Keep in mind that due to the "ban", in early 2024 Dahua sold off the USA operation, so the likelihood they continued firmware updates for the US region labeled cameras is probably slim to none.
Many USA distributors are selling off their inventory that are not the latest versions of the models. Their 5442 equivalent is one such example - the S3 version isn't available as a USA labeled camera.
@cctvtech - are you updating a USA region NVR or an international version?
Why do you need acupick?
Unless you are a business with say a multi-story building or say a store or warehouse, it isn't of much use.
He is an example. A kid got separated from their mom in the store/building.
With Acupick, they can find the kid on the video and then it will show where the kid has been seen on other cameras and possibly his last location.
Around my home, nobody should be on the side or back of my house that I haven't invited, so if Joe Perp is walking in front of my house, I don't need acupick to tell me if he went to my side or back yard as I would get a notification.
Further, acupick disables the use of video metadata and most residential uses will find that to be more useful than acupick.
Doesn't mean there isn't a use in a residential setting, an apartment complex or rental may be a good use, but for the typical homeowner it just doesn't add much value.