That is exactly the two Q-See cams I have.
- The Dahua tool indeed can see both cams including a 'real' Dahua Cam.
- Clicking on the web link for the two Q-See cams pulls up [IP]:85 but it doesn't work (as expected as I tried that before)
- Using port 80, i.e. leaving out the port number also doesn't work for either of the two Q-See cams
- Using the web link for my Dahua camera works
- Trying to change the IP address doesn't work for the Q-See cam. I can see an orange exclamation mark showing up so I think it is re-initializing but even after refresh the page in the application, power cycle the cam and again refresh the application, restart the application it still shows the same IP.
Edit: Actually you can click on that exclamation mark. When I do so it says "Network error. Maybe timeout." I actually can connect to it in BI. I just want to put it on a static IP.