Hi, folks.
First, thanks to
@jaydeel for his excellent presentation, continuing guidance and patience of a saint throughout this thread. Additional thanks to all the other contributors as well.
Like many, I ended up here as a result of my otherwise perfectly functioning MMS alerts through Gmail/Verizon just taking a dump one day and never rebounding.
My needs were quite modest compared to everyone else's here. Alerts from one zone of one camera handling the ingress/egress at my driveway entrance. I simply needed a fast and reliable alternative to the setup that had been flawless for a couple of years.
I read the entire 28 page thread, many specific areas several times, and a working solution still eluded me. Tried everything suggested hoping to get
anything to work. It all seemed way too complicated just to receive a single alert image from a simple trigger. No AI, no LPR, no storage manipulation or secret tricks, no anything except a 12 pixel zone across the entrance of my driveway.
See section
Testing using the Windows Command Prompt in
post #1.
Hell, I tried everything else
except this. When all else fails....
It threw a User Auth error right out of the gate. Double and triple checked what I received from Pushover and everything seemed correct. What I didn't realize was that the actual API app token
still needed to be created separately. I had confused the user key with being the API token and the assigned email info as the user key. What can I say? I should have read the API overview more thoroughly as well. Yeah. Dumb ass.
Up and running now in the most basic configuration possible -- just a single alert image push. Some fine tuning should smooth out occasional double triggers and hopefully some surprisingly random delay times in the alerts. Overall though, I'm happy with it.
I spent quite a bit of time looking for this particular configuration among all the concerns about excessive storage problems, phantom alerts that disappeared after being processed, no jpgs, too many jpgs, triggers stepping on one another negating alerts, even questions about how to just push a basic image similar to an email or SMS method (but faster) that never seemed to generate any traction toward a simple answer.
So for anyone else looking for the most basic ground floor method of using the Pushover API with curl to simply replace email attachments or MMS alerts, this is it. The bells and whistles and additional creative elaboration basically need this foundation for starters anyway. Start simple. It'll get complicated soon enough on its own. LOL
Important note: The bare bones approach to this particular trigger setup is derived from a clone of my driveway camera exclusively for the purpose. The main camera handles the general motion detection and event recording, hence no recording configuration below. It isn't necessary to generate a single alert jpg.
-s --form-string "token=
" --form-string "user=*" --form-string "message=YOUR_TEXT_HERE" - F "attachment=@D:\
I just added the extra two minutes onto the trigger before posting this hoping it may possibly eliminate the extra alerts or maybe somehow assist the Motion Sensor Break Time and Alert Duration settings.
I'm also interested in how changing the default macro above may also assist in eliminating dual alerts -- presumably from a trigger on either side of the 1:00:00 mark as was discussed early on in the thread. And if that's indeed a reasonable consideration, how would the corresponding curl entry look? (Unless lengthening the time effectively does the same thing in such a simple example?)
Again, mega thanks to
@jaydeel and everyone else who contributed here.
This was quite an exercise for me, but I learned a lot. And if it weren't fun...!