PSA CANADA TRUCKERS - Don’t use or donate using GoFundMe

Look back when the GameStop AMC etc. was going on on reddit, When those guys
beat the bastards at their own shorting game, the losses would be far worse than 2008!
They lost so much money that something had to be done fast!

Go back and look at the commodities markets and how they were manipulated! Run EVERYTHING with J.I.T. deliveries and
float a few boats off the ports for a week with a Union "Safety Program" by the Longshoreman and here we are!
So True. You know there was a time when I thought, no one can beat Walmart, they devoured the market, then came along Amazon.
Ontario Premier Orders GiveSendGo To Freeze Funds For Anti-Mandate Protesters | ZeroHedge

Ontario Premier Orders GiveSendGo To Freeze Funds For Anti-Mandate Protesters

Thursday, Feb 10, 2022 - 06:20 PM
Less than a week after GoFundMe, at the behest of the Mayor of Ottawa and Justin Trudeau, summarily closed their fundraiser which had exceeded $10 million, Ontario's Premier, Doug Ford, has issued an order that essentially freezes any funds that have been raised thus far from the alternate crowdsourcing site 'GiveSendGo'.
Freezing money from gofundme and givesendgo does not happen in a democratic country.

That is a full blow communism move.

Canadians are not allowed to do what they want with their own money.

If this is allowed with no recourse, it will eventually be much worse.
— Alexander Roberto (@alexrnicholas) February 10, 2022
As April McAbee reports via, the order specifically states that the fundraising platform Give Send Go is prohibited from doing anything with the funds.

Statement from the Office of the Premier of Ontario
"Today, the Attorney General brought an application in the Superior Court of Justice for an order pursuant to section 490.8 of the Criminal Code prohibiting any person from disposing of, or otherwise dealing with, in any manner whatsoever, any and all monetary donations made through the Freedom Convoy 2022 and Adopt-a-Trucker campaign pages on the GiveSendGo online fundraising platform.
This afternoon, the order was issued. It binds any and all parties with possession or control over these donations.
Ivana Yelich
Executive Director of Media Relations Office of the Premier of Ontario

According to Katie Simpson, a CBC correspondent, “a spokesperson for the Premier’s office says this essentially means the funds are frozen for now.”

And the Americans are coming...

NEW - a White House official says members of the Biden administration held a series of high level calls with their Canadian counterparts, urging them to use their federal powers to end the blockades, offering the full support of the Department of Homeland Security.
— Katie Simpson (@CBCKatie) February 10, 2022

Give Send Go has yet to make a statement on the order.

In a statement on Monday when the company agreed to host the fundraiser, the platform stated, “GiveSendGo stands for hope and freedom. We recognize the freedoms we have are God-given, not authorized by governments, but rather freedoms that ought to be protected by our governments.”
The GiveSendGo fundraiser had raised almost 8.5 million dollars at the time the order was issued.
Video (because the fascist snot nosed pukes at Youtube killed it)
Truckers4Freedom on GETTR: Former Canadian military police call on veterans retired police to come to Ottawa and support the truckers You can support us by following us on telegram here: Share

Former Canadian military & police call on veterans & retired police to come to Ottawa and support the truckers You can support us by following us on telegram here: Share
"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy | ZeroHedge

"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy

Thursday, Feb 10, 2022 - 06:00 PM
Harvard professor, CNN analyst and former Obama admin undersecretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have amassed on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.
"The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada," tweeted Kayyem. "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks."

In addition to a monumentally stupid idea considering the logistics of moving trucks with no fuel and slashed tires, one has to wonder if Kayyem is saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to how Democrats respond to non-BLM protests.
Can you elaborate on your brilliant plan to "move" trucks with no tires and no gas off of a bridge?
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 10, 2022
You’re a “professor,” right? You’re advocating violence and property damage for peaceful protestors? Were you this outspoken when BLM and Antifa were torching businesses and killing people? That was an economic and security issue, too.
— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) February 10, 2022

The good news is this was on CNN so we only have to be concerned with the 137 viewers , mostly Karen’s and 20 somethings with man buns..
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"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy | ZeroHedge

"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy

Thursday, Feb 10, 2022 - 06:00 PM
Harvard professor, CNN analyst and former Obama admin undersecretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have amassed on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.
"The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada," tweeted Kayyem. "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks."

In addition to a monumentally stupid idea considering the logistics of moving trucks with no fuel and slashed tires, one has to wonder if Kayyem is saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to how Democrats respond to non-BLM protests.
She must not know anything about "tire thumpers". I would pay really good money to watch her maiden voyage amongst the trucks with her box blade and crack pipe, attempting to "slash" the tires and siphoning a 100 gallon diesel tank. Where is she gonna put all the diesel? On the ground. Someone might want to turn her into the EPA.
Funny, I dont recal any of this government hysteria when Burn Loot Murder tore up cities around the country?

US urges Canada to use federal powers to end bridge blockade

We should all be thankful and supportive of the truckers. theyre fighting our fight. Theyre exposing the corruption of yet another fake western democratic government who in reality are fucking NAZI's just like the US government.
"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy | ZeroHedge

"Slash The Tires, Arrest The Drivers": Harvard Professor And CNN Analyst Calls For Violence Against Freedom Convoy

Thursday, Feb 10, 2022 - 06:00 PM
Harvard professor, CNN analyst and former Obama admin undersecretary of Homeland Security Juliette Kayyem has called for violence and vandalism against Freedom Convoy protesters who have amassed on the bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.
"The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada," tweeted Kayyem. "Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks."

In addition to a monumentally stupid idea considering the logistics of moving trucks with no fuel and slashed tires, one has to wonder if Kayyem is saying the quiet part out loud when it comes to how Democrats respond to non-BLM protests.

The good news is this was on CNN so we only have to be concerned with the 137 viewers , mostly Karen’s and 20 somethings with man buns..

It runs in the family. Juliette is married to David J. Barron, Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
Wikipedia: "Barron is known for his controversial legal memo justifying the use of lethal drone strikes against U.S. citizens without judicial process."
And today...

CNN analyst backtracks after calling for Canadian truckers to have their tires slashed

CNN analyst whore Juliette Kayyem hastily backtracked her Thursday call for Canadian truckers participating in the protests against the Liberal government's coronavirus policies to have their tires slashed.
"Earlier today, I tweeted something that has been used by others to suggest I was promoting vigilantism. I was not. People have the freedom to protest. Governments have the responsibility to protect public safety. That was what I intended to say," Kayyem tweeted late Thursday evening.
Right or wrong I'm sensing a change today. Some Canadian officials who were overtly supporting the convoy have turned. I don't think it's about covid mandates any more, but crushing anyone who dares to challenge unfettered government control over anything and everything, At its core, good vs. evil, and I'm fearing both the outcome, and what might happen between now and then.
Right or wrong I'm sensing a change today. Some Canadian officials who were overtly supporting the convoy have turned. I don't think it's about covid mandates any more, but crushing anyone who dares to challenge unfettered government control over anything and everything, At its core, good vs. evil, and I'm fearing both the outcome, and what might happen between now and then.
First they came for the truckers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trucker.

Then they came for the Apologists
and I did not speak out
because I was not an Apologist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

The bottom line is Trudeau is delusional enough to think he has power over the people and the people are proving him wrong.

Basic negotiating 101 tactics are to de escalate the situation to lower tensions and get some sort of dialogue going. With Trudeau’s lack of skills he instead doubles down and exercises more of his delusional power.

Hard to comprehend such stupidity.