Raspbery Pi2 Camera Monitor w/Rpisurv

Ive tested them all, they all work, here is what I had. I may or may not have changed the admin password...

essentials: #These are the rtsp streams you want the program to display #The streams will be displayed in the order you present them here
#Dlink dcs-5222l example
- "rtsp://admin:12345@"
- "rtps://admin:12345@"
- "rtps://admin:12345@"

#How many columns you want the program to use, it will autocalculate the amount of row needed based on the resolution of your screen
nr_of_columns: "2"

#!!!Normal users do not need to edit this section!!!
##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed width of all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available height, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_width: 500

##Enable this option if you want to have a fixed height for all your camera streams,
##By default rpisurv autocalculates this value, this can cause streams to get "stretched",
##if this value exceeds the available height, rpisurv will fallback to autocalculation
#fixed_height: 500

#These are fallbacks if autodection fails;
#Normally you do not need to configure these
width: "1920"
height: "1080"
typos, look again very closely :)

hint: its rtsp, not rtps
Damn, now I know why I never did do well in that statement analysis class... :) Will try it out immediately.
Ok @nayr that worked great,

now the dang monitor keeps turning on and off with it, I am going to try to put 4 cameras on it instead of 3 and see if it changes it

How do I turn off the wifi because I think it may be running off of wifi also.
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@pal251, glad you got it to work. Now you have the same problem I do with the screen going off & on. I found on mine that after 10 minutes it locks in. Every reboot takes 10 minutes then it is ok.

To see if your wifi is connected type the following:

ipconfig -a
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@pal251, glad you got it to work. Now you have the same problem I do with the screen going off & on. I found on mine that after 10 minutes it locks in. Every reboot takes 10 minutes then it is ok.

To see if your wifi is connected type the following:

ipconfig -a

I turned off my wifi and it still does it. I have a 28 inch 4k monitor so I wonder if it's just a oddball resolution for it. The pi says something about unexpected resolution when i start the program
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I turned off my wifi and it still does it. I have a 28 inch 4k monitor so I wonder if it's just a oddball resolution for it. The pi says something about unexpected resolution when i start the program

I have found that with 3 streams it is ok but as soon as I add a 4th the blanking starts.

As far as the resolution you could try editing the /boot/config.txt and change the framesbuffer_width and framesbuffer_height to match your monitor.
have you bumped up the video memory? you have to have ~128MB allocated at least once you get more htan a couple streams
I thought I bumped it to 512. I'll double check it

- - - Updated - - -

How do I figure out the resolution of the monitor , it looks fine when I'm in windows portion of linux
fbset -s

​and free will list memory usage, total should be 1GB - Video Memory.. so if you have 512M set to video memory you should see 512M of ram avilable.
I have512 mb free to gpu.

I will try to make my cameras fixed, my resolutio is 1824x984
ok, when I am in xwindows the monitor is at 1920x1080 but when I'm in the terminal its in the other resolution.

Is that the problem you think? When I try any of the fixed camera sizes it wont even load at all.
might have to play with the overscan settings in the config.txt, it sounds like its got a big overscan and thats lowering your console resolution.
Ok I did the reolution test in the actual console vs ssh into it and it gave me the 1920x1080 for both console and x windows

I put just two cameras up with autoconfig ran fine. Only setting I saw in rasp configuration was over scan on or off

I assume I must delve in furthrr
So if the console resolution is good at 1920 x 1080, any other ideas? Is there a way to more permanently turning.off the wifi to make sure I'm not using it. I turned it off with ifconfig I believe but it turns back on with reboot.

It did have a fail to.connect to tv service error though
uncomment the following in /boot/config.txt

​it should always route over wired if both are avilable..
kinda depends on how you set it up, traditionally I suppose:
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

then find the
auto wlan0

and put a # infront to disable it.

#auto wlan0

Doubt it's the wifi causing screen to blank out, I need to try a different monitor if I had one...