Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

Kind of surprised no one else is reporting this issue.

I don't see a "wait until process finished" option. I'm on which is the last version that officially supports DeepStack. Or is there a curl command line option?
As am I.

I think Ken added the "wait until process finished" option after I reported possible concurrency issues with multiple ‘Write to a file’ Actions trying to write to the same file. I’m not sure when the option was added.

I’m not aware of a curl command line option.
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UPDATE: I am NOT seeing a failure of macro &ALERT_DB to expand.
I did not actually test this until today. I long-ago switched over to using my bi_gif_tool instead of the pushover curl Action.
Today, I re-enabled the pushover curl Action. I tried it as both the first action and last Action in the Action Set. No difference.

I'm running BI version
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Thanks for checking. This issue happens perhaps once per day for any of the various alerts from 10 different cams. Most of the time there is not issue at all. Just the occasional error.

Are you saying there is a better way now to do the pushover notifications?
Are you saying there is a better way now to do the pushover notifications?
Using GIFs instead of JPG images is a personal choice.

I prefer the GIFs for reason stated in this post.

I've been using my BI_gif_tool.ps1 script since Jun 2022. A search of my Blue Iris logfiles says it has been executed as a Blue Iris Action almost 3000 times. As far as I can tell, the Pushover API has rejected only 1 of these.

Compared to this Pushover Curl thread, community response to my BI_gif_tool thread has been underwhelming, surprising me a bit. Perhaps its apparent complexity and requirement for DAT files is the reason why. (EDIT 11/18/24; as of V2, DAT files are no longer required.)

Regardless, I'm about to post a significant update soon (V2).

Here's a sample screen recording from my device.
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Hi everyone. Please help. Ha. I have this weird instance where if I run the:

-s --form-string "token=REDACTED" --form-string "user=REDACTED" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&LAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>" --form-string "html=1" --form-string "device=YOUR_PUSHOVER_DEVICE_NAME(S)_HERE" --form-string "sound=YOUR_PUSHOVER_SOUND_HERE" -F "attachment=@A:\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH"

in cmd using curl.exe and modifying the path -F "attachment=@A:\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH" to one of the .jgp files in the alerts folder the notification comes through perfectly, but when I load the configuration above in Blue Iris as an action upon trigger nothing happens:

You say "upon trigger"... are you walking outside and triggering the alert, or using the "test" in the BI \Alerts page? The "Test" may not work for this...
Any tips on how I can move past this? I really can't figure out how to get that push notification to make it through :(
You could try this to capture the actual Pushover API command in a *.txt file for inspection

Maybe it will reveal some stray whitespace in the command, or a macro that is not resolving.
Compared to this Pushover Curl thread, community response to my BI_gif_tool thread has been underwhelming, surprising me a bit. Perhaps its apparent complexity and requirement for DAT files is the reason why.

Regardless, I'm about to post a significant update soon (V2).
Yes, the complexity is slightly daunting, as well as (a perhaps unjustified) fear of delayed notifications, but I am curious enough to hopefully try this out sometime soon, perhaps after you release the upgraded V2 script set. Will that simplify the setup steps, or just expand the flexibility/options?
Yes, the complexity is slightly daunting, as well as (a perhaps unjustified) fear of delayed notifications, but I am curious enough to hopefully try this out sometime soon, perhaps after you release the upgraded V2 script set. Will that simplify the setup steps, or just expand the flexibility/options?
I fully understand.

I don't really notice the delay - I use DAT files. The average make time runs about 3 seconds.
Here a chart showing the make time for 1,122 GIFs from 2023-07-09 to 2023-10-28. The vertical axis is milliseconds. The avg±sdev is 3.2 ±1.1 sec.


Beside bug fixes and the like, the new version will include the following:
  1. NEW: added support for use of non-default file patterns in the Blue Iris Settings > Record tab
  2. NEW: script now supports multiple Blue Iris 'New' folders; see new user-setting '$bi_new_folder_paths'
  3. NEW: added argument -Latest (use only w/ -Camera); makes GIF from the most recent alert
Truth in advertising is that the total delay using the gif_tool is about 5 seconds. The Pushover API adds another 1-2 sec or so.

Compare this to the Blue Iris Curl action which probably takes the same 1-2 seconds.

Also worth noting that the GIF files are smaller than hi-res JPG attachments (my GIFs average 480 MB for 10 frames). However the image attachments sent via the &ALERT_PATH macro appear to from much smaller substream images (if the camera is dual-stream).
Still, very cool. Great job!
Truth in advertising is that the total delay using the gif_tool is about 5 seconds. The Pushover API adds another 1-2 sec or so.

Compare this to the Blue Iris Curl action which probably takes the same 1-2 seconds.

Also worth noting that the GIF files are smaller than hi-res JPG attachments (my GIFs average 480 MB for 10 frames). However the image attachments sent via the &ALERT_PATH macro appear to from much smaller substream images (if the camera is dual-stream).
In that case im only paying half;)
The problem i have is the layout of blueiris i'm using is different from the one shown here. i am currently using the demo to make sure if i want to keep it but i tried your script and got absolutely nothing at all. i tried the usual email way and it works but with a 20-30 second delay. that is with a setting using the record to substream+ alerts and i dont have the use mainstream if available enabled under ai. I'm almost at my wits end tbh. Has anything changed since you originally wrote the script? i've also done some reading and a lot of people aren't liking codeproject saying it's not always reliable.

Any possible help is much appriciated. I'm using reolink cameras and used setup guide by the hook up on YT. The cameras record and what not it's just so dang slow for pushover so thats what led me here but after all attempts the script returns nothing at all from pushover. i used the api and user key in the set up of it etc. Obviously i'm doing something wrong or this new version of blueiris is crap lol. Like literally every tutorial i've found shows a different layout altogether for blueiris. Why would they move settings around and put on different tabs it's mind numbing.