Any 12v 1.5A centre-positive power supply, widely available on eBay or even Amazon.Any idea what to use?
I try to unlock an intercom from hik DS-KV8102A from the Chinese market.
No - the brickfixV2 method is for R0 series cameras only - it is not for doorbells or door stations or for any other I will try the method "Brick-fix tool V2"
These are EN/ML files that will not work on a Chinese door station device. As you have discovered.I can attach the DIGICAP.DAV files from the device, but we can easily find them on the FTP hik europe.
No - the brickfixV2 method is for R0 series cameras only - it is not for doorbells or door stations or for any other series.
These are EN/ML files that will not work on a Chinese door station device. As you have discovered.
If the camera supports it - you need to be able to get to a command shell to issue the command.question: how do we activate this command "prtHardInfo shell".
alastair@PC-I5 ~ $ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
BusyBox v2.0.0-548754 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.
# prtHardInfo
Start at 2020-03-09 13:41:18
Serial NO :IPC-T2347G-LU20191006AAWRD68543108
V5.6.4 build 191224
NetProcess Version: 8.11.3 [09:37:40-Oct 31 2019]
Path: /Camera/Platform/Branches/branches_FSP_network_protocol/shizhi/FSP_network_protocol_chanpin_G1_V5.6.4
Last Changed Rev: 635684
Last Changed Date: 2019-10-30 15:51:14 +0800 (Wed, 30 Oct 2019)
Sec Version: 1.0.1 [16:47:42-Mar 20 2019]
Path: /Camera/Platform/Trunk/FSP_network_security
Last Changed Rev: 460994
Last Changed Date: 2018-11-09 14:26:28 +0800 (Fri, 09 Nov 2018)
Db Encrypt Version: 131072
hardwareVersion = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 1
decodeChans = 1
alarmInNums = 0
alarmOutNums = 0
ataCtrlNums = 0
flashChipNums = 0
rms = 0x200
networksNums = 1
language = 1
devType = 0x26006
net reboot count = 0
vi_type = 62
hardwareType = 1
firmwareCode = 0000000200000100000000010c91bc6f000000010000000100000002ffffffff0506000400130c1800026006
Path: /Camera/Platform/Branches/branches_frontend_software_platform/IPC_develop_branch/ipc_baseline/baseline_V5.6.0_IPC
Last Changed Rev: 671597
Last Changed Date: 2019-12-23 16:58:14 +0800 (Mon, 23 Dec 2019)
Yes that's correct, the prtHardInfo command is also available via the serial console.I saw on a forum that one could use this command while passing by "PUTTY"
5.4.5 upgrade works now!!!
Time to sleep!...
Very good!I have used it on 7 cameras sucessfully
There is a single valid instance of the probe / response handshake in packets 533/534 - but no follow-on seen.Here is the wireshark capture in case anyone can make sense of that.
Also - if the camera isn't currently bricked, you should be able to use the web GUI as normal to do a firmware update using the brickfixV2 firmware (probably the EN header version), via the maintenance menu with the PC IP address as there any other way to unbrick?
The firmware is being downloaded then rejected as being invalid for the device.brickfixV2CH loading: "Completed file [D: \ tftpserv \ tftpserv \ digicap.dav] transmit"
as when I load a firmware;
I never have the indication: "System update complete"
No - the brickfixV2 method is for R0 series cameras only - it is not for doorbells or door stations or for any other series.
but no follow-on seen.
Which is a bit odd.
Presumably the brickfixV2 digicap.dav is still in the tftpserve.exe folder.
A bit of a long shot, for no real reason - your PC is extremely chatty on IPv6 - maybe temporarily disable IPv6 and see if that changes anything.
Also - if the camera isn't currently bricked, you should be able to use the web GUI as normal to do a firmware update using the brickfixV2 firmware (probably the EN header version), via the maintenance menu with the PC IP address as normal.
Then after the update is complete, change the PC IP address to and proceed to Stage 2.
That is odd.turned off ipv6 - similar result - just the "test tftpservier"
Thanks - that is what I was worried about...That is odd.
The initial handshake is normal - the tftp updater responds, but then no follow-on from the camera.
There is the tftp updater clone, by Scott Lamb, but this has only been useful when the digicap.dav file exceeds 32MB, which is not the case here.
GitHub - scottlamb/hikvision-tftpd: Unbrick a Hikvision device (NVR or camera) via TFTP
Unbrick a Hikvision device (NVR or camera) via TFTP - scottlamb/
I suspect if you want to spend the time to explore this further, it will have to be via the serial console.