

Young grasshopper
Dec 2, 2015
Hey guys new to this forum. So I just purchased two rlc410 ip cameras. So far they are performing great my only concern is the lag they produce maybe my old pc? Can anyone give me some advice as to why buyers go with hikvision at lower 3 or 2mp vs reolink at 4mp?

The rlc410 is new... The specs looks fine, it's just new and not much known about yet on it... Supported by Blue Iris, so it most likely going to work fine.

Is the
rlc410 a rebranded camera? Post a photo of the web interface...

I'de like to see a review...

Screenshot_2015-12-02-19-59-00.png this is the app view with the two cams. Can anyone answer why when streaming live through my,phone I have almost no lag, but on the pc I do?
From looking at the image from above what can you tell about the quality of the camera? I know its just an image but thought I'd ask
From looking at the image from above what can you tell about the quality of the camera? I know its just an image but thought I'd ask
that image is need to post a full size image..better yet a video..any camera can look good on a still...
Quality looks normal, but it's hard to tell... really need a video to see how the camera handles IR of people walking in front of the camera...
When using blue iris, cpu is maxed and glitches in screen. When using reolink client software when cars pass by they look like the disappear then rear appear at a different,location. Like the pc is trying to catch up. The videos I see of hikvision cameras are smooth while I haven't been able to replicate this smoothness on my cameras?
When using blue iris, cpu is maxed and glitches in screen. When using reolink client software when cars pass by they look like the disappear then rear appear at a different,location. Like the pc is trying to catch up. The videos I see of hikvision cameras are smooth while I haven't been able to replicate this smoothness on my cameras?
if you cpu is anywhere near maxed then yes. That is your problem. Have you set blue iris to record direct to disk for each camera? This is a must.
Also match the cameras iframe interval to the frame rate.
Maxing the cpu will cause blue iris have recording and playback issues.
Also with the hikvision turret camera , what would make this this style better over a normal dome style?
CPU maxed is a problem... What model PC?

When using blue iris, cpu is maxed and glitches in screen. When using reolink client software when cars pass by they look like the disappear then rear appear at a different,location. Like the pc is trying to catch up. The videos I see of hikvision cameras are smooth while I haven't been able to replicate this smoothness on my cameras?
It's a custom pc I made like 7 or 8 years ago. I have 3 screens with a lower end video card coming out of it as well. Amd processor. Will get specs on the build
So if not using blue iris as it requires an i7 to function properly what else can I do for a overall better stream and or playback?
Blue iris does not require an varies by total load.
See my above post about direct to disk.
How many cameras are you running and what resolution? What are your pc specs?
7-8 years old AMD pc is not going to handle many cams before you see issues like the ones that you are seeing. A $300 I5 SFF desktop can handle 7-10 cams depending on setup.

It's a custom pc I made like 7 or 8 years ago. I have 3 screens with a lower end video card coming out of it as well. Amd processor. Will get specs on the build
Like dale says, that wont work. Particularly with the 4mp cameras...
Are you running direct to disk???