Push messages for intrusion detection not working, but motion detection works

I am receiving the pictures in Main stream quality ( 2mp ) each picture around 400kb.
I have no Idea where to set quality for the mail attachments..
is that a Hik cam ??

Jpg ... hmm yeah same as me, was wondering if Bmp would have sent bigger but as your getting jpgs but bigger that blows that theory

i have trawled every setting and cannot fathom why the images are different

unless i am receiving only sub stream images which would account for low quality
@normel are you sure these arent generated direct from the camera?? e.g. do you have an NVR? Or have you networked your cameras to internet work for notifications with an nvr e.g. separate networks.

the general concensus used to be line and intrusion enabled via camera to receive high res photos that some of us use to identify detail even with an nvr.

all hikvision obviously since this is a hik forum.

hence my comment if an nvr you get into enabling the cameras to send on detection and not the nvr to get the better images.
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pm sent normel

Can you send me settings or just post for the general public. I have Tiny cam pro and IVMS and cant seem to get anything send to my Samsung 6. I can get emails from BI but, would like live streaming of some sort. I am interested in the two port settings and how you set it up. If I use the IVMS the notifications will be coming straight from cameras as I use Blue Iris typically but, have not got it correct to send live image streaming to Tiny cam pro or able to set up IVMS 4200 or 4500 apps. Not sure if the IVMS will only work if you have a NVR ? Back in the day I did have my old Foscams streaming to my tiny cam pro but, since I have all new Hiks I have not spent time, although Nayr has convinced me to keep on the VPn path but I cannot get the figured as of yet either. Not sure which is causing the effect little time or little brain power as I have a 4 year old and a busy life.
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Can you send me settings or just post for the general public. I have Tiny cam pro and IVMS and cant seem to get anything send to my Samsung 6. I can get emails from BI but, would like live streaming of some sort. I am interested in the two port settings and how you set it up. If I use the IVMS the notifications will be coming straight from cameras as I use Blue Iris typically but, have not got it correct to send live image streaming to Tiny cam pro or able to set up IVMS 4200 or 4500 apps. Not sure if the IVMS will only work if you have a NVR ? Back in the day I did have my old Foscams streaming to my tiny cam pro but, since I have all new Hiks I have not spent time, although Nayr has convinced me to keep on the VPn path but I cannot get the figured as of yet either. Not sure which is causing the effect little time or little brain power as I have a 4 year old and a busy life.
why are you using tinycam and opening ports for the cameras when you have BI? Just use the BI mobile app.
Still on version 3 BI and I know I need to contact for the upgrade. I have not heard great things about the app but I can't say I have read a lot into it. Perhaps when it first came out it got a bad reputation is it fully functional now?
Still on version 3 BI and I know I need to contact for the upgrade. I have not heard great things about the app but I can't say I have read a lot into it. Perhaps when it first came out it got a bad reputation is it fully functional now?

It has always been fully functional and fantastic..not sure where you got your info from..Its silly to use blue Iris without the app...recently users of bi3 had to upgrade to 4 to view alerts... You can still view recorded video using the apps clip view...using blue iris without the app is like putting economy tires on a Corvette..
It has always been fully functional and fantastic..not sure where you got your info from..Its silly to use blue Iris without the app...recently users of bi3 had to upgrade to 4 to view alerts... You can still view recorded video using the apps clip view...using blue iris without the app is like putting economy tires on a Corvette..

Well you might be correct but, those new tires might be Firestone's and remember what happened with those. I will be upgrading both but, I stopped the updates in v3 a ways back when I thought things were not updating for progress so it has functioned very well for years. I am now in a spot that with all the new 3mp cameras it runs Hot. Especially after you mentioned it does not use my video card which runs any game very well which I though odd the BI was running weak when they would be nothing compared to the on line games I played. Probably be upgrading this weekend as I am adding 3 new cameras and need better processing power which I hope V4 will provide. The app reviews are still not very favorable the last 6 weeks I just read but, again than may not be people running best of cameras or matching the programs as they should.
@Jack B Nimble The complaints are coming from pissed off cheap users who refuse to upgrade to v4..I have over 20 bi machines with over 50 users with no issues... The app is worth it for basic alert and video review alone ..aside from the many other functions it provides...really it makes no sense to use BI and not use the app. Its only 10 dollars.
There was nothing wrong with the Firestone's... It was the idiot end users who ran them underinflated... We see that type of behavior with blue iris users as well...users who setup BI wrong or use improper hardware then blame the software.
FYI bi4 will not provide a performance boost if not using quick sync (intel HD).
For me, after forwarding all ports, and selecting Notify Surveillance Centre, the alarms weren't working until I both rebooted the NVR set up email alerts too. No idea why.

But I've been generally having a lot of fun trying to get the Hikvision NVR (7608) to behave itself. I note that my firmware is 3.4.1, and according to others 3.4.2 is available but when I click update in the NVR config page it tells me I have the latest firmware. When viewing the NVR directly on a monitor, I can see Motion Detection and Line Crossing are working and recording these events, albeit incredibly sensitively! Ports are all forwarded as required, NAT turned off, and all ports can be seen from online.

That said, my problems have been as follows:

-Remote viewing worked from my mobile via the iVMS4500 android (added via HiDDNS), but regularly I would open the app, and the cams wouldn't be working and the connection seems to have been lost. So I'd go into Devices, select the NVR and click Start Live View and it all starts working again.

-Alarm notifications weren't working at all. I'd followed all the online guides, but nothing ever appeared, despite the NVR regularly flagging up detected motion. Following setting up email notifications too, and rebooting the system in the process, notifications have started coming through although it seems to be for every past event that I wasn't notified about, so will see if this actually starts working properly.

-On the notifications that I do receive, on the iVMS4500 HD app, if you click Live View or Remote Playback, nothing happens, nice little app bug. On the regular iVMS4500 app the buttons do take you to the correct part of the app at least.

-On the iVMS4500 app, when I click Remote Playback following an Alarm, it can't load the camera. The IP shown on the camera on that screen is my LAN IP, wondering if this the problem when I'm reviewing over the WAN?

-If I load Remote Viewing on my HiDDNS connected NVR it only seems to load the first day that I plugged the NVR in, and I can see the recordings from that day fine, but when I try and scroll forwards to other days (such as for a few mins ago when the alarm was triggered!) it just says playback finished and returned back to showing that first day.

If anybody else has experienced any of these problems and knows of the fix please let me know!!
It is a work around, not a fix, but I setup a fake contact on my iPhone, who has the cameras sending email address, and added this contact to my VIP list (built in iOS feature). Then I get a message+sound, when intrusion or line crossing events happen. You can also play with Outlook rules at your work etc. to get similar notifications.
However, ofcourse I cannot start playback directly from that.
by the way, is it neccesary to open port 554 rstp to get push working ?

It is not neccessary, you only need to open HTTP Port in order for push to get working
Open Ports for HTTP on both router and camera have to be the same 1:1
please follow this small tutorial I have made:
how to get iVMS-4500 Alarm Notifications working - https://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthrea...-to-get-iVMS-4500-Alarm-Notifications-working

I have noticed the following:
push notification messages to iVMS-4500 ARE WORKING:
Motion Detection
Line Crossing Detection
Intrusion Detection
for cameras DS-2CD2122FWD Cameras (1x FW 5.3.8 and 1x FW 5.4.0) both cameras are WR <- World/multilanguage

Line Crossing Detection
Intrusion Detection
for camera DS-2CD2532FWD FW V5.2.3 with serial number CH <- China

summary: Hikvision Chinese cameras (containing CH in the serial number) are sending PUSH NOTIFICATION for Motion Detection, but NOT sending PUSH NOTIFICATION for Line Crossing and Intrusion Detection
Email, FTP, works regardless

Hikvision cameras for World Region (containing WR in the serial number) are sending PUSH NOTIFICATION correctly

please state which Fimrware versions are you using, and does your serial number has WR or CH or something else:
Here's how to read Hikvision serial numbers - https://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthread.php/12569-Here-s-how-to-read-Hikvision-serial-numbers

so it is either Firmware version bug, or Hikvision Chinese cam version bug
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