Safari plugin for Dahua IPCs.

Yea....I'm done. Maybe Dahua is working new 64bit Mac plugins. Who knows. Only thing that works is Chrome NCL app.
Wife has a old macbook air also. Tried it on hers with the plugin from the cam. She runs 11.03 Safari but an older OS El Capitan. Works.
Wife has a old macbook air also. Tried it on hers with the plugin from the cam. She runs 11.03 Safari but an older OS El Capitan. Works.
The machine I got it working on was running Sierra not high Sierra but I got it to work in both Safari and Firefox ESR 52.
The more I read about High Sierra the more I should have stayed Sierra. It seems Apple as well as app developers want to control how you use the equipment you purchased and limit the capability to "make your experience better". Makes me want to build a Linux box.
I have got it to work by deleting all /library/internet plug-ins and reinstalling the web plugin from one of Dahuas sites from another country. It has a later date by a few months than all the other ones. All cams work except for the two 8mp cams. All others are china hacks or international versions from Andy. For the most part I can do everything as normal......I do get a random plugin failure every now and again.

Could it be coincidental that the two 8mp cams fail and all others that work are 4mp and lower?


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I feel that the NVR is refreshing IVS settings from the cams and they become IVS settings in the NVR. Like a double IVS setting. I am getting two notifications per IVS trigger. I have disabled all IVS in the cams themselves. Just placed a IVS setting from the NVR on the same cam. I am going to see if the NVR and the cam settings are independant of one another. It kinda seems that way. Ill check when I get back to my mac. Im currently on a linux distro.
Well it crashes if I set up ivs on the nvr and try to login via web to cam. The ivs display disable is not sticky and I can't move that fast to do it at login.
When I run my cams in h.264 the mac plugins work fine. Since I am running h.265 - no luck with the plugins. Any chance you switched encoding?
It's completely pinned down to if IVS is on or off. Absolutely no plugin failures on any cam if the IVS is off. The second it's on, fail.
Screw it. Bought a refurb off lease Dell. There are great prices on returned leases. i7, 16 gig, 128gig ssd for $300.00. I want to run, hate I say it, "Windows" versions of SmartPSS, config tools, etc. I have not had a Windows box in over 10 years. Only Mac OS and Linux. I will dual boot it Windows 10 Pro and Debian. It came with a Windows 10 Pro product number.
Deleting previously installed plug-ins, restarting Safari, installing the plug-in version from post 26 in this thread Safari plugin for Dahua IPCs. and setting to h.264 finally got me to see a feed on my mac.

Thanks @GSMarquis !
Thank you for this. I plan to get a few Dahua IPC-HFW8232E-Z 2MP cameras for my residence. Can you please share what NVR device you use with your mac and safari in the way you described?

Thank you in advance.

I first started down the route of a using a Reolink system but found the NVR to be a poor interface. I just hooked a monitor straight to the NVR when I tested this setup. I then went to a Costco sold Lorex system with I believe the LNR6108-N - 1x 8 port POE NVR. Again, I found the NVR to be a poor interface. Maybe my expectations are just too high?

I also tested running BlueIris on a windows PC and this is the path I've ultimately settled on so, unfortunately, I don't have a current implementation that I'm running on mac/safari.

I'm not a fan of Safari. I typically use Chrome, then Firefox, then Safari in order of preference. In fact, I recently got a new laptop and haven't even tried to access a camera on my new laptop because I ended up buying an HP ProDesk G3 microtower and am running BlueIris on it.

Generally, I've defaulted to using the Native Client (NaCL) Web Plug-in for Chrome if I want to connect directly to a camera.
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Hi Tkinkade,
Thank you for your reply and for the information. It looks like somewhere along the road of using a Mac and SMARTPSS software to communicate with an NVR to view the recordings on a mac and/or using the plugins on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari I'm going to run into roadblocks of some kind. So, I'm considering using an old ASUS Notebook N53SV Series laptop with Windows 7 instead of a Mac. I'm just concerned that the onboard 8 GB of RAM and INTEL CORE i7-2630QM CPU @ 2 GHz may not be enough for efficient enough processing for the two Dahua IPC-HFW8232E-Z 2MP cameras I plan to install. The ASUS only has an HDD drive and not a hybrid SDD/HDD drive which would be better. I'm hoping it's straightforward enough to switch out the old HD drive with a hybrid SDD/HDD drive into the likely one slot available. If this will likely work, what is the minimum amount of SDD memory and HDD memory I need for this computer to run BlueIris on it? Also, with respect to the 2 GHz processor, will that be enough?

As I think about setting up the cameras with my laptop running Windows 7, I'm wondering what running BlueIris on your windows PC accomplishes that "using the Native Client (NaCL) Web Plug-in for Chrome" doesn't accomplish and vice versa.

Thank you,


I first started down the route of a using a Reolink system but found the NVR to be a poor interface. I just hooked a monitor straight to the NVR when I tested this setup. I then went to a Costco sold Lorex system with I believe the LNR6108-N - 1x 8 port POE NVR. Again, I found the NVR to be a poor interface. Maybe my expectations are just too high?

I also tested running BlueIris on a windows PC and this is the path I've ultimately settled on so, unfortunately, I don't have a current implementation that I'm running on mac/safari.

I'm not a fan of Safari. I typically use Chrome, then Firefox, then Safari in order of preference. In fact, I recently got a new laptop and haven't even tried to access a camera on my new laptop because I ended up buying an HP ProDesk G3 microtower and am running BlueIris on it.

Generally, I've defaulted to using the Native Client (NaCL) Web Plug-in for Chrome if I want to connect directly to a camera.