Young grasshopper
- Jul 16, 2015
- 30
- 0
The camera chip delivers 720p native. All other resolutions have to be scaled down. This is done to save bandwidth on network. It shouldn't be a problem to take the snapshot from native stream.
Here are some answers to recent questions here from the manufacturer of these Network IP Camera boards/cameras
Why is Wi-Fi failing when upgrading hardware version 6510 of these Network IP Boards/Cameras to the latest firmware versions?
The 6510 hardware version never officially supported Wi-Fi and therefore the newer firmware no longer contains any Wi-Fi drivers.
My notes: I think this might also be related to FCC part 15 certification requirements, here in the U.S. as another reason why formal Wi-Fi support was dropped for the 6510 hardware version of these Network IP Boards/Cameras.
I say this because there are two ways to certify Wi-Fi equipment under FCC part 15 ("In the U.S."). As a system or as component. But one or the other certification by the FCC must take place in the U.S. prior to being allowed to sell said equipment in the U.S.
I don't think the manufacturer ever formally certified the 6510 Network IP Board/Camera and a RT3070 Wi-Fi daughter board with antenna as a system nor do I think that the RT3070 Wi-Fi daughter boards being used with the 6510 Network IP Board/Cameras were ever FCC certified alone as a component. More details about FCC part 15 certification:
Here is a link to the last working firmware version that does support Wi-Fi for the 6510 hardware version of these Network IP boards and cameras:
Any 6510 hardware version Network IP Board/Camera can upgrade to the most current version of firmware but you will lose any Wi-Fi ability by doing so. Currently one can downgrade to the last version that supports Wi-Fi ("See link above") but this may not always be the case in the future.
Personally, as time moves forward. I would worry about compatibility issues with CMS, VMS and other utilities supplied by the manufacturer, if one remains on the last working Wi-Fi firmware, for a long period of time.
Why when I use Alarm Input to get images sent via FTP am I getting two images per alarm vs. one image per alarm?
The Network IP Boards/Cameras send one image when the alarm period starts and one image when the alarm period ends when Alarm Input takes place.
When will the Network IP boards and cameras support pulling snapshots using a URL like http://mycamera/snapshot?
There are no plans to support this feature
It shouldn't be a problem to take the snapshot from native stream.
Do you have any information about the protocol? I would be interested in extracting JPG images from the stream
Hello, this is correct. Please see this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Roy Cormier - roy@roycormier.net - 04/01/2015
# This script will trigger a motion alarm on the camera
# Usage: ./filename.py <ip address>
import getpass
import sys
import telnetlib
host = sys.argv[1]
user = "put your username here"
password = "put your password here"
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host,"9527")
while cont<1:
response = tn.read_until("name:", timeout=3)
print response
except EOFError as e:
print "Connection closed: %s" % e
if "name:" in response:
tn.write(user + "\n")
print "Sent username "+ user
tn.write(password + "\n")
print "Sent password *"
if "admin$" in response: #already logged in
print "Already logged in"
if attempts > 5:
while cont<1:
response = tn.read_until("admin$ ", timeout=3)
print response
except EOFError as e:
print "Connection closed: %s" % e
if "admin$" in response: #already logged in
print "Succesfully logged in"
print "triggering motion alarm"
tn.write("alarm -t m\n")
print "Failed."
print "Logged out"
As a Windows user, I was forced to use Internet Exploder to execute the ActiveX (who in this day and age uses it and WHY?!?) maintenance routines. I also found the (again, Windows tool, but GNU license) OnVif Device Manager (ODM) tool to be quite helpful.
1. Nope, no buzzing noise from my Hi3518 camera module, but the processor chip certainly could use a heat-sink to dissipate that heat.
5. It's a drop-down that's only displayed in Internet Explorer, in the upper right-hand corner. It doesn't show up in Firefox at all.
6. I encountered the same strange reaction to the 'shell' command as you observed. Had to reboot the device to exit.![]()
If you intend to use a Chrome browser, then you will need to enable NPAPI plugins first.
Once you have installed Apples Quicktime media player. You need to use this URL for non IE based browsers that will only be able to access this IP Cameras video streams:
The above will simply use the Quicktime media player in HTML with RTSP.
One could review the HTML source code of Login.htm and modify a version to instead use VLC or ffmpeg or other media players as well.
I gave up my telnet attempts, and first tried the Onvif Device Manager in a Virtual Box setup. It managed to talk with the device, but I couldn't do much. Tried to change timezone & time, without succeeding. I eventually gave up on that too, and went down the ActiveX road. Now I've got the IP changed, and time setup etc.You can use the manufactures CMS and VMS application ("On Windows systems") which coincidentally both use the ActiveX interface internally for what's called remote configuration with the cameras which show the same configuration screens as IE ("Internet Explorer") does when you access the cameras configuration settings.
The issue really is that the manufacturer uses a proprietary interface. Even their live video is a proprietary format when not accessing video from the camera using RTSP.
Because the cameras currently don't support any CGI like URL capabilities. There currently are no methods to use other Operating Systems if the manufacturer has not provided a application for it, like they do for iOS and Android. The manufacturer does have a SDK, but it also seems more geared toward Windows than any other Operating Systems.
Note: I do have a developers .zip file which I put together, that includes the manufacturers Windows .NET SDK for their cameras here: