T1-AS-PV is available in 2 versions of firmware across 3 different chipsets for the same model camera:
  • HFW3549T1-AS-PV-S4 uses the HX3XXX-Taurus firmware.
  • HFW3549T1-AS-PV and IPC-HFW3549T1-AS-PV-S3 use the HX5XXX-Volt firmware
In this instance, Dahua added an S# designation after the model number (while Hikvision adds a C), but many do not and then you try to update with a firmware not compatible with your chipset and potentially brick it.

CamCrazy said it best here LOL: Unless you want to waste some of your life, do not upgrade things that are working fine, I know, temptation is too great sometimes

Further, it is best to obtain any firmware updates from the vendor you purchased it from so that you do not run into issues. Any firmware you find here or elsewhere is obviously proceed at your own risk. We have many threads here where someone tried an update with a firmware they found on the internet and bricked their unit.
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+ one on not updating FW unless absolutely necessary.

I'd rather have a root canal
The NVR608-XI 2024 firmware does not have Acupick in its Web Service, so unless you have direct local access Acupick is not available.
Updating to the Jan 2025 firmware on the main Dahua site caused my 608 not to work properly, had to go back to 2024 fw.
Question, does the USA 2023 fw have Acupick in the Webservice?
The NVR608-XI 2024 firmware does not have Acupick in its Web Service, so unless you have direct local access Acupick is not available.
Updating to the Jan 2025 firmware on the main Dahua site caused my 608 not to work properly, had to go back to 2024 fw.
Question, does the USA 2023 fw have Acupick in the Webservice?

I didn't update - so I will ask: what was the problem with 608 on Jan 2025 firmware?
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Keep in mind that due to the "ban", in early 2024 Dahua sold off the USA operation, so the likelihood they continued firmware updates for the US region labeled cameras is probably slim to none.

Many USA distributors are selling off their inventory that are not the latest versions of the models. Their 5442 equivalent is one such example - the S3 version isn't available as a USA labeled camera.

So @cctvtech - are you updating a USA region NVR or an international version?

Why do you need acupick?

Unless you are a business with say a multi-story building or say a store or warehouse, it isn't of much use.

He is an example. A kid got separated from their mom in the store/building.

With Acupick, they can find the kid on the video and then it will show where the kid has been seen on other cameras and possibly his last location.

Around my home, nobody should be on the side or back of my house that I haven't invited, so if Joe Perp is walking in front of my house, I don't need acupick to tell me if he went to my side or back yard as I would get a notification.

Further, acupick disables the use of video metadata and most residential uses will find that to be more useful than acupick.

Doesn't mean there isn't a use in a residential setting, an apartment complex or rental may be a good use, but for the typical homeowner it just doesn't add much value.
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Why do you need acupick?

there are many other 2024 and 2023 5xxx-EI features missing on 608-XI firmware...
like animal support, IVS learning database, ability to change camera sorting (move 5th camera to be a first one), new UI and many more...

all those features were released as part of AcuPick 1.0 and then AcuPick 2.0 firmware updates on 5xxx-EI...
I didn't update as well, since no new useful features declared, but I'm interested as well about the issues with 01-2025 fw ...
I didn't update - so I will ask: what was the problem with 608 on Jan 2025 firmware?
It would not load video at all through Smart PSS. And Device config would not open the web service. Went back to 2024 firmware using SmartPSS update and it worked. Surprised Smart PSS update worked to be honest especially over p2p.

The reason I was trying the update was incase they added ACUPICK into the firmware yet, as it does not exist in the NVR608-XI unless you are in front of the NVR physically. Since it is a Rack Mount NVR I have these racked in locked up IT rooms with no regular physical access, everything is done over the network or internet.
there are many other 2024 and 2023 5xxx-EI features missing on 608-XI firmware...
like animal support, IVS learning database, ability to change camera sorting (move 5th camera to be a first one), new UI and many more...

all those features were released as part of AcuPick 1.0 and then AcuPick 2.0 firmware updates on 5xxx-EI...
Yes I have the 8 port PRO EI and it has all the Acupick features and works great over the Network. I was surprised to see they never added Acupick into their higher end AI NVR, at least not into the Web Service which is how most people access this kind of machine, over the network. Id like to see a custom app or software just for AI though as accessing webservice can be troublesome especially for the customer.
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So @cctvtech - are you updating a USA region NVR or an international version?

Why do you need acupick?

Unless you are a business with say a multi-story building or say a store or warehouse, it isn't of much use.
I dont really need it but some customers may want it. Will have to see how useful it will be overtime. With 1 or 2 cameras maybe not. With many perhaps. All my customers are stores and warehouses :)

I have 9 AI cameras on a previous 27 camera job. Several on a couple big jobs I am doing now - one is 70 cameras, the other is about 30. I am using Metadata primarily as with the NVR608-XI that includes face recognition by default. In most cases searching the color of vehicle or color of top shirt is enough, or just browsing through thumbnails. I have used Metadata already to find incidents and it saved many hours of searching.

However Metadata face recognition with search seems not to display anything for TODAY, only previous days. It may be a bug or by design for Metadata face recognition. Also I found using Vehicle Detection by NVR the NVR will save the License plates - if it can get them. It doesnt seem as reliable as by Camera. But you can then search for plates and it works. Note I have used Face Recognition without Metadata and it works good. Usually on a store entry door or cash counter to avoid backlighting. Tested using staff databases and its almost 100% accurate now compared to 2020 when it barely worked.
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